The intent of this chapter is to establish goals, policies and regulations, which will ensure compliance with the city's objective to create and maintain a community urban forest to be an essential element of the city's character. The provisions of this chapter are prescribed to achieve this purpose.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
The following goals provide the basis for formulating and evaluating the strategy of this chapter:
To establish trees as a significant characteristic of the city by protecting and maintaining significant existing trees; and by planting an appropriate selection of trees on public and private lands;
To provide a unifying influence for new development in the city through the selective planting of trees and landscaping according to the master street tree list and landscape urban design schemes;
To ensure the health and longevity of new landscape planting by the adoption of planting and maintenance standards;
To establish healthy, diverse species of trees which can provide a sustainable community urban forest;
To promote conservation of landmark trees and tree resources;
To establish tree species which will provide the community with a valuable resource and will aid in the conservation of energy, the reduction of noise, air pollution, and soil erosion, and will provide a viable habitat for birds, and wildlife;
To promote urban design concepts in landscape architecture to aesthetically enhance public and private property and generate community pride;
To establish and suitably maintain street trees to limit hardscape damage, which will reduce personal injury and maintenance costs;
To establish an urban forest advisory committee to regulate landscape design in large scale public and private developments.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
The policies contained herein, are provided to establish guidelines to execute the provisions of this chapter. It shall be the policy of the city to:
Make a concerted effort to establish and preserve significant vegetation;
Provide landscape plans which complement and respond to general surroundings and existing vegetation;
Require the use of licensed landscape architects in the preparation of "non-exempt" landscape architecture plans in the city;
Establish a permit process whereby, planting, and maintenance of street trees and significant vegetation can be monitored;
Encourage the use of xeriscape vegetation, wherever feasible, in public and private projects to promote water conservation;
Investigate the feasibility of utilizing "water budget" technology, where landscapes are designed and maintained to survive with a designated amount of water per acre;
Define major corridors through urban design landscape concepts.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth herein:
means to change the appearance by trimming, grafting, or removing foliage and/or branches of trees or shrubs.
"Drip line"
means the outermost branches of a tree canopy.
means the transfer of any quantity of soil, rocks or any subsurface material from one location to another.
"Landmark tree"
means any tree on private property which is voluntarily nominated by the property owner, or any tree on public property which is designated by the city council to be particularly valuable due to its species, condition and/or age, or due to its cultural or historical significance.
"Landscape material"
means any organic plant material (shrubs, vines, turf, etc.).
means to prune, trim, fertilize, irrigate, or treat for injury in a manner which will prolong the life span of the tree/landscape material.
means the raised area within a street of varying width and length which isn't used for vehicular traffic.
"Non-exempt landscape architecture plans"
means a landscape plan which is required to be prepared by a licensed landscape architect, as defined by the California Business and Professions Code, Article 3, Section 5641.
means that part of land lying between the curb face and the property line, or contained in a landscape or street tree easement.
"Street tree"
means any plant which is planted in a parkway (right-of-way) or a street tree easement.
means any perennial plant having a single main stem with varying elongation, and containing a crown with a head of branches and/or foliage.
"Urban forest"
means a collection of trees in and around the city including street and yard trees, parks trees, and future suburb trees.
means the integration of drought tolerant plants, trees and ground covers, with effective design, suitable soils and water management technology.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
To assign responsibility and implementation authority, and to ensure cooperation and coordination between city departments, in matters pertaining to landscape resources, the following shall apply:
All required landscape and irrigation plans are subject to the approval of the community development department in conjunction with the public works department, with the former having ultimate approval authority over plant material selection. Upon determination of the community development director, the urban forest advisory committee shall be consulted for recommendations.
The Community Development Department.
Required preliminary and detailed (on-site) landscape plans are subject to approval of the community development department. The community development department shall review and comment on landscape maintenance district (off-site) landscape plans. With respect to landscape maintenance district areas, the community development department shall ensure that all components of plan are integrated and harmonious with on-site landscaping and urban design plans.
Permits for removal, alteration, and placement of trees within public rights-of-way and easements and for removal or alteration of designated landmark trees on private property shall be reviewed by the community development department.
Agronomic soils analyses are subject to the review and approval of the community development department.
The Public Works Department.
Required irrigation system plans and landscape plans for landscape maintenance district areas located in the public rights-of-way are subject to the approval of the public works department.
Permits for removal, alteration, and placement of trees within public rights-of-way and easements and for removal or alteration of designated landmark trees on private property shall be issued by the public works department;
Planting, removal or replacement of approved street trees shall be monitored by the public works department. All trees and vegetation installed in landscape maintenance districts and public rights-of-way, shall be planted and maintained according to the urban forest maintenance schedule, master street tree list, specifications and planting details incorporated herein as "Exhibit A."
Agronomic soils analyses are subject to the review and approval of the public works department
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
The urban forestry advisory committee may be appointed by the city council and may make recommendations to the city council on:
The aesthetics and appropriateness of all landscape plans for public projects and for private development projects of three gross acres or more;
Master street tree list;
Urban design landscape guidelines (pursuant to Section 17.74.180);
Removal of orange, grapefruit or other significant groves;
Nomination of landmark trees for adoption by the city council, with the property owner's consent;
Removal of landmark trees, and;
Address unusual or unforseen circumstances affecting the goals and policies of this chapter, but not specifically addressed herein.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
To ensure proper street tree selection and protection of the urban forest, no person shall excavate within the drip line or ten feet of a tree (whichever is greater), or install, replace, or alter any tree designated as a landmark (on private property with owner's consent) or any tree located within city parkways, (street rights-of-way), or street tree easements, without first obtaining a permit as specified in Section 17.74.08017.74.100.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
An application for a permit for tree removal or alteration of public trees (trees located within parkways, rights-ofway or street tree easements) shall be submitted to the public works department on printed application forms provided by same. The permit application should provide the following minimum information:
Written and graphic (plot plan) details providing the description, number, location, type and size of all trees/landscape material proposed to be removed and/or relocated or altered; property lines; dimensions of all easements affecting the removal or alteration; frontage streets; center lines; right-of-ways; utilities;
Written justification for tree removal(s) (e.g., dead, dying, diseased, or extreme hardship).
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
The community development and public works departments may require reasonable conditions in granting a permit, including but not limited to, a requirement that a security bond be posted to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
Each applicant shall pay a permit fee in an amount to be set by resolution of the city council to cover the costs of administration.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
Any person who constructs a new building, or increases the floor area of an existing main building by fifty percent (of original size) shall provided a minimum of two twenty-four inch box trees. Applicants with lots having greater than sixty-five lineal feet frontage shall provide one tree per each thirty lineal feet. One thirty-six-inch box tree shall be planted for each ten twenty-four-inch box trees required.
Tree species shall be selected from the approved master street tree list. If acceptable parkway width does not exist, according to the parkway specifications set forth in master street tree list (Exhibit "A," Section 17.74.050 (c)), the applicant shall be required to dedicate additional parkway, which shall be deemed a "tree easement." The easement shall not exceed a total of ten feet in width, to facilitate the planting of said trees.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
No person shall begin construction of any building, structure or improvement without first providing sufficient protection, such as a fence, guard or frame, equivalent to a distance in feet from the tree equal to the trunk diameter at breast height (4.5 feet), to prevent injury to any park or street tree or landscape material in connection with such construction. The protection shall be sufficient to prevent any debris from entering into the tree guard. The costs of such protection shall be borne by the person constructing said improvements.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
All trees and vegetation planted in the city, as part of a required landscape plan, shall be under the supervision of a licensed landscape architect. All landscape architects are required to sign a certification form, provided by the community development department, prior to the granting of final occupancy, which verifies that all vegetation has been planted in conformity with approved plans and is consistent with adopted city specifications.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
An agronomic soils analysis shall be required for new development projects, which affect city right-of-ways, and may be required as part of the approval process for private development, other than single-family residences. The applicant shall take a composite soil sampling, which is representative of the major soil types present. The analysis shall include fertility and suitability analysis and make recommendations for soil amendments and post plant fertilization maintenance. The analysis shall be submitted with the detailed landscape plan to the community development and public works departments for review and approval.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
A master street tree list which provides a list of suitable tree species to be planted in parkways and tree easements, along all city streets and street sections, shall be established by resolution of the city council. The list shall further specify the minimum acceptable parkway widths for each tree species on the list.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
All tree and landscape material (hedges, shrubs, etc.) abutting intersecting public or private streets, or occurring along irregularly shaped lots, shall conform to the provisions set forth in Article I, Sections 17.14.01017.14.120. In addition, trees planted in parkways, or street tree easements shall be placed according to the following minimum setbacks:
Ten feet from street lamps;
Eight feet from fire hydrants;
Five feet from sidewalks (An alternative to this setback is to place street trees one foot from the property line, where sidewalks abut the curb; and where the curb is separated from the sidewalk by a parkway, in the center of the parkway.);
Eight feet from sewer and water mains;
Twenty-five feet from stop signs.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
Urban design guidelines (master tree and landscape plans) which address focal points, entry ways, corridors, street themes, back drops, and other landscape design concepts recommended by the urban forestry committee shall be adopted by resolution by the city council for specific areas in the city. These guidelines shall be used to implement provisions in this chapter.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
Landscape plans shall be prepared and submitted to the community development department, as part of applications for the precise plans of design, subdivisions, and small projects, except for a single-family residence on a single-family lot. Landscape maintenance district landscape plans shall be prepared for designated districts, or urban design guideline areas, as part of the above applications. All landscape plans shall be prepared consistent with Section 17.74.190 and 17.74 200.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
All preliminary landscape plans which are "non-exempt" shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect registered in the state of California, and shall be wet stamped and signed. The requirements for preliminary landscape plans shall be as follows:
Architect and owner name, address and phone number;
Project identification and title block;
Vicinity map (no scale);
North arrow and scale of drawing;
Property lines, vehicular and pedestrian circulation (right-of-ways, sidewalks), easements, center lines and utility locations;
All existing and proposed structures and their dimensions;
Existing and proposed walls, trash enclosures, and transformer pads and similar structures;
Location, quantity, size, spacing and species (common and botanical name) of existing and proposed tree and plant material (including turf, ground cover, shrubs, and vines);
Indicate proposed mounding or other unique inorganic features (rocks, walkways, lighting and other);
Total square footage of landscaped areas;
Minimum specifications for height and caliper of trees;
Preliminary soils analysis (if required).
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
All "non-exempt" detailed landscape plans shall contain all provisions specified in Section 17.74.190 in addition to the following:
Mylar sheets, 24"x 36" with city title block;
Location of existing or proposed street furniture (benches, trash enclosures, etc.) ornamentation and lighting;
Details and specifications which show all work to be performed, including staking, planting, soil preparation, and grading;
Detailed irrigation plan showing the following:
Location and size of all water meters and points of connection,
Pipe size, class and/or schedule for irrigation system,
Pressure loss calculations for longest and shortest irrigation circuit,
Location, manufacturer, model number of backflow prevention devices, automatic controller, sprinkle heads, quick couplers, hose bibs, gate valves, and remote control valves;
Notes indicating the following:
Irrigation system shall be designed to operate automatically,
Irrigation system shall be vandal-resistant,
Irrigation system shall provide one hundred percent coverage,
Detailed maintenance and soil amendment program,
Perpetual landscape maintenance agreement, pursuant to subsection (E)(4) above (landscape maintenance district areas shall be maintained by the developer for a period of one year);
Detailed landscape plan for landscape maintenance district areas shall provide tree species which are consistent with the city's approved master street tree list;
Additional statements necessary to convey design rationale;
Soils analysis as specified in Section 17.24.140;
Minimum specifications for height and caliper of trees;
Landscaping, screening and maintenance plan shall be required for:
Parking lots associated with new development,
Parking lots serving buildings for which additions, remodels and/or floor area expansions are being proposed,
Parking lots serving buildings for which a change of use that creates an increase demand for parking is being proposed, and
Change of occupancy which is subject to a precise plan of design.
Parking lot landscape, screening and maintenance plans shall conform to the following standards:
One tree per every five parking spaces,
Ten percent landscaping for parking lots with less than eighty-five spaces, and
Eight percent landscaping for parking lots with eighty-five or more parking spaces.
Parking lot landscape, screening and maintenance plans shall be judged according to guidelines adopted and amended from time to time by the planning commission.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992; Ord. 516 § 3, 1995)
To preserve public safety and reliability in the construction, operation, and maintenance of overhead, underground electric lines and facilities, the public utility companies shall be exempt from all provisions, requirements and restrictions of this chapter.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)
No person, entity, or corporation shall interfere with any city official acting under their capacity while engaged in planting, removing, replacing, or maintaining any tree or vegetation in any street, park or public place within the city.
(Ord. 468 § 1, 1992)