[Ord. No. 2022-09-03, 9/26/2022]
For any of the activities regulated by this Part, the preliminary
or final approval of subdivision and/or land development plans, the
issuance of any building or occupancy permit, the commencement of
any earth disturbance, or activity may not proceed until the property
owner or applicant or his/her agent has received written approval
of an SWM site plan from the municipality. Approval of an adequate
erosion and sediment (E&S) control plan review is required from
the County Conservation District for all earth disturbance activities
exceeding 5,000 square feet including an adequate erosion and sediment
(E&S) control plan properly designed and implemented and available
on site. For earth disturbance activities less than 5,000 square feet,
an E&S control plan is not required, but the appropriate BMPs
are still required to be implemented. Swimming pool projects under
2,000 square feet are exempt from Bucks County Conservation District
E&S review.
[Ord. No. 2022-09-03, 9/26/2022]
1. The SWM site plan shall consist of a general description of the project,
including calculations, maps, and plans. A note on the maps shall
refer to the associated computations and E&S control plan by title
and date. The cover sheet of the computations and E&S control
plan shall refer to the associated maps by title and date. All SWM
site plan materials shall be submitted to the municipality in a format
that is clear, concise, legible, neat, and well organized; otherwise,
the SWM site plan shall not be accepted for review and shall be returned
to the applicant.
2. The following items shall be included in the SWM site plan:
A. General.
General description of the project including plan contents described in Subsection
General description of proposed SWM techniques to be used for
SWM facilities.
Complete hydrologic and hydraulic computations for all SWM facilities.
All reviews and letters of adequacy from the Conservation District
for the erosion and sedimentation plan as required by New Britain
Township, county or state regulations.
A general description of proposed nonpoint source pollution
Appropriate sections from the municipality's Subdivision
and Land Development Ordinance, and other applicable local ordinances, shall be followed
in preparing the SWM site plan.
B. Plans. SWM site plans shall provide the following information:
The overall stormwater management concept for the project.
A determination of natural site conditions and stormwater management
needs. This shall include, but not be limited to:
Site Features.
The location of the project relative to highways, municipal
boundaries or other identifiable landmarks.
The locations of all existing and proposed utilities, sanitary
sewers, and water lines on site and to within 50 feet of property
Proposed structures, roads, paved areas, and buildings.
The total tract boundary and size with distances marked to the
nearest foot and bearings to the nearest degree.
Plan and profile drawings of all SWM BMP's, including drainage
structures, pipes, open channels, and swales. At a minimum this should
include pre- and post-drainage area maps, an overall post construction
stormwater management plan, stormwater details sheets, and landscape
plans (if proposing bioretention facilities, low impact development,
bioretention, or vegetative basins).
The locations and minimum setback distances of existing and
proposed on-lot wastewater facilities and water supply wells.
The location of all erosion and sediment control facilities.
The location of proposed septic tank infiltration areas and
wells in cases where groundwater recharge measures such as seepage
pits, beds or trenches are proposed.
Natural Site Conditions.
An existing resource and site analysis map (ERSAM) showing environmentally
sensitive areas including, but not limited to:
g) Hydrologic soil groups A and B.
l) Floodplains.
The area of each of these sensitive areas shall be calculated and should be consistent with the runoff volume calculation § 26-123, Subsection 2C(1).
A detailed site evaluation for projects proposed in areas of
frequent flooding, Karst topography, and other environmentally sensitive
areas, such as brownfields and source water protection areas.
Existing and proposed contour lines (two feet).
The total extent of the drainage area upstream from the site
and all down gradient receiving channels, swales and waters to which
stormwater runoff or drainage will be discharged.
Stormwater runoff design computations and documentation as specified in this Part, or as otherwise necessary to demonstrate that the maximum practicable measures have been taken to meet the requirements of this Part, including the recommendations and general requirements in §
The effect of the project (in terms of runoff volumes, water
quality, and peak flows) on surrounding properties and aquatic features
and on any existing stormwater conveyance system that may be affected
by the project.
C. The format of the plan shall include the following:
The expected project time schedule.
The name of the development, the name and address of the owner
of the property, and the name of the individual or firm preparing
the plan.
A graphic and written scale of one inch equals no more than
50 feet; for tracts of 20 acres or more, the scale shall be one inch
equals no more than 100 feet.
An access easement around all stormwater management facilities
is required that would provide ingress to and egress from a public
right-of-way. The size of the easement shall be commensurate with
the maintenance and access requirements determined in the design of
the BMP.
A key map showing all existing man-made features beyond the
property boundary that would be affected by the project.
A note on the plan indicating the location and responsibility
for maintenance of stormwater management facilities. All facilities
shall meet the performance standards and design criteria specified
in this Part.
The following signature block for the design engineer: "I, (Design
Engineer), on this date (date of signature), hereby certify that the
SWM site plan meets all design standards and criteria of The Neshaminy
Creek Watershed Act 167 Stormwater Management Ordinance or Plan."
A statement signed by the applicant acknowledging that any revision
to the approved SWM site plan must be approved by the municipality
and that a revised E&S plan must be submitted to the Conservation
A justification must be included in the SWM site plan if BMPs
other than green infrastructure methods and LID practices are proposed
to achieve the volume, rate and water quality controls under this
D. A soil erosion and sediment control plan, where applicable, as prepared
for and submitted to the approval authority.
E. The SWM site plan shall include an operations and maintenance (O&M)
plan for all existing and proposed physical stormwater management
facilities, as well as schedules and costs for O&M activities.
This plan shall address long-term ownership and responsibilities for
[Ord. No. 2022-09-03, 9/26/2022]
1. The municipality requires submission of a complete SWM site plan,
as specified in this Part.
A. Proof of application or documentation of required permit(s) or approvals
for the programs listed below shall be part of the plan:
NPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities.
Any other permit under applicable state or federal regulations.
B. Six copies of the SWM site plan shall be submitted to the following
Two copies to the municipality accompanied by the requisite
municipal review fee, as specified in this Part.
Two copies to the County Conservation District.
One copy to the Municipal Engineer (where applicable).
One copy to the County Planning Commission if the regulated
activity is also required to submit a subdivision and/or land development
plan to the Planning Commission in accordance with the Pennsylvania
Municipal Planning Code.
C. Any submissions to the agencies listed above that are found to be
incomplete shall not be accepted for review and shall be returned
to the applicant with a notification in writing of the specific manner
in which the submission is incomplete.
D. Additional copies shall be submitted as requested by the municipality
[Ord. No. 2022-09-03, 9/26/2022]]
1. The SWM site plan shall be reviewed by a qualified professional on
behalf of the municipality for consistency with the provisions of
this Part. After review, the qualified professional shall provide
a written recommendation for the municipality to approve or disapprove
the SWM site plan. If it is recommended to disapprove the SWM site
plan, the qualified professional shall state the reasons for the disapproval
in writing. The qualified professional also may recommend approval
of the SWM site plan with conditions and, if so, shall provide the
acceptable conditions for approval in writing. The SWM site plan review
and recommendations shall be completed within the time allowed by
the Municipalities Planning Code for reviewing subdivision plans.
2. The municipality will notify the applicant in writing within 45 days
whether the SWM site plan is approved or disapproved. If the SWM site
plan involves a subdivision and land development plan, the notification
period is 90 days. If a longer notification period is provided by
other statute, regulation, or ordinance, the applicant will be so
notified by the municipality. If the municipality disapproves the
SWM site plan, the municipality shall cite the reasons for disapproval
in writing. The municipality also may approve the SWM site plan with
conditions and, if so, shall provide the acceptable conditions for
approval in writing.
3. For any SWM site plan that proposes to use any BMPs other than green
infrastructure and LID practices to achieve the volume and rate controls
required under this Part, the municipality will not approve the SWM
site plan unless it determines that green infrastructure and LID practices
are not practicable.
[Ord. No. 2022-09-03, 9/26/2022]
A modification to a submitted SWM site plan that involves a
change in SWM BMPs or techniques, or that involves the relocation
or redesign of SWM BMPs, or that is necessary because soil or other
conditions are not as stated on the SWM site plan as determined by
the municipality, shall require a resubmission of the modified SWM
site plan in accordance with this Subpart.
[Ord. No. 2022-09-03, 9/26/2022]
A disapproved SWM site plan may be resubmitted, with the revisions
addressing the municipality's concerns, to the municipality in
accordance with this Subpart. The applicable review fee must accompany
a resubmission of a disapproved SWM site plan.
[Ord. No. 2022-09-03, 9/26/2022]
The municipality's approval of an SWM site plan authorizes the regulated activities contained in the SWM site plan for a maximum term of validity of five years following the date of approval. The municipality may specify a term of validity shorter than five years in the approval for any specific SWM site plan. Terms of validity shall commence on the date the municipality signs the approval for an SWM site plan. If an approved SWM site plan is not completed according to this §
26-137 within the term of validity, the municipality this may consider the SWM site plan disapproved and may revoke any and all permits. SWM site plans that are considered disapproved by the municipality shall be resubmitted in accordance with §
26-136 of this Part.