In all cases, if an environmental impact report is required pursuant to the procedure established for making an environmental assessment of a project or activity, any application for a permit, right, privilege, or other entitlement shall be held and no action taken upon it until an environmental impact report has been prepared and considered pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. 71 § 1, 1972)
The city shall prepare an environmental impact report based upon data and evidence gathered by the city staff, received from members of the public, and in addition thereto, the city may consider opinions of consultants and specialists, and any other written and/or oral information bearing upon the environmental impact of the project or activity.
(Ord. 71 § 2, 1972)
The applicant for any permit, right, privilege or other entitlement may be required by the city to provide to the city such data, studies and information as may be required by the city to aid in the preparation of an environmental impact report.
(Ord. 71 § 3, 1972)
The applicant for any permit, right, privilege or other entitlement shall pay for all costs of the preparation of an environmental impact report and at the time the city determines that an environmental impact report is necessary, the city may require the applicant to deposit with the city funds sufficient to cover the cost of preparation of an environmental impact report by depositing with the city prior to commencement of the preparation of the environmental impact report that sum established by the city council by resolution as being the reasonable and necessary cost reimbursement to the city for the environmental impact report.
(Ord. 71 § 4, 1972)
Within three days after a determination is made that an environmental impact report is required on a project or activity, a notice shall be given of that determination, and such notice shall set forth the date, time and place of a hearing at which the public may present their comments concerning the proposed project or activity. Such public hearing shall be held at least five days after the mailing or posting of notices as set forth in Section 20.04.060.
(Ord. 71 § 5, 1972)
The notice as required in Section 20.04.050 shall contain the determination that the project or activity may have a substantial effect upon the environment and shall state that an environmental impact study shall be prepared by the city; the date, time and place when the public or those interested may appear to submit their comments concerning the environmental impact of the proposed project or activity; the type of permit or privilege or other entitlement sought by the applicant; and, a general description of the project or activity including its location, in common, general terms.
The notice required in this section shall be given in the following manner:
Mail notice to the applicant;
Mail notices to all owners of real property within three hundred feet from the external boundaries of the proposed project or activity as the name and address is disclosed by the last adopted publicly available tax roll of the county;
Post notices in three public places as determined by the city council;
Post notices upon the property of the proposed project or activity upon street frontages not less than three hundred feet apart and at least one notice on each street frontage, and if there are no street frontages, then the property shall be posted in at least two conspicuous places;
Such additional notice as may be prescribed by city council.
(Ord. 71 § 6, 1972)
At the time and place set for the public hearing, opportunity shall be given for oral and written statements to be presented by any interested person concerning the environmental impact which such person contends will result from the proposed permit, right, privilege or other entitlement.
(Ord. 71 § 7, 1972)
In the preparation of the environmental impact report, the city may require the applicant to provide such additional information as may be deemed necessary to determine the environmental impact of the proposed project or activity or to provide information concerning project alternatives deemed reasonable and necessary to properly prepare an environmental impact report.
(Ord. 71 § 8, 1972)
The environmental impact report shall be prepared in writing and shall set forth statements concerning the following that might be applicable to the project or activity:
Description of the project;
Description of existing environmental conditions;
Environmental impact of the proposed project or activity;
Adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided if the proposal is implemented;
Irreversible environmental changes which would occur if the proposal is implemented;
Mitigation measures which would minimize the impact if the proposal is implemented;
Project alternatives;
The relationship between local short-term uses and the maintenance and enhancement of a long-term productivity;
The growth inducing impact of the proposal;
The effect upon planning policy;
The effect of the project upon the general public interest;
The contentions and opinions of the interested parties.
(Ord. 71 § 9, 1972)
The environmental impact report shall be considered by the city council in determining whether or not the application for permit, right, privilege or other entitlement shall or shall not be granted, and if the report is determined to show an adverse environmental impact by the proposed project or activity, the city council shall deny the application or approve it subject to such conditions, mitigation measures, and alternatives as will assure that the project or activity will have no substantial adverse effect upon environmental consideration. The environmental impact report shall become a permanent part of the file on the proposed project or activity.
(Ord. 71 § 11, 1972; Ord. 485 § 15, 1992)
The city council, by resolution, shall establish such fees for the preparation of the environmental impact report as is determined to be reasonable and necessary to reimburse the city for its administrative costs and consultant costs in the preparation of the report. Such fees shall be posted by the applicant within five days after a determination that an environmental impact report is required. If the required fees are not posted within the time prescribed the application shall be deemed abandoned and no further action shall be required to be taken by the city.
(Ord. 71 § 12, 1972)