All town officials, members of any board, commission or agency and employees of the Town of Winchester, elected or appointed, paid or unpaid, shall be subject to a Code of Ethics as established or amended pursuant to the provisions of this Charter.
The ordinance comprising the Code of Ethics existing and in force as of the date of the adoption of this Charter shall remain in force and effect until amended or superseded by regulations adopted according to the provisions of this Charter, at which time such ordinances shall be considered to be repealed.
All appointments to the Commission shall be for a term of three (3) years except initial appointments. Two initial appointments shall be each for terms of three (3) years; two each for terms of two (2) years and one for a term of one (1) year. Thereafter, terms shall be staggered so that no more than two (2) terms expire in any one year. No person shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. For individuals filling a vacancy, successive years of service will commence with the next appointment period. No individual while a member of the Ethics Commission shall — 
hold or campaign for any public office; or
hold office in any political party or political committee. No more than three commission members shall be members of the same political party.
The Ethics Commission shall adopt rules of procedure, orders, codes, and regulations, including penalties, which it deems necessary to carry out the intent of Section 7-479 of the General Statutes and this Article. All such rules, orders and regulations and amendments thereto, and all proceedings of the Commission shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk and be available for public inspection.
Before the enactment, amendment or repeal of any rules of procedure, orders, codes or regulations, including penalties, the Ethics Commission shall cause to be published on the Town's website a notice setting forth the subject matter of the proposed enactment, amendment or repealed matter. Said notice shall be published no less than fourteen (14) days before such action is taken. The notice shall be simultaneously filed with the Town Clerk who shall make the notice available for public inspection. After the Ethics Commission has enacted, amended, or repealed any such rules of procedures, orders, codes, or regulations, including penalties, said change shall become effective fifteen (15) days after the entire text of the same shall have been published on the Town's website. The notice shall be simultaneously filed with the Town Clerk who shall make the notice available for public inspection.
The Ethics Commission shall have the power to investigate the official conduct of any department or agency of the Town or of any town office, member of any board, commission, agency or employee thereof according to the rules of procedure and regulations established by the Ethics Commission.