The per diem allowance for both inter-island travel and out-of-state travel for County officers and employees not affected by a collective bargaining agreement shall be identical to the allowance established in the Unit 13 Collective Bargaining Agreement.
(Ord. No. 148, February 16, 1971; Sec. 3-4.1, R.C.O. 1976; Ord. No. 395, August 7, 1980; Ord. No. 749, September 22, 2000)
The Director of Finance is authorized to administer the payment of per diem allowances as set out in the travel policy and to establish the necessary administrative practices relating thereto.
(Ord. No. 148, February 16, 1971; Sec. 3-4.3, R.C.O. 1976; Ord. No. 749, September 22, 2000)