There is hereby created a board to be known as the Navasota historic preservation committee, which shall be composed of five (5) city citizens and who shall be appointed by the city council. The term of office of each committee position shall be two (2) years calculated on a calendar year basis, except for the initial members, whose terms will be adjusted and staggered, as designated by the city council, so that all members’ terms do not end at the same time. The committee members serve at the pleasure of the city council, and are subject to removal at any time, with or without cause, by the city council. The members of the historic preservation committee shall not be entitled to compensation for their service on the committee. The committee, at its first meeting in each calendar year, shall from its members, select a president, vice-president, and secretary to serve in that office during the calendar year.
(Ordinance 622-10 adopted 5/24/10)
The purpose of this committee shall be to provide advice and recommendations to the city council regarding historic preservation and promotion of heritage tourism in the city, including but not limited to issues relating to preservation ordinances; heritage tourism; displays, operation, and maintenance of the Horlock History Center; cultural education and events; and regular review of and updates to the city’s historic preservation plan.
The committee may also raise support and request on behalf of the city, for the purpose of furthering the mission of the committee and the city’s historic preservation efforts, gifts, bequests and endowments of money, property and historic artifacts and items from individuals, businesses, organizations and other entities, subject to the approval and acceptance of the city council.
(Ordinance 622-10 adopted 5/24/10)
The city’s historic preservation committee shall meet at least quarterly. Meetings shall comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
(Ordinance 622-10 adopted 5/24/10)