The overall intent and purpose of this chapter is to recognize the importance of preserving the significant natural hillside amenities within the boundaries of the city of Loma Linda. The reasons for preserving the hillside areas include:
Provide for preservation of the unique flora and fauna of this area;
Provide visual relief from our rapidly urbanizing area;
Minimize fire, flood, earthquake, erosion, and other natural hazards;
Provide a natural buffer for the city proper;
Minimize the costs of extending streets, utilities, and other services to difficult terrain;
Achieve the goals of the conservation and open space elements of the general plan as herein amended to preserve significant hillside areas;
Provide for trails and other natural, environmentally sensitive accesses to assist in meeting the recreational needs of the city.
It is further the intent and purpose of this chapter to provide, within those areas defined by this chapter as conservation areas, for a density and pattern of development consistent with the terrain and high visual profile and unique characteristics of the areas so defined, which will provide a reasonable use to landowners consistent with the terrain and the foregoing objectives.
(Ord. 495 § 1, 1993; Ord. 541 § 1, 1996)
A maximum density of one unit per ten acres, with the possibility of a maximum density of up to one unit per five acres where certain conditions are met, is reasonable and appropriate for this rugged, hillside terrain.
Loma Linda's general plan, as herein amended designates, the most critical hillside areas as "conservation" in its conservation and open space elements. The intent is to preserve the sensitive hillside areas so defined by ensuring lower density development on private lands and open space on city acquired land to ensure that conservation objectives are part of the long range plan for the hillside areas.
It is necessary and appropriate to designate the critical areas of the South Hills as "conservation areas." Authorization for development at a density of one unit per ten acres, and upon certain conditions up to one per five acres, is the maximum density that can be permitted consistent with the overall purposes and conservation goals of this chapter. A density bonus of up to one unit per five acres is acceptable only where clustering and additional public benefits are provided as herein specified.
Development of these critical hillsides at one unit per ten acres and up to one per five acres will minimize the need for the city to extend service such as sewer, water, streets, and other utilities, will minimize the risks of fire, erosion, flood, earthquake, and related hazards which often occur when steep hillsides are developed at higher densities, and will minimize the need for grading and land form alteration.
(Ord. 495 § 2, 1993; Ord. 541 § 2, 1996)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
"Hillside conservation area" means that area described on Exhibit "B," set out at the end of this chapter, and depicted on Exhibit "A," also set out at the end of this chapter.
(Ord. 495 § 3, 1993; Ord. 541 § 3, 1996)
Legal lots existing as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter that do not have sufficient land area to comply with the density requirements of this chapter are allowed to be developed as a matter of right with one residential dwelling unit, consistent with all other applicable provisions of this chapter and guidelines adopted pursuant thereto.
(Ord. 495 § 8, 1993; Ord. 541 § 7, 1996)
Amendment of City Official General Plan Land Use Element Map. The city official general plan land use element map is amended to depict the conservation area and to delete the urban slope line, except for that portion in the city's sphere of influence east of the aforementioned conservation area boundary as said urban slope line was depicted in the 1973 general plan land use map and as shown on Exhibit "A" set out at the end of this chapter.
Amendment of General Plan Text. The Loma Linda general plan is amended as follows:
A new goal is hereby added to Chapter 2 of the general plan to read as follows:
It is the goal of the City of Loma Linda to preserve and protect designated sensitive hillside areas in a portion of the south hills area of the City designated as "Hillside Conservation" on the General Plan Land Use Element Map.
Policy 6 of the general plan is amended to read as follows:
6. The citizens of Loma Linda will have available a choice of areas of varying densities and housing of ranging costs. The General Plan has provided for the following residential gross densities throughout the community:
Hillside Conservation, one dwelling unit per 10 acres, with a potential bonus up to one dwelling unit per 5 acres when the specified criteria of the Hillside Conservation designation are met.
Very Low Density, one-tenth to two dwelling units per acre.
Low density, one to four dwelling units per acre.
Medium density, five to 10 dwelling units per acre.
High density, 11 to 20 dwelling units per acre.
Page 10 of Chapter 3, Planning Elements, of the general plan is amended by adding the following as a new third paragraph under the heading "Land Use Element":
Hillside Conservation - the Hillside Conservation area of the City is comprised of the most significant hilly and sensitive area of the southern portions of the City. Limited development at one unit per 10 acres, and under certain specified criteria development at one unit per 5 acres, is permitted. Greater development intensity would be inconsistent with the overall goals of this General Plan to preserve and protect the natural, scenic, and other amenities of this sensitive area. The limited density is necessary to minimize costs to taxpayers for extensions of services and to minimize the risks of fire, flood, erosion, earthquake, and other hazards which are normally attendant upon higher density development of difficult hillside terrain.
Page 22, Land Use, of the general plan is amended by adding the following directly under "Land Use Category":
Hillside conservation - gross acres: approximately 1,157.
The circulation element of the general plan is amended by addition of the following immediately above the "Major Highways" category on Page 23:
Those areas designated "Hillside Conservation" should be developed with the minimum number of roads possible, with clustering of development strongly encouraged to minimize the need for access roads. No through roads should be permitted in this area with the exception of Oakwood Drive extended continuously to connect to Scotch Lane and Reche Canyon Road, as shown conceptually on Exhibit "A," intended primarily to serve areas outside of the Hillside Conservation Area. The purpose of limitations on through roads is to minimize the adverse impacts of through traffic. Those roads which are necessary within the Conservation Area, other than the Oakwood Drive extension, should minimize cut and fill, should avoid disruption of important natural habitat, sensitive areas, and view areas, and should be designed to fit the hilly terrain by following contour lines, using minimum pavement widths, relaxed curve and other standards, and slow speeds.
The conservation element of the general plan (beginning at Page 38) is amended by addition of the following immediately under the first paragraph on Page 38:
Hillside Conservation Area. That area designated "Hillside Conservation" on the Land Use Element Map is an important conservation area for the City. This area is characterized by natural, scenic hillsides, rough terrain, and limited services constituting the highest ridgelines visible from the City proper. Only that development which is consistent with the overall conservation goals for this area is permitted, including residential development at a density not greater than one unit per 10 acres, unless the criteria specified by the Hillside Conservation Land Use Designation are met in which event development at a maximum of up to one unit per 5 acres is permitted. Other consistent uses should be limited to riding, hiking, and other trails, educational, and research activities consistent with conservation of the area. In addition, uses normally accessory to such uses, such as corrals, riding stables, groves, and the like may be allowed where the City determines, based upon environmental review, that such uses are consistent with the overall conservation goals for this area.
Chapter 4, Implementation, of the general plan is amended by addition of the following paragraph immediately after the existing first paragraph:
Implementation in the Hillside Conservation Area. Preservation and conservation in the areas designated "Hillside Conservation" is a high priority for the City. The City shall undertake a work program as a matter of high priority to develop and adopt any necessary ordinances and/or other programs and policies which may be necessary to implement the Hillside Conservation provisions of this General Plan, provided that any such ordinances, policies, or programs are consistent with the terms of this Plan. Such follow up implementation programs may include the following:
An acquisition and/or land exchange program to place some or all of the Hillside Conservation Area in public ownership;
Implementation of a planned residential development ordinance applicable to the area to encourage clustering and to help achieve the other goals specified for this area;
The development of a Hillside Conservation Circulation Plan;
The development of such other ordinances, policies, and programs as the City shall determine necessary to implement the Hillside Conservation designation; and
Adoption of a slope density ordinance to specify maximum permitted densities on a sliding scale as determined by slope, provided that in no event shall any lot be less than 2.5 acres in size nor shall the maximum authorized density for any area exceed the densities specified for the Hillside Conservation area.
Adoption and implementation of a trails and public access plan for the area. Such a plan should be adopted and implemented in consultation with interested organizations and individuals.
In addition, the City shall undertake as a matter of highest priority to amend any and all provisions of the Municipal Code, including but not limited to, the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance, to ensure that they are consistent with the Hillside Conservation Provisions of the General Plan.
A new heading is added to Chapter 3, Planning Elements, as follows:
"Hillside Conservation Area:" One unit per 10 acres, subject to a density bonus of up to one dwelling unit per 5 acres where all of the following criteria are met:
The project is clustered, provided that in no event shall a lot size less than 2.5 acres be permitted;
The City determines that, to the maximum extent feasible, all development, including roads, and utility extensions, is kept off of the north facing slopes of the hillsides which comprises the prime view from Downtown Loma Linda;
The need for extensions of streets and other utilities and services is minimized;
Significant natural areas, view areas, and habitats are preserved and set aside as permanent open space and/or conservation areas; and
Provision is made for riding and hiking trails as called for by applicable City Plans.
All that area shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference is hereby designated on said Land Use Element Map as "Hillside Conservation Area."
(Ord. 495 § 4, 1993; Ord. 541 § 4, 1996)
The city council and all city agencies, boards, and commissions, are directed to take any and all actions necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter as a matter of the highest priority to the city.
(Ord. 495 § 6, 1993; Ord. 541 § 5, 1996)
The city council may adopt guidelines to implement this chapter following public notice and public hearing, provided that any such guidelines shall be consistent with this chapter. Any such guidelines must be adopted by four-fifths affirmative vote of the total authorized membership of the city council and may be amended at any time by four-fifths vote of the city council.
(Ord. 495 § 7, 1993; Ord. 541 § 6, 1996)
This chapter may be amended or repealed only by a majority of the voters voting in an election thereon.
(Ord. 495 § 9, 1993; Ord. 541 § 8, 1996)