[History: Tribal Resolution #23-41.3535, enacted by Tribal Council in Special Session March 29, 2023.]
Employee. The term 'employee' means a person employed on a full-time basis at a designated Department of GTB.
Department. The term "Department of GTB" means an entity established by the Council to effect the delivery of services to tribal members.
Remote Work. The term 'remote work' or 'remote working' refers to a work flexibility arrangement under which an employee:
Performs the duties and responsibilities of such employee's position, and other authorized activities, from an approved worksite other than the location from which the employee would otherwise work.
[History: Tribal Resolution #23-41.3535, enacted by Tribal Council in Special Session March 29, 2023.]
In General. Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this chapter, the head of each Department shall:
Establish a policy under which eligible employees of the agency may be authorized to remote work; and
Determine the eligibility for all employees of the Department; and
Notify all employees of the Department of their eligibility to remote work.
Limitation. An employee may not remote work under a policy established under this section if:
The employee has been officially disciplined for being absent without permission for more than two days in any calendar year; or
The employee has been officially disciplined for lack of performance under the current personnel policy in any review of the employee's work by a department manager.
Participation. The policy described under subsection [§ 902(a)] shall:
Ensure that remote work does not diminish employee performance or department operations; and
Require a written agreement entitled "Remote Work Agreement" that:
Is entered into between a department manager and an employee authorized to remote work, that outlines the specific work arrangement that is agreed to; and
Is mandatory for any employee to participate in remote work.
Provide that an employee may not be authorized to remote work if the performance of that employee does not comply with the terms of the written agreement between the department manager and that employee.
Providing that in a declared emergency as determined by the Tribal Manager, and as confirmed by Council motion of concurrence of the declared emergency, this § 902(c) shall not apply to any employee of the department whose official duties are require daily (every workday) such as:
Direct handling of secure materials determined to be inappropriate for remote work by the Department head; or
On-site activity that cannot be handled remotely or at an alternate worksite; and
Be incorporated as part of the continuity of operations plans of the Department in the event of a declared emergency.
[History: Tribal Resolution #23-41.3535, enacted by Tribal Council in Special Session March 29, 2023.]
In General. The Head of each Tribal Department, with the assistance of the Tribal Human Resources Department shall ensure that:
An interactive remote work training program is provided to:
Employees eligible to participate in the remote program of the department; and
All managers of remote workers.
Remote workers and non-remote workers are treated the same for purposes of:
Periodic appraisals of job performance of employees; and
Training, rewarding, reassigning, promoting, reducing in grade, retaining, and removing employees; and
Work requirements; and
Other acts involving managerial discretion as established in the current Tribal Council approved Personnel Policy.
When determining what constitutes diminished employee performance, the department manager shall consult the performance management guidelines of the Council approved Personnel Policy.
[History: Tribal Resolution #23-41.3535, enacted by Tribal Council in Special Session March 29, 2023.]
Department Consultation With The Human Resources Office. Each Department shall consult with the Human Resources Department Office in developing remote work policies.
Guidance And Consultation. The Human Resources Department Office shall:
Provide policy and policy guidance for remote work in the areas of pay and leave, department closure, performance management, official worksite, recruitment, and retention, and accommodations for employees with disabilities; and
Assist each department in establishing appropriate qualitative and quantitative measures and remote work goals; and
Consult with:
The GTB Tribal Emergency Management personnel on policy and policy guidance for remote work in the areas of continuation of operations and long-term emergencies; and
The GTB Office of Management and Budget and Grand Traverse Band Information Technology Department on policy and policy guidance for remote work in the areas of travel, technology, equipment, and dependent care.
Security Guidelines.
In General. The GTB Legal Department Manager in coordination with the Tribal Managers Office and Human Resources Department and the GTB Information Technology Department shall issue guidelines not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this chapter to ensure the adequacy of information and security protections for information and information systems used while remote working.
Contents. Guidelines issued under this subsection shall, at a minimum, include requirements necessary to:
Control access to department information and information systems; and
Protect department information (including personally identifiable information) and information systems;
Limit the introduction of vulnerabilities;
Protect information systems not under the control of the department that are used for remote working;
Safeguard wireless and other telecommunications capabilities that are used for remote working; and
Prevent inappropriate use of official time or resources that violate Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Department.
Policy Guidance On Purchasing Computer Systems. Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this chapter, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall issue policy guidance requiring each Department when purchasing computer systems, to purchase computer systems that enable and support remote work, unless the head of the agency determines that there is a mission-specific reason not to do so.
[History: Tribal Resolution #23-41.3535, enacted by Tribal Council in Special Session March 29, 2023.]
Designation. The Head of each Tribal Department shall be designated as the Remote Work Manager for that department. The Remote Work Manager shall have the following functions:
Duties. The Remote Work Manager shall:
Develop internal department procedure and implementation related to agency remote work standards and policies of that Department's unique requirements; and
Serve as:
An advisor for to the GTB Human Resources Department; and
A resource for managers and employees; and
A primary department point of contact for the GTB Human Resources Department on remote work matters.
Perform other duties as the Tribal Council may delegate by specific motion in relation to remote work standards and duties of that specific department.
Status Within Department. The Remote Work Managing Officer of a Tribal Department shall be a senior official of the Department who has direct access to the Tribal Managers Office.
[History: Tribal Resolution #23-41.3535, enacted by Tribal Council in Special Session March 29, 2023.]
Reports By The Office Of GTB Human Resources Department.
Submission Of Reports. Not later than six months after the date of enactment of this chapter and on an annual basis thereafter, the Manager of the Human Resources Office in consultation with the Tribal Manager's office shall:
Submit a report addressing the remote work programs of each Department to the Tribal Council for administrative and policy review by the Council to amend or enact further ordinance based on the report.
Contents. The report submitted under this subsection shall include:
The degree of participation by employees of each Department in remote work during the period covered by the report (and for each department whose head is referred to under § 905), the degree of participation of each department including:
The total number of employees in the department;
The number of employees in the department who are eligible for remote work; and
The number and percent of eligible employees in the department who are remote working;
Three or more days per pay period;
One or two days per pay period;
Once per month; and
On an occasional, episodic, or short-term basis;
The method for gathering remote work data in each department;
If the total number of employees remote working is 10% higher or lower than the previous month in any department and the reasons for the positive or negative variation;
The department goal for increasing participation to the extent practicable or necessary for the next reporting period, as indicated by the percent of eligible employees remote working in each frequency category described under § 906(2)(A)(iii);
An explanation of whether the department met the goals for the last reporting period and, if not, what actions are being taken to identify and eliminate barriers to maximizing remote work opportunities for the next reporting period;
An assessment of the progress each department has made in meeting agency participation rate goals during the reporting period, and other agency goals relating to remote work, such as the impact of remote work on:
Emergency readiness;
Energy use;
Recruitment and retention;
Productivity; and
Employee attitudes and opinions regarding remote work; and
The best practices in department remote work programs.
Remote work program report.
In General. Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Chapter and on an annual basis thereafter, the Tribal Manager and Human Resources Manager shall submit a report addressing the remote work program to the Tribal Council.
Report To Tribal Council On Office Of Human Resources Personnel Management Report. Not later than six months after the submission of the first report to the Tribal Council required under this section, the Tribal Manager shall review that report required and submit an additional report to the Council on the progress each department has made towards the goals established under the remote work chapter.
Review and Inclusion Of Relevant Information. The Tribal Manager and Human Resources Manager of GTB shall review the reports and material submitted by department heads related to remote work for their respective departments; and
Include relevant information from the submitted reports in the annual report to Council required under § 906(b)(2)(a); and
Use that relevant information for other purposes related to the strategic management of human capital; and
Prepare a set of recommendations from the Tribal Managers Office on whether to modify, amend, or end any provision of the remote work chapter.
[History: Tribal Resolution #23-41.3535, enacted by Tribal Council in Special Session March 29, 2023.]
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the GTB Office and Management and Budget (GTB OMB) shall establish a review program which addresses and determines what expenses and claims may be payable through the proper disbursing official and any necessary travel expenses in lieu of any payment otherwise authorized or required under this chapter for employees participating in a remote work program. Under an approved review program, the GTB OMB may provide an employee with the option to waive any payment authorized or required under this chapter.
A department head shall include in any request to the GTB OMB for approval of such a review program an analysis of the expected costs and benefits and a set of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the program.
Any review program conducted under this section shall be designed to enhance cost savings or other efficiencies that accrue to the Tribal Government.
Under any review program, if a department employee voluntarily relocates from the pre-existing duty station of that employee, the GTB OMB may authorize the employing department to establish a reasonable maximum number of occasional visits to the preexisting duty station before that employee is eligible for payment of any accrued travel expenses by that department.
The department head who promotes a flexible duty station shall submit a year-end report which includes:
The number of visits an employee makes to the preexisting duty station of that employee;
The travel expenses paid by the department;
The travel expenses paid by the employee; or
Any other information the department manager determines useful to aid the Tribal Manager, Remote Work Managing Officer, Human Resources Department and GTB OMB and Council in understanding the department program and the impact of the program.
The test program under this subsection shall be designed to enhance cost savings or other efficiencies that accrue to the Tribal Government.