There is established, for the proper planning, administration, and control of the City's financial affairs, a Finance Department. The administrative head shall be entitled Finance Director.
(Prior code § 2330; 945 § 2, 1967; 1068 § 3, 1969; 2813 § 1, 2012)
In addition to the Finance Director's administrative office, the Finance Director shall have such divisions as may be established from time to time and as are necessary for the proper carrying out of the functions, powers and duties assigned to the Finance Director under Section 2.20.030 and such other duties as may be required from time to time.
(Prior code § 2331; 945 § 2, 1967; 1068 § 3, 1969; 2813 § 1, 2012)
On behalf of and under the direction of the City Manager, the Finance Director shall have the following powers and duties:
Control and direct the administration of the financial affairs of the City;
Compile the annual budget, including income and expenditure estimates;
Maintain a general accounting system for the City government and each of its offices, departments, and agencies;
Supervise the obligation and control of the expenditure of all monies to ensure that budget appropriations are not exceeded, and audit and approve before payment by the City Treasurer all demands against the City government;
Plan, organize, and direct a centralized purchasing program for the City to afford the benefits of competitive bidding, quantity buying, and product testing;
Submit to the City Council through the City Manager a monthly statement of all receipts and disbursements to show the financial condition of the City, and within 120 days after the close of each fiscal year submit a complete financial statement and report;
See that all taxes, assessments, license fees, and other revenues of the City, or for whose collection the City is responsible, and all other money receivable by the City from the county, state, or federal government or from any court, office, department, or agency of the City are collected;
Supervise the keeping of current inventories of all property of the departments, offices, and agencies of the City;
Be authorized to pay out, to persons duly entitled thereto, warrants drawn against any special deposit trust funds without appropriation and without advance approval of the City Council;
Be responsible for and carry out the duties generally held by the Finance Director which are imposed upon the City Clerk in Sections 37201 through 37209 and Sections 40802 through 40805 of the Government Code of the state;
Perform organization methods, procedures, and forms control studies of municipal operations to develop recommendations for the improvement of program administration and performance; and
Perform such other duties as may be required of him or her by the City Manager.
(Prior code § 2332; 945 § 2, 1967; 1068 § 3, 1969; 2813 § 1, 2012)
Finance Director. Before assuming the duties of his or her office, the Finance Director shall execute and deliver to the City Clerk a bond conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of said office in the amount established from time to time by resolution of the City Council, which shall be a legitimate charge against the City.
Treasurer. Before assuming the duties of his or her office, the Treasurer shall execute and file with the City Clerk a bond conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of said office in the amount established from time to time by resolution of the City Council, which shall be a legitimate charge against the City.
(Prior code § 2333; 945 § 2, 1967; 1068 § 3, 1969; 2813 § 1, 2012)
After complying with the public hearing and notice requirements set forth in the Government Code, the City Council may establish a fee by resolution for the cost of City services payable by any person for whose benefit the services were performed.
Before adopting such a resolution, the City Council shall conduct a noticed public hearing. A summary of the fee resolution shall be published twice giving notice of the time, date, and place for the public hearing. The first publication shall be at least 10 days before the hearing, and the second publication shall be at least five days later.
At least 10 days before the hearing, a report shall be available to the public. The report shall contain the data indicating the estimated average cost to provide the service for which the fee is levied and the revenue sources anticipated for the services.
Any alternative procedure for adoption of fees provided for by state law shall be sufficient compliance with this chapter.
The procedure set forth herein may be used to set fees, as an alternative to any other procedure in this Code or in any City resolution.
Any judicial action to challenge the validity of a fee established hereunder shall be commenced within 120 days of the adoption of a fees resolution.
(2126 § 1, 1989; 2813 § 1, 2012)
The City Manager, or his or her designee, shall submit recommendations for consideration by the City Council for fees to provide for reimbursement for municipal services that primarily benefit the members of the public served. The schedule of fees for such administrative services shall be structured to provide that all parties using a particular municipal service pay a reasonable share of the related costs thereof. To that end, the following criteria shall be used to determine the appropriate fees and the structure of the fee schedule:
The actual and direct costs to the City of the service for which the fee is assessed;
The cost share attributable to particular types of services provided to each benefited member of the public;
The capital investment by the City in infrastructure or services directly attributable to the service or product provided;
The most equitable and refined method of assessing fees for costs; however, average costs can be used;
The probable incidental costs related to administering the services;
The costs of fee collection;
The fee level that is sufficiently low so that the public is able to afford the public service for which the fee is charged;
If appropriate, a differential favorable to City residents, giving effect to the financial support by City residents/taxpayers for municipal overhead, including salaries and facilities; and
Such other similar factors as will effectuate the intent of this chapter.
(2126 § 1, 1989; 2813 § 1, 2012)
The procedure set forth in this chapter, including adoption of fees by resolution, may be used as an alternative procedure to any procedure set forth elsewhere in the City Code at the option of the City Manager.
(2126 § 1, 1989; 2813 § 1, 2012)