There hereby is established a police reserve corps hereinafter called the "Corps" which Corps shall be a voluntary organization composed of persons appointed by the Chief of Police pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2.16 of this Article. The members of the Corps shall serve gratuitously as a unit of the law and order division of the Santa Monica Disaster Corps or any civil defense and disaster corps hereinafter created and the members of the Corps shall assist regular police officers in law enforcement and the maintenance of peace and order during the temporary congregation of large numbers of persons under conditions which make it impracticable to furnish adequate police protection solely by means of regular police officers and also shall assist in law enforcement and the maintenance of peace and order during the time any emergency is declared pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2.16 of this Article.
(Prior code § 2700; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)
Subject to the provisions of this Chapter and said Chapter 2.16, the Chief of Police shall have complete authority and control over the Corps. He may appoint as members thereof any persons whom he or she deems to be qualified for membership and may reject any application for membership. Said Chief shall provide for the training of candidates for membership and for the further training of members in all fields of police activity and for that purpose may assign members of the Corps to various police duties.
(Prior code § 2701; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)
No person shall become a member of the Corps until he or she has taken the training and is able to meet all requirements prescribed by the Chief of Police for membership in the Corps. When a person has qualified and has been selected by the said Chief for membership in the Corps he or she then shall be sworn in by said Chief or his/her authorized representative.
(Prior code § 2702; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)
The Chief of Police, by order, may establish rules and regulations to govern the Corps including the fixing of specific duties of its members and the providing for the maintenance of discipline. Such rules and regulations may be changed from time to time.
(Prior code § 2703; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)
Upon being sworn in as a member of the Corps an identification card, badge and cap piece and such other insignia or evidence of identification as the Chief of Police may prescribe shall be issued to each member of the Corps and such identification card must be carried at all times.
Upon termination of membership in the Corps each member must surrender all City property issued to him or her.
(Prior code § 2704; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)
The membership of any person in the Corps may be terminated by the Chief of Police at any time and any member may resign from the Corps at any time upon notifying the Chief of Police of his or her resignation.
(Prior code § 2705; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)
No member of the Corps shall carry any firearm until he has qualified for, and received a gun permit signed by the Chief of Police.
(Prior code § 2706; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)
A member of the Corps when assigned to duty by the Chief of Police or his/her authorized representative shall have the same power, authority and duty as a regular member of the police department subject to any limitations imposed by the Chief of Police.
(Prior code § 2707; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)
The uniform for members of the Corps while on assigned duty shall be such as prescribed by the Chief of Police and while on duty no firearm shall be carried by any member unless directed to carry such firearm by the Chief of Police.
(Prior code § 2708; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)
No person not a member of the Corps shall wear, carry or display a Corps identification card, badge, cap piece, insignia or uniform, or in any manner represent himself or herself to be connected with or a member of the Corps.
(Prior code § 2709; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)
No member of the Corps shall wear the prescribed uniform, badge, cap piece, or any insignia of the Corps except while on duty as assigned by the Chief of Police.
(Prior code § 2710; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)
Members of the Corps while acting under the direction of the Chief of Police during an assigned tour of duty or while receiving instruction or training shall be classed as Disaster Service Workers or members of the Disaster Corps of the City within the meaning of Division 4 of the Labor Code of the State of California.
(Prior code § 2711; added by Ord. No. 244CCS, adopted 3/13/51)