For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:
means a structure entirely separate from any other structure by a space or by walls in which there are no communicating doors or windows or similar openings;
"Chief building official"
means the chief building official of the city or his duly authorized representative;
means any piece or parcel of land as bounded, defined or shown upon the latest map, plan or deed recorded in the office of the county recorder or upon the assessor's map as prepared by the county assessor;
"Main sewer"
means a main pipe line sewer of the city laid in the streets, alleys and along the rights-of-way for the collection of sewage from connecting sewers and conveying the same to the outfall sewer;
"Sewer lateral"
means that portion of the sewer system which extends from the main sewer to the building or structure served.
(Prior code § 26-40)
All buildings or other structures which contain any plumbing fixtures and which are located within the city limits must be connected to a public sewer except as otherwise provided in Section 16.12.080.
(Prior code § 26-41)
All property of every kind within the city limits, excepting:
Property within the Placentia sanitary district which was improved and taxes paid upon such improved property to said district prior to June 30, 1954; and, excepting further;
All property served by the Yorba Linda County water district pursuant to the terms of an agreement between said district and the city dated June 10, 1964, shall upon being furnished sewer services or subdivided be charged, in addition to other charges as established, pay a connection charge in the amount established by city council resolution. This payment shall be made as a connection charge and shall be paid prior to the connecting up or furnishing of sewer facilities to the property and the owner of the property.
(Prior code § 26-42; Ord. 71-O-127 § 1, 1971; Ord. O-2007-07 § 20, 2007)
In connection with property subject to such charge which is hereafter subdivided and tract map placed of record, that the payment of such connection charge shall be a condition of the filing and approval of a tract map and shall be a part of the improvements to be made by the subdivider in accordance with the subdivision contract and a part for which the subdivision bondsman shall be liable.
(Prior code § 26-43)
No sewer facilities shall be furnished or connection made for the furnishing of sewer facilities to the property or any person for which the charge in Section 16.12.030 is applicable unless such charge is paid.
(Prior code § 26-44)
The connection of any sewer facilities without the payment of the charges provided for in this chapter gives the city the right to go upon private or public property and disconnect the sewer facilities.
(Prior code § 26-45)
No person shall make any connection with any cesspool or other facility for depositing sewage, except with and into the city sewage disposal lines when the property or place so to be connected, fronts upon or is located within two hundred feet of a constructed, completed and accepted city main line sewer; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall be construed and applied in conformity with Section 16.12.080.
(Prior code § 26-46)
On any lot where there is an existing cesspool or other place where sewage is being deposited, such building may continue to be served from such cesspool or other facility; provided, however, no person shall continue to use any cesspool or place where sewage has been or is being deposited, which the county health officer finds unsuitable, after the expiration of thirty days from service of notice upon the property owner and/or occupant to this effect. Before the expiration of such thirty day period, such building or structure containing any plumbing fixtures shall be connected to the city sewage disposal system.
(Prior code § 26-47)
No person shall make or attempt to make any connection with the main sewer lines of the city without first having secured a permit therefor and having paid the established connection fee.
(Prior code § 26-48; Ord. 71-O-127 § 2, 1971)
A permit to make a sewer connection shall be granted upon application made upon blank forms furnished by the city, and in the manner as in such form prescribed, which application will be filed with the chief building official who is authorized to issue such a permit.
(Prior code § 26-49)
An appeal from the decision of the chief building official, as to the granting or denial of any sewer connection permit may be made to the city council. All sewer connections and pipe lines laid in connection with such permit shall be under the supervision of the chief building official and in conformity with city standards.
(Prior code § 26-50)
Every building or other structure situated within the city shall be separately and independently connected with a connecting sewer, except where more than one building or other structure is situated upon the same lot, in which case all such buildings and structures may, by special permit authorized by the chief building official, be joined in the use of one house and connecting sewer; provided, however, that all such buildings and structures are owned by the same person. The same connecting sewer may, in special cases by special permission of the city council, be used to serve two or more lots.
(Prior code § 26-51)
No building or other structure shall be connected to an old sewer, nor shall any old sewer line be used until a permit has been granted for so connecting and a certificate of inspection obtained from the chief building official.
(Prior code § 26-52)
It shall be the responsibility of each property owner to maintain the sewer lateral serving his property in proper working order.
(Prior code § 26-53)