A final parcel map or final subdivision map shall be recorded within a period of 18 months after the approval of the tentative map by the City Council.
A final map shall be:
Prepared as a parcel map if the division of property is not a "Subdivision," as defined in the Subdivision Map Act of the Business and Professions Code of the State; or
Prepared as a subdivision map if the division of property is a "Subdivision," as defined in the Subdivision Map Act.
(Ord. 142 Art. 4 §1, 1974)
At the time of submittal of prints of a final map for checking, the City Engineer shall estimate all costs of checking the map, calculations and improvement plans, the cost of any field inspection, and the cost of recording the map. This estimate shall be deemed the final fee for these services, and shall be paid to the City Clerk. In the event that the subdivider does not agree to the amount of the fees, the fee shall be determined by the City Council at its next regular meeting.
(Ord. 142 Art. 4 §2, 1974)
To record a parcel map, a registered engineer or licensed surveyor shall submit to the City Engineer 2 prints of the proposed parcel map, and pay to the City Clerk the checking and recording fee.
The parcel map shall be prepared in conformance with Sections 11575 through 11580, inclusive, of the State Business and Professions Code; and, in the case of a parcel map showing a division of land into 5 or more parcels, as authorized under Section 11535 (C)(1), (2) and (3) of the Business and Professions Code, the parcel map shall be based upon a survey which has been monumented in the same manner as required for a final subdivision map. All parcel maps shall show the area of all parcels to the nearest square foot for parcels less than one acre, or to the nearest 100th acre for all parcels one acre or larger in size.
When the City Engineer is satisfied that the map is technically correct, conforms to the approved tentative map or any proposed alterations thereof, complies with all applicable laws and regulations, that all conditions of approval have been satisfied, and that any bonds or cash deposits have been received by the City Clerk, the City Engineer shall notify in writing the engineer or surveyor who prepared the map and request delivery of the original tracings of the parcel map. The City Engineer shall execute his or her certification on the original tracings of the parcel map, as provided in Section 11575 of the Business and Professions Code, and shall transmit the same to the County Recorder.
(Ord. 142 Art. §3, 1974)
To record a final subdivision map, a registered engineer or licensed surveyor shall submit to the City Engineer 2 prints of the proposed final map, together with a fee for checking, inspection and recording, and traverse sheets giving latitudes and departures, showing the mathematical closure within allowable limits of error of the exterior boundaries of the tract, blocks to the center of adjoining streets, and all lots whose closure is not ascertainable from the map without trigonometric calculations.
The City Engineer shall examine the map as to its technical accuracy, conformity with the approved tentative map, and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. In the event the City Engineer determines that there is a noncompliance, the subdivider shall cause the map to conform, and shall comply with the regulations.
The City Engineer shall determine that all conditions of approval have been satisfied, and that all required bonds or cash deposits have been received.
When the City Engineer is satisfied that the map is technically correct, conforms to the approved tentative map and any conditions of approval, and complies with all applicable laws and regulations, the City Engineer will notify in writing the registered engineer or licensed surveyor who prepared the map and request delivery of the original tracings of the final map. Upon receipt of the final map, the City Engineer shall execute his or her certificate on the original tracing of the final map, as provided in Section 11593 of the Business and Professions Code, and will transmit the same to the City Clerk. The City Council shall approve the map at its next regular meeting, if it conforms with all the requirements of applicable laws and regulations made thereunder.
The City Council shall, at that time, also accept or reject any or all offers of dedication and shall, as a condition precedent to the acceptance of any streets or easements or other dedications for public improvements proposed, require the subdivider to make or agree to make such improvements as are required by law and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
When the final map and all cash deposits and bonds, and all conditions have been approved, the City Clerk shall execute his or her certificate on the final map as provided in Section 11591 of the Business and Professions Code, and shall transmit such final map to the County Recorder of Santa Barbara County for recording, as provided in Sections 11625 to 11628, inclusive, of the Business and Professions Code.
(Ord. 142 Art. §4, 1974)