The city manager shall be personnel officer and may delegate the powers and duties conferred upon him as personnel officer to any officer or employee of the city.
(Ord. 220 Art. 1, 1980)
The personnel officer shall:
Administer all the provisions of this chapter and of the personnel rules and regulations not specifically reserved to the city council;
Administer the personnel system;
Prepare and recommend to the city council personnel rules and regulations and revisions and amendments thereto as appropriate, which shall become effective upon adoption by the city council;
Prepare and recommend to the city council a position classification plan, including class specifications and revisions thereto, which shall become effective upon adoption by the city council;
Prepare and recommend to the city council a compensation and benefits plan and revisions thereof, covering all classifications in the city service, which plan, and any revisions thereof, shall become effective upon approval by the city council;
Prepare and recommend to the city council rules and regulations and amendments relating to administration of employer-employee relations, which shall become effective upon approval of the city council;
Conduct employee recruitment, screening and selection processes.
(Ord. 220 Art. 1 § A, 1980)
There is created a personnel board, which shall consist of three members. No elected official or city employee may serve as a board member.
(Ord. 220 Art. 2, 1980)
Membership shall be comprised of the following:
Two members appointed by the city council;
One member-at-large selected by the city council appointees.
The chairperson of the board shall be selected annually from and by members of the board.
(Ord. 220 Art. 2 § a, 1980)
One city council appointee shall serve for a term ending June 30, 1981; one city council appointee shall serve for a term ending June 30, 1982; and the member-at-large shall serve a term ending June 30, 1983. Thereafter, at the expiration of each city council appointee's term, the city council shall appoint a successor for a term of two years. At the expiration of the term of the member-at-large, the city council appointees shall select a successor for a term of two years. Each member shall serve until his or her successor is appointed.
(Ord. 220 Art. 2 § b, 1980)
Vacancies on the board shall be filled by appointment of the city council or city council appointees for the unexpired term in accordance with Section 2.20.040.
(Ord. 220 Art. 2 § c, 1980)
Duties and powers of the board are as follows:
Hear and decide administrative review appeals and grievance appeals as prescribed by the personnel rules and regulations;
In any investigation or hearing conducted by the board, it shall have the power to examine witnesses under oath and compel their attendance or production of evidence by subpoenas issued in the name of the city and attested by the city clerk. Refusal of a person to attend or to testify in answer to such a subpoena shall subject the person to prosecution in the same manner set forth by law for failure to appear before the city council in response to a subpoena issued by the city council. Each member of the board shall have the power to administer oaths to witnesses;
The decision of the board is final unless appealed to the city council.
(Ord. 220 Art. 2 § d, 1980)
Provisions of the personnel system shall apply to all offices, positions and employments in the service of the city, except:
Elective officers;
Members of appointive boards, commissions and committees;
Persons engaged under contract to supply expert, professional, technical, or other services;
Employees, other than those listed elsewhere in this section, who are employed less than half-time, which is defined as employees who are expected to or do work less than one thousand forty hours in any one fiscal year;
City manager;
Emergency employees who are hired to meet the immediate requirements of an emergency condition which threatens life or property.
This section shall not prohibit the application of any section of the personnel rules and regulations or the position classification and compensation plan to the foregoing persons holding positions or offices as listed in subsection A of this section by administrative regulations issued or adopted by the city council or city manager.
(Ord. 220 Art. 3, 1980)
Personnel rules, prepared by the personnel officer subject to this chapter and to revision by the city council, shall be adopted, and may be amended from time to time, by resolution of the city council after compliance with Sections 3500 et seq. of the California Government Code and notice of such action has been publicly posted prior to city council consideration. The rules shall establish specific procedures and regulations governing the personnel system.
(Ord. 220 Art. 4, 1980)
Appointment to positions in the city service shall be made in accordance with the personnel rules. Appointments and promotions shall be based on merit and fitness to be ascertained so far as practicable by competitive examinations.
(Ord. 220 Art. 5, 1980)
Whenever in the judgment of the city council it becomes necessary in the interest of economy or because the necessity for the position or employment involved no longer exists, then the city council may abolish any position or employment in the city service and lay off, demote or transfer any employee holding such position or employment without filing written charges and without permitting the right of appeal in accordance with procedures defined in the personnel rules. This section shall not be interpreted as voiding restrictions and rules regarding employee rights in the case of disciplinary actions.
(Ord. 220 Art. 6, 1980)
The personnel officer shall consider and make recommendations to the city council regarding the extent to which the city should contract for the performance of technical services in connection with any qualified person or agency for the performance of all or any of the responsibilities and duties imposed by this chapter.
(Ord. 220 Art. 7, 1980)