Pursuant to Section 1000 of the Santa Monica City Charter, a Commission on Sustainability, Environmental Justice, and the Environment is hereby established. The Commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the City Council. All Commissioners shall reside or work in the City.
All Commission members must have expertise in one or more of the following areas:
Energy: efficiency, conservation, alternatives;
Water: efficiency, conservation, quality;
Transportation, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions;
Stormwater, wastewater and coastal issues;
Waste reduction and public health: solid waste, recycling, hazardous materials, procurement issues;
Land use and sustainable development; and
Public education and community outreach.
The Commission and Commissioners shall be subject to all of the terms of Article X of the City Charter setting forth procedures for appointment of Commissioners, terms, and meetings.
The current seven members of City's Task Force on the Environment are hereby appointed as the first seven members of the Commission. The seven Commissioners shall classify themselves by lot such that two shall serve terms expiring on the next succeeding July 1st, two shall serve terms expiring on the second succeeding July 1st, two shall serve terms expiring on the third succeeding July 1st, and one shall serve a term expiring on the fourth succeeding July 1st.
(Added by Ord. No. 2676CCS § 1, adopted 7/27/21)
The Commission on Sustainability, Environmental Justice, and the Environment shall have the power and be required to:
Identify areas of City operations or policy that could/need to be adjusted to move the City toward becoming a sustainable community.
Review programs and policies related to environmental issues as they are brought to the Task Force by staff, elected City officials, or concerned members of the public.
Make recommendations in the form of formal motions directed to the City Manager and/or City Council or Planning Commission members and provide quarterly reports to City Council.
Pursue a limited advocacy role through resolutions, formal statements, and presentations at City Council and other public meetings. Task Force advocacy will not extend into lobbying, writing editorial articles, or similar activities.
Address only those development projects in Santa Monica that have a significant potential to impact the Sustainable City Program goals.
(Added by Ord. No. 2676CCS § 1, adopted 7/27/21)