The purpose of this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 is to provide for levying of a license tax on businesses in order to raise revenues and for regulatory purposes.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 1, 1978)
For the purposes of this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12, unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended, the words and phrases used herein shall have the following meaning:
means and includes business, trade, vocation, profession, craft, occupation, exhibition, show, enterprise, activity, and calling of every kind and nature, whether or not carried on for profit.
means the city of Loma Linda, a municipal corporation of the state, in its present incorporated form or in any later reorganized, consolidated, enlarged, or reincorporated form.
means the city clerk or other city officer charged by the city manager with the administration of the provisions herein.
"Gross receipts"
means and includes the total amount of the sale price of all sales, total amount charged or received for the performance of any act, service or employment of whatever nature it may be, whether or not such service, act or employment is done as a part of, or in connection with, the sale of materials, commodities, goods, wares, merchandise, for which a charge is made or credit allowed, including all receipts, cash, credits and property of any kind or nature, any amount for which credit is allowed by the seller to the purchaser without any deduction therefrom on account of the cost of the property sold, the cost of the materials used, labor or service costs, interest paid or payable, losses or other expenses whatsoever; provided, that cash discounts allowed or taken on sales shall not be included. Any tax required by law to be included in or added to the purchase price and collected from the consumer or purchaser, and such part of the sales price of any property previously sold and returned by the purchaser to the seller by way of cash or credit allowances given, or taken as part payment on any property so accepted for resale, shall be deducted for the purpose of determining the gross receipts hereunder.
means and includes all domestic and foreign corporations, associations, syndicates, joint stock corporations, partnerships of every kind, clubs, businesses, common law trusts, societies, and individuals transacting and carrying on any business in the city other than as employee.
means and includes the transfer, in any manner or by any means, of title to property for a consideration of any property, and a transaction whereby the possession of property is transferred and the seller retains the title as security for the payment of the price. Such definition shall not be deemed to exclude any transaction which is or which, in effect, results in a sale within the contemplation of law.
"Sworn statement"
means an affidavit sworn to before a person authorized to take oaths, or a declaration or certification made under penalty of perjury.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 2, 1978)
Persons required to pay a license tax under the provisions of this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 are not relieved from payment of any tax under any other city ordinance unless so specified therein.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 3, 1978)
All businesses in the city must procure a license and are liable for payment of any taxes imposed by this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12.
Whenever the tax imposed is measured by the number of vehicles, devices, machines, or other pieces of equipment used, or whenever the license tax is measured by the gross receipts from the operation of such items, the collector shall issue only one license; provided, however, he or she may issue for each period for which the license tax has been paid, one identification sticker, tag, plate or symbol for each item included in the measure of the tax or used in a business where the tax is measured by the gross receipts from such items.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 4, 1978)
All persons required by the provisions herein shall make application for such license to the city. License applications shall contain the following information:
Name of person to be licensed;
Name of business;
Type of business;
Location of business;
Date of expiration of current license;
Any other information deemed necessary.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 5, 1978)
Persons making application for their first license must furnish to the city a sworn statement with the following information:
Exact nature or kind of business;
Location of business or residence of owner;
If corporation or partnership, the names and residence of all board of directors, members or owners;
If doing business under a fictitious name, the name and residence of the owner;
If tax is measured by gross receipts, all information necessary to determine tax to be paid;
Any other information deemed necessary.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 6, 1978)
If the first license tax to be paid by the applicant is based upon gross receipts, he or she shall pay an estimated fee of not less than fifteen dollars for the period covered by the first license to be issued. Such person shall, within thirty days after the expiration of the period for which such license was issued, furnish the collector with a sworn statement, showing the gross receipts during the period of such license, and the license tax for such period shall be finally ascertained and paid in full, after deducting from the payment the estimated fee paid at the time such license was issued.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 7, 1978)
When persons shall, by the use of signs, newspapers, or other forms of advertising, represent that they are in business in the city, and such persons fail to deny by a sworn statement after being requested to do so by collector, then these persons shall be deemed to be conducting business.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 8, 1978)
A duplicate license may be issued by collector to replace any previously issued license which has been lost or destroyed. Licensee shall be required to pay a duplicate license fee as established by resolution of the city.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 9, 1978)
Applicant for license renewal shall submit a sworn statement to the city to enable the collector to ascertain the amount of license tax to be paid.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 10, 1978)
No license issued under this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 is transferable. Licensees may, upon application and paying a fee as set by resolution, have their licenses amended to conduct business at a new location.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 11, 1978)
A separate license must be obtained for each branch establishment or location of a business.
Any person conducting two or more types of business at the same location or different locations, but under same management and books, may at his or her option pay one tax based on gross receipts of all businesses. The classification of business generating the highest amount of gross receipts shall be used to determine the classification of the combined businesses.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 12, 1978)
Any licensee conducting a business at a fixed location shall keep the license posted in a conspicuous place.
Any licensee not operating a fixed place shall keep the license immediately available while conducting business. When stickers, tags or symbols have been issued for vehicles, devices or machines, the person licensed is responsible to affix and maintain such sticker during the period of such license.
No person shall give away, sell or transfer any identifying sticker or tag, or permit its use by any other party.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 13, 1978)
In addition to all other powers conferred upon the collector, the collector shall have the power to extend the time for filing any required sworn statement or application for a period not exceeding thirty days, and in such case to waive any penalty, except that a simple interest charge, as set by resolution, shall be added to any tax determined payable.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 14, 1978)
None of the license taxes shall be so applied as to place an undue burden upon interstate commerce or violate the equal protection and due process clauses of the Constitution of the United States or the state.
If a licensee believes an undue burden has been placed upon him or her, he or she may apply to the city within six months after payment of prescribed tax. The collector shall investigate and, with approval from the city attorney, fix the license tax at an amount that is reasonable and nondiscriminatory.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 15, 1978)
This chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 shall not be construed to apply to any business exempt from payment of taxes herein by virtue of the Constitution or applicable statutes of the United States or the state. Any person claiming exemption to this section shall file a sworn statement of facts supporting such claim with the city. Upon a proper showing, the collector shall issue such exempt license; otherwise, the applicant shall be liable for payment of the license tax.
The city may suspend or revoke any license granted upon receipt of information that the licensee is not entitled to such exemption.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 16, 1978)
This chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 shall not be construed so as to require payment of a tax for any business conducted wholly for the benefit of charitable purposes and from which profit is not derived by any person, except that such charitable organization shall pay the business license tax required herein on unrelated business income. For purposes of determining whether or not a trade or business conducted by a charitable organization falls within the definition "unrelated business income of exempt charitable organizations," the interpretation, rules and regulations of the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, shall be utilized in making a determination on such matters, and any determination made by the Internal Revenue Service concerning such matters shall not be binding upon the city.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 17, 1978; Ord. 203 § 1, 1979)
All honorably discharged service veterans of the United States who are physically unable to obtain their livelihood by manual labor shall have the right to hawk, peddle, and vend any goods owned by them, except intoxicants, without the payment of a license tax under the following restrictions:
They shall furnish a certificate of physical disability from a licensed physician.
They shall furnish two identification photos. One shall be affixed to the license and the other shall be retained by the city.
The license shall be nontransferable.
The license shall expire after thirty days.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 18, 1978)
No license tax shall be required of any minor selling or soliciting subscriptions for or delivering any newspapers, magazine or other periodicals.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 19, 1978)
No business license or tax shall be required of any vendors or entertainers whose only business presence in the city of Loma Linda is participating in a validly permitted special event, provided that the sponsoring community organization, institution or business has identified any such vendor or entertainer in the application form required by the city, and further provided that the sponsor and vendor have complied with all requirements of the permit related thereto.
(Ord. 745 § 1, 2018)
No license tax shall be required on any business which has annual gross receipts of less than an amount as set by resolution.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 20, 1978)
No license tax is required on any business conducted by a public utility which pays the city a tax pursuant to a franchise agreement.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 21, 1978)
The statements required by this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 shall be subject to audit and verification by the collector or authorized employees of the city, who are authorized to examine, audit, and inspect such books and records of any licensee, as may be necessary to verify or ascertain the amount of license tax due.
All persons shall keep complete records of business transactions for a period of at least three years for examination by the collector. No person shall refuse to allow the collector to examine said records at reasonable times and places.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 22, 1978)
It is unlawful for the city or its agents to make known the business affairs or information obtained by an investigation of records of any business required to obtain a license. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent:
Disclosure of records to another city official for the sole purpose of administering or enforcing this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12;
Disclosure of information or examination of records to federal, state, county or other city officials if a reciprocal arrangement exists, or to a grand jury or court of law, upon subpoena;
Results of examination of records of particular taxpayers to a court of law to determine the amount of license tax liability of that taxpayer;
Disclosure of the names and addresses of licensees, and the general nature of their business;
Disclosure by way of public meeting of such information necessary to the city council to advise as to the facts, claims for refund of license tax;
Disclosure of general statistics regarding taxes or business in the city.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 23, 1978)
If any person fails to file any required statement within the time prescribed, or after being requested to do so by the city, or if any person subject to the license tax fails to apply, the collector may determine the fees due by means of any information as may be available.
If the city is not satisfied with the information supplied in statements or applications, the collector may determine the amount of license tax due by means of any information that may be available. If such a determination is made, the collector shall give notice of the amount so assessed by serving it personally or by depositing it in the United States post office at Loma Linda, California, postage prepaid, addressed to the person so assessed at his or her last known address. Such person may, within fifteen days after the serving or mailing of such notice, make application in writing to the city for a hearing on the amount of the license tax. If such application is made, the collector shall cause the matter to be set for hearing within fifteen days before the city council. The collector shall give at least ten days' notice to such person of the time and place of the hearing in the manner prescribed in this section for serving notices of assessment. The city council shall consider all evidence produced, and shall make findings thereon, which shall be final. Notice of such findings shall be served upon the applicant in the manner prescribed in this section for serving notices of assessments.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 24, 1978)
Any person aggrieved by any decision of the collector may appeal for relief to the city council by filing a notice of appeal with the city clerk. The city council shall fix a time and place for a hearing and shall serve notice to such applicant. The city council has authority to adjudicate all questions raised by appeal. No adjudication made by the city council shall be in conflict with this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 25, 1978)
The first business license tax to be administered by the city shall be due and payable in advance on the first day of July 1978. This first license shall be effective for a period of six months ending December 31, 1978. All subsequent annual license taxes shall be due and payable in advance of the first day of January of each year. License taxes covering new operations commenced after the first day of January shall be prorated for the remaining balance of the license period.
License tax other than annual shall be due and payable as follows:
Semiannual license tax, measured by gross receipts, on the first day of January and the first day of July;
Quarterly tax, measured by gross receipts, on the first day of January, April, July, and October of each year;
Monthly tax, gross receipts, on the first day of each month;
Weekly flat-rate tax, on Monday of each week;
Daily flat-rate tax, due each day in advance;
Other flat-rate taxes, due on the first day of business and thereafter on the first day of the applicable period.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 26, 1978)
Failure to pay a license tax when due, shall result in a penalty of ten percent of the license tax on the last day of each month after the due date. The amount of the penalty shall not exceed fifty percent of the amount of license tax due.
No license or sticker shall be issued to any person who is indebted to the city for any delinquent license taxes, unless with consent of the collector when that person enters into a written agreement to pay the delinquent taxes, plus twelve percent simple annual interest upon the unpaid balance, in monthly installments over a period not to exceed six months. In such an agreement, failure to make timely installment payments shall result in making the entire amount due immediately, and current license shall be revoked by the collector upon thirty days' notice. If legal action is brought by the city to enforce collection, the defendants shall be liable to pay all costs incurred by the city, including a reasonable attorney's fee.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 27, 1978)
No refund of an overpayment of taxes shall be allowed unless a claim for refund is filed with the city within a period of three years from the last day of the month following the period for which the overpayment was made.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 28, 1978)
The collector may make rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 as may be necessary to aid in the enforcement of the provisions of said chapters.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 29, 1978)
It shall be the duty of the collector to enforce all the provisions of this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12. The city attorney and city manager and all subordinate officials as directed by the city manager shall assist in the enforcement of said chapters.
The collector shall examine all places of business to ascertain whether the provisions of this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 have been complied with. The collector has the power and authority to enter, upon reasonable notice, any business required to be licensed and demand an exhibition of its license. Any person who wilfully fails to exhibit same on demand shall be guilty of an infraction and subject to the penalties of this chapter.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 30, 1978)
The amount of any license tax and penalty imposed by this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 shall be deemed a debt to the city. Action may be commenced in the name of the city in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of any delinquent taxes and penalties.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 31, 1978)
All remedies prescribed under this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 shall be cumulative, and the use of one or more remedies by the city shall not bar the use of any other remedy for the purpose of enforcing the provisions herein.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 32, 1978)
Neither the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 nor its superseding of any portion of any other city ordinance shall in any way be construed to affect prosecution for violation of any other ordinance committed prior to the effective date hereof, nor be construed as a waiver of any license or any penal provision applicable to any such violation, nor shall it be construed to affect the validity of any bond or cash deposit required by any other ordinance to be posted or deposited, and all rights and obligations thereunto appertaining shall continue in full force and effect.
When a license for revenue has been issued and the tax paid for the business for which the license has been issued under the provisions of any ordinance enacted, and the term of such license has not expired, then the license tax prescribed for said business by this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 shall not be payable until expiration of the term of such unexpired license.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 33, 1978)
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter and Chapters 5.08 and 5.12 shall be deemed guilty of an infraction, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable as set forth in Chapter 1.12.
(Ord. 191 Art. 1 § 33, 1978; Ord. 201 § 1, 1978)