Pursuant to Section 1000 of the Santa Monica City Charter, a Commission on Human Services is hereby established. The membership of said Commission shall be appointed by the City Council and shall consist of nine members chosen from the residents of the City. None of the members shall hold any paid office or employment in City of Santa Monica government.
The nine commissioners shall classify themselves by lot such that two shall serve terms expiring on the next succeeding July 1st, two shall serve terms expiring on the second succeeding July 1st, two shall serve terms expiring on the third succeeding July 1st, and one shall serve a term expiring on the fourth succeeding July 1st.
The Commission shall meet on a quarterly basis with the option to meet more frequently, when necessary, via designation of a special meeting and in accordance with the Brown Act. Further, the Commission may establish ad hoc or standing committees that may meet more frequently than quarterly.
(Added by Ord. No. 2700CCS § 1, adopted 4/26/22)
The Human Services Commission shall have the power and be required to:
Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to the social, economic, and wellness needs of vulnerable community members, including, but not limited to, marginalized populations, low-income households, older adults, women and girls (including transgender women and girls), people of color, and people experiencing homelessness, specifically maintaining, but not limiting, its focus on the former Commission for the Senior Community, the former Social Services Commission, and the former Commission on the Status of Women, including the responsibility to:
Disseminate City-endorsed educational and informational material regarding human service resources that may benefit the Santa Monica community;
Review and recommend to the City Council National, State, and local legislation which may have an impact on vulnerable communities in Santa Monica;
Consult and maintain contact with groups and individuals who are concerned with the challenges and opportunities of vulnerable City residents, and hold meetings as necessary to receive input from these groups and individuals;
Recommend to the City Council specific human service programs necessary to serve the unmet needs of residents of the City, including reviewing and making recommendations on the City's Human Services Grants Program;
Review the City Manager's proposed budget for human services and make recommendations to the City Council; and
Support City efforts to advance social, economic, and racial equity.
(Added by Ord. No. 2700CCS § 1, adopted 4/26/22)
The Human Services Commission shall render written reports on its activities to the City Council on an annual basis.
(Added by Ord. No. 2700CCS § 1, adopted 4/26/22)