The intention of this chapter is to provide through-passage routes in the City for commercial vehicles exceeding 6,000 pounds on the following streets only. The City shall cause to be erected and maintained appropriate signs within the City designating as truck routes those streets over which commercial vehicles exceeding 6,000 pounds may be driven. This chapter shall be effective at such time as said signs have been erected. The City Traffic Engineer shall keep and maintain accurate maps available to the public setting out streets upon which traffic is permitted by commercial vehicles exceeding 6,000 gross pounds.
(1253 § 2, 1972; 2804 § 1, 2011)
"Commercial vehicle"
is a vehicle of a type required to be registered under the Vehicle Code of the State of California used or maintained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation, or profit or designed, used and maintained primarily for the transportation of property. Passenger vehicles that are not used for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation, or profit and house cars are not commercial vehicles.
"Recreation vehicle"
is a vehicle that is designed and intended to be used primarily for outdoor recreational uses whether motorized or being towed by a motor vehicle.
(1253 § 4, 1972; 2804 § 1, 2011)
It is determined that certain streets or portions of streets will be designated for the use of any commercial vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight of 6,000 pounds and with a maximum length from the king-pin to the rearmost axle of not to exceed 38 feet. These streets shall be signed as "truck routes" by the City Traffic Engineer and are described as follows:
Name of Street
Portion Affected
Acacia Avenue
Knott Street east to Monarch Street
Beach Blvd.
Garden Grove Blvd. south to Trask Ave.
Belgrave Avenue
Knott Street east to Industry Street
Bolsa Avenue
All portions within city
Brookhurst Street
Katella Avenue south to Hazard Avenue
Cannery Street
Garden Grove Blvd. south to Magnolia St.
Century Blvd.
Garden Grove Blvd. southeast to Euclid St.
Chapman Avenue
Valley View Street to Lewis Street
Edison Way
Belgrave Avenue to Lampson Avenue
Euclid Street
Katella Avenue south to Hazard Avenue
Fairview Street
Garden Grove Blvd. south to Westminster Ave.
Garden Grove Blvd.
City limits west of Beach Blvd. east to Siemon Street
Harbor Blvd.
Chapman Avenue south to Westminster Ave.
Haster Street
City limits north of Chapman Avenue south to Garden Grove Blvd.
Hazard Avenue
All portions within the City
Industry Street
Chapman Avenue south to Lampson Avenue
Katella Avenue
Dale Street east to Euclid Street
Knott Street
City limits north of Orangewood Avenue south to Garden Grove Blvd.
Lampson Avenue
Knott Street east to east of Western Ave.
Lewis Street
Chapman Avenue south to Garden Grove Blvd.
Magnolia Street
Katella Avenue south to Westminster Ave.
Monarch Street
Chapman Avenue south to Acacia Ave.
Nelson Street
Stanford Avenue south to Garden Grove Blvd.
Newhope Street
Garden Grove Blvd. south to Westminster Avenue
Nutwood Street
Stanford Avenue south to Garden Grove Blvd.
Pala Drive
Acacia Avenue north to terminus
Stanford Avenue
Nutwood Street east to Nelson Street
Trask Avenue
Beach Blvd. east to Fairview Street
Valley View
City limits north of Chapman Street Avenue south to Garden Grove Freeway
Western Avenue
City limits north of Orangewood Avenue south to Garden Grove Blvd.
Westminster Ave.
Newland Street east to Fairview Street.
It is also determined that certain streets or portions of streets are designated for the use of any commercial vehicle exceeding 38 feet in length from the kingpin to the rearmost axle; these streets shall be signed as "large truck routes" by the City Traffic Engineer and are described as follows:
Name of Street
Portion Affected
Beach Blvd.
Garden Grove Blvd. south to Trask Ave.
Brookhurst Street
Katella Avenue south to Hazard Avenue
Chapman Avenue
Valley View Street east to Beach Blvd.
Euclid Street
Garden Grove Blvd. south to Hazard Ave.
Garden Grove Blvd.
Knott Street east to Beach Blvd.
Harbor Blvd.
Garden Grove Blvd. south to Westminster Avenue
Katella Avenue
Dale Street east to Euclid Street
Knott Street
City limits north of Orangewood Avenue south to Garden Grove Blvd.
Valley View Street
City limits north of Chapman Avenue south to Garden Grove Freeway
Western Avenue
City limits north of Orangewood Avenue south to Garden Grove Blvd.
Western Avenue
Newland Street east to Fairview Street
(1253 § 5, 1972; 2447 § 1, 1998; 2804 § 1, 2011)
All streets in the City, except those enumerated in Section 10.40.030 and signed as "large truck route," are named as streets on which any commercial vehicle with a maximum length from kingpin to the rearmost axle exceeding 38 feet or exceeding 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight is prohibited, except as provided in this section.
Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit any vehicle from traveling on a restricted street if:
The vehicle is operating as a public passenger carrier under a certificate of convenience and necessity issued under the authority of the Public Utilities Code.
The street being driven upon is included in the national system of interstate or defense highways unless such restriction on said highway be approved by the California Highway Commission by a four-fifths vote.
The street is a state highway and this chapter has not been approved in writing by the State of California Department of Transportation.
The vehicle involved is a vehicle coming from an unrestricted street having ingress and egress, by direct route, to and from a restricted street when necessary for the purpose of transporting its occupants or of making pickups and deliveries of goods, wares, and merchandise from or to any building or structure located on the restricted street or for the purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling, or construction of any building or structure upon the restricted street, for which a valid building permit and/or current Garden Grove business operation tax certificate has previously been obtained.
The vehicle is owned by a public utility or a licensed contractor while necessarily in use in the construction, installation, or repair of any public utility.
The vehicle involved is owned, leased, operated, or controlled by any licensed contractor while necessarily in use in the construction, maintenance, or repair of a public works project or by any highway carrier regulated by the Public Utilities Commission while transporting any materials to or from a public works project when the bids were opened prior to June 20, 1972, unless an alternate direct route is provided substantially within the City by the City of Garden Grove.
Vehicles used for recreation purposes regardless of registration status.
(1253 § 6, 1972; 2034 § 3, 1988; 2396 § 1, 1997; 2804 § 1, 2011)
No person shall construct or cause to be constructed, repair, or cause to be repaired, grease, or cause to be greased any vehicle or any part thereof upon any public street in the City. Emergency repairs may be made upon a public street.
(Prior code § 3161; 1253 § 3, 1972; 2804 § 1, 2011)
Parking of vehicles to advertise for sale on city streets prohibited. No person shall park a vehicle upon a public or private street, parking lot, or any public or private property for the purpose of displaying such vehicle thereon for sale, hire, or rental unless the property is duly zoned and licensed by the City to transact that type of business at that location, except that this section shall not prohibit persons from parking vehicles displayed for sale on private residential property belonging to or resided in by the registered owner of the vehicle, nor on the public street immediately adjacent to such private residential property.
Removal of vehicle. Any vehicle in violation of this section may be removed from the public street pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 22651.9 provided a notice of parking violation has been issued within the previous 30 days.
(2295 § 2, 1994; 2804 § 1, 2011)