Note: Prior ordinance history: Ord. 193 §§ 6 and 7.
It is the purpose of this chapter to establish and provide for regulations for the moving and relocating of buildings within the boundaries of the city.
(Ord. 258 § 1 (A), 1981)
A person shall not move onto any premises, other than a commercial storage yard authorized for such use, any building or structure except a contractor's tool house, construction building or similar structure which is moved as construction requires, until he or she first secures a relocation building permit as hereinafter provided from the department of building and safety.
(Ord. 258 § 1(C) (1), 1981)
Any application for a relocation permit shall be subject to compliance with all provisions of Sections 17.30.130 through 17.30.240, and shall be submitted to the administrative review committee for their review and recommendation, and shall further be subject to the following provisions:
Application—Form and Information. The following information shall be filed with the department at the time the application is made:
Location and address of the old and new site;
Plot plan of new location, including the showing of adjacent lots on all sides of the property and an indication of all structures and improvements on the lots;
Plans and specifications for the proposed improvements at the new location, including landscape treatment;
Certification from a pest control agent or operator licensed under the Structural Pest Control Act of California showing freedom from termite infestation;
Photographs shall be furnished by the applicant, which shall indicate the following:
All elevations of the structure proposed be moved,
The site onto which the building is proposed to be moved,
The buildings adjacent to the proposed site.
(Ord. 258 § 1(C) (1), 1981)
Only applications for structures which meet the following architectural requirements shall be approved:
All residential structures shall contain a minimum floor area based upon the number of bedrooms as follows:
One bedroom, one thousand square feet;
Two bedrooms, one thousand one hundred square feet;
Three bedrooms, one thousand two hundred square feet;
More than three bedrooms, one thousand three hundred square feet.
All residential structures shall have a minimum width of not less than twenty-four feet exclusive of attached garage.
All structures shall be roofed with either approved fire resistant wood shingles or shakes, architectural grade asphalt shingles or tile with a minimum sixteen-inch overhang.
All structures shall have exterior siding of either stucco, wood, or masonry or a combination of stucco, wood and/or masonry.
All structures shall be placed on a permanent foundation system which shall consist of a continuous concrete or masonry perimeter foundation or concrete slab completely underlying the entire structure.
(Ord. 258 § 1 (C) (2), 1981)
Before the city council may approve the application for moving of a building or structure, the following findings shall be made:
That the building is in conformity with the type and quality of buildings existing in the area in which it is proposed to be moved;
That the building is not more than two stories in height;
That its location on the lot does not in any way adversely affect buildings or uses on abutting properties;
That the percentage of lot coverage by all buildings and structures be not greater than that permitted in the zone into which the structure is proposed to be moved;
That all yard and setback provisions be observed;
That the building and land shall be brought up to the standards for a new building and maintained at said standards;
That all dedications and improvements required for streets and alleys necessary for access to the property upon which the structure is to be located be provided in conformity with the standards of the city.
(Ord. 258 § 1(C) (3), 1981)
The applicant shall pay an inspection fee in an amount to be designated by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 258 § 1(C) (4), 1981)
Upon receipt of application for permit to relocate a building or structure and receipt of payment of the prescribed inspection fee, the building official shall inspect the building or structure to be moved and the proposed relocation site and prepare a written report which shall be forwarded to the applicant. This report shall contain the approval or disapproval of the building official and, if approved for moving, shall contain the requirements necessary to make the building or structure conform to the requirements of the ordinances of the city for new buildings and any additional requirements necessary to assure that such relocation shall not have a detrimental effect, by size, design or age, on the living environment and property values in the area into which the building or structure is to be moved. A copy of this report shall accompany the conditional use permit application to the city council.
(Ord. 258 § 1(C) (5), 1981)
Additional corrections may be added to the report whenever the structure has been vandalized, damaged during transporting, or altered in any manner after the on-site inspection. Otherwise, the inspection report shall remain valid for a period of ninety days after the building or structure has been inspected, at the end of which time, if the building or structure has not been relocated, a new report and inspection fee will be required.
(Ord. 258 § 1(C) (6), 1981)
The applicant shall agree in writing to make and shall make all required changes within one hundred twenty days. This time limitation may be extended by the building official upon receipt of evidence of just and proper cause; provided, however, that no such extension shall be granted when, in his or her judgment, such an extension would be detrimental to the public welfare for any cause or reason.
(Ord. 258 § 1(C) (7), 1981)
When any relocated building or structure or portion thereof remains unfinished or unfit for occupancy after expiration of the time limit herein specified, any and all permits appertaining thereto shall expire by limitation and such building or structure or portion thereof is declared a public nuisance and shall be abated as provided for abatement of public nuisances in the ordinances of the city.
(Ord. 258 § 1(C) (8), 1981)
If any person violates any of the provisions of this chapter, or fails to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this chapter, he or she shall be guilty of an infraction. Any person convicted of an infraction under the provisions of a city ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of not more than fifty dollars for a first violation; a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for a second violation of the same ordinance within one year; and a fine not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars for each additional violation of the same ordinance within one year. Each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during such portion of which any violation of this chapter is committed, continued or permitted by such person, and shall be punishable therefor as provided by this chapter.
(Ord. 258 § 2, 1981)