At least seventy-two hours before a regular meeting of the City Council or any City board or commission, an agenda of the meeting shall be conspicuously posted specifying the time and location of the meeting and a brief general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting.
Action may only be taken on items appearing on the posted agenda unless one of the following conditions are met:
By a majority vote the City Council, board or commission determines that an emergency situation exists that severely impairs public health or safety.
By a two-thirds vote, or if less than two-thirds of the body is present by a unanimous vote, the City Council, board or commission determines that the need to take action arose subsequent to the agenda being posted.
The matter was continued from an earlier meeting held not more than five calendar days prior to date action is taken on the item, and at the prior meeting the item was continued to the meeting at which action is being taken.
(Prior code § 1120; added by Ord. No. 1556CCS, adopted 10/23/90)
At least twenty-four hours before a special meeting of the City Council or any City board or commission, an agenda of the special meeting shall be conspicuously posted specifying the time and location of the special meeting and a brief general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the special meeting.
Notice of the meeting shall be provided City Council and board members or commissioners in the manner provided for in Government Code Section 54956.
Unless an emergency occurs that severely impairs public health or safety, no business other than that which appears on the posted agenda may be transacted at the special meeting.
Emergency meetings of the City Council, boards and commissions may be called and conducted in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 54956.5.
(Prior code § 1121; added by Ord. No. 1556CCS, adopted 10/23/90)