It is the purpose of this chapter to implement Section 65852.21
of the
Government Code pertaining to the development of dual residential
units on single-family lots.
(Ord. 3189-22 § 1)
The development of dual urban opportunity (DUO) housing is allowed
only on lots meeting all of the following criteria.
(a) The lot is located in R-0, R-1, R-1.5, R-1.7/PD, or R-2 zoning districts,
or residential DSP zoning districts.
(b) The lot does not contain more than one existing dwelling unit, with
or without accessory dwelling units.
(c) The lot is not located within a designated heritage resource, heritage resource district, local landmark or local landmark district, or property included on the State Historic Resources Inventory, as defined in Section 5020.1 of the
Public Resources Code, or within a site that is designated or listed pursuant to Chapter
19.96 of this code.
(d) The lot is not a hazardous waste site that is listed pursuant to
Government Code Section 65962.5 or a hazardous waste site designated
by the Department of Toxic Substances Control pursuant to Health and
Safety Code Section 25356, unless the State Department of Public Health,
State Water Resources Control Board, or Department of Toxic Substances
Control has cleared the site for residential use or residential mixed
(Ord. 3189-22 § 1)
The following requirements apply to the development of DUO housing.
(a) Lot splits. If the applicant proposes development of lots created
through an urban lot split, the following requirements apply to each
of the newly created parcels:
(1) Each lot must be at least one thousand two hundred square feet in
size and at least forty percent of the lot area of the original parcel.
(2) Each parcel must adjoin the public right-of-way or have access to
the right-of-way. The access must not be less than ten feet wide at
any point.
(3) Exclusive of any access to the right-of-way as required in this section,
each parcel has a width or depth measurement of at least forty feet.
(4) All other requirements of Chapter
18.26 of this code shall be met.
(b) Number of units.
(1) On lots created through an urban lot split pursuant to Chapter
18.26 of this code, a maximum of two dwelling units are allowed on each lot, inclusive of any accessory dwelling units.
(2) On a lot that was not created through an urban lot split, the lot may contain a maximum of two DUO dwelling units plus a maximum of two accessory dwelling units approved under Chapter
19.79, for a maximum of four dwelling units on the lot.
(c) Maximum Floor Area.
(1) The maximum allowed floor area ratio for a lot developed under these
regulations is forty-five percent or three thousand six hundred square
feet, whichever is less.
(2) If at least three of the following findings are met, the maximum
allowed floor area ratio for a lot developed under these regulations
may be increased to fifty percent or four thousand square feet, whichever
is less.
(A) The site is adjacent to a parcel zoned for a higher density residential
land use or is zoned for mixed-use, commercial, or industrial development.
(B) The project proposes setbacks that are equivalent, or exceed, all
of the following:
The second story side setback of any structure must be a minimum
of seven feet.
The first story rear setback of any structure must be a minimum
of ten feet.
(C) No second story structures are proposed within twenty feet of the
rear property line.
(D) The lot is adjacent to a development that exceeds forty-five percent
floor area ratio.
(E) The DUO units are attached.
(F) The project proposes parking that meets, or exceeds, the minimum requirements in Chapter
(d) Setbacks.
(1) Minimum four-foot side and rear-yard setbacks are required; however,
setbacks of less than four feet are allowed for an existing permitted
structure or for a DUO unit that is constructed in the same location
and to the same dimensions as an existing permitted structure.
(2) In any two-story residential development, the front yard setback
for the second story shall be not less than twenty-five feet.
(3) The development must comply with all other applicable setback requirements in Chapter
(e) Building Standards. All applicable requirements of Title 16 (Buildings
and Construction) shall be satisfied.
(f) Building Separation. Dwelling units may be adjacent or connected
provided that the structures meet building code safety standards,
including standards sufficient to allow separate conveyance.
(g) Entrances. Each dwelling unit shall have independent exterior access.
Interior connections are permitted between a DUO unit and an accessory
dwelling unit, but not between two DUO units.
(h) Utility Connections. Each DUO unit shall have a separate utility
connection and separate electrical panel.
(i) Parking.
(1) One covered off-street parking space is required for each DUO dwelling
unit unless exempt as provided in this section.
(2) If off-street parking is required or proposed, all parking spaces (covered and uncovered) must meet the minimum requirements of Section
(3) Exemption. Off-street parking spaces are not required if the parcel
is either:
(B) Less than one block from a car share vehicle.
(j) Front Yard Paving. No more than fifty percent of the required front
yard shall be paved with asphalt, concrete cement, or any other impervious
(k) Other Requirements. All other applicable objective zoning requirements
in Title 19 shall be satisfied, including, but not limited to, lot
coverage, required rear yard maximum lot coverage, floor area ratio,
open space, vision triangles, and design review, as long as those
requirements permit construction of at least one DUO unit on the lot
that is at least eight hundred square feet gross floor area in size,
with at least four-foot side and rear setbacks, and which complies
with all other applicable development standards.
(Ord. 3189-22 § 1)
The following objective design standards shall be applied ministerially.
(a) Architectural Style.
(1) All residential structures on the lot must have the same architectural
style and must comply with any adopted design guidelines applicable
to the site.
(2) Front wall façades longer than thirty feet shall provide a
three-foot change in plane every thirty feet.
(3) At least one of the entrances, excluding garages, to a DUO unit shall
be visible from a public street adjoining the lot.
(4) Second to first floor ratio shall not exceed thirty-five percent.
(5) Roof pitches of both DUO units on a single lot must be no more than
4:12 in slope or, if a new DUO unit is added to a lot with an existing
residential structure, the roof line of the new structure must be
the same slope as the existing structure.
(6) Balconies and decks that are more than two feet above grade must
maintain a distance of at least ten feet from side property lines
and twenty feet from rear property lines when adjacent to residential
(b) Height and Massing.
(1) The maximum height for the rear twenty feet of a property is seventeen
(2) The maximum plate height is nine feet on the first floor and eight
feet on the second floor.
(3) A crawl space must not exceed two feet in height unless additional
height is required by the chief building official.
(4) Basements may not project more than two feet above finished grade.
(c) Frontage.
(1) The front setback must contain a landscaped area that has at least
fifty percent landscaping.
(2) If a garage is proposed for a project, the width of the garage shall
not exceed fifty percent of the building frontage.
(3) One fifteen-gallon or larger tree is required to be planted in the
front yard of each lot.
(4) No more than one driveway is permitted per DUO unit.
(d) Privacy. Second-floor windows of a residential building facing a
side property line must be high sill and opaque, with the bottom sill
at least five feet from the finished floor height of the second floor,
unless no other location is available for required egress as determined
by the building official.
(Ord. 3189-22 § 1)
This Chapter
19.78 shall become inoperative on the date that
Government Code Section 65852.21 is repealed by legislative action, voter initiative or referendum.
(Ord. 3189-22 § 1)