The City Council shall appoint the City Manager and the City Attorney, which positions shall not be in the Classified Service and who may be removed by motion of the City Council adopted by at least five affirmative votes.
It shall also appoint the City Clerk, which position shall be in the Classified Service. The City Council in its discretion shall establish by resolution the salary and such other terms of employment of the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk as the City Council determines to be appropriate.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS; amended at General Municipal Election, November 7, 2006, certified by Res. No. 10187CCS)
The City Manager shall appoint, and may remove, all directors of City departments under the City Manager's control, including the Chief of Police and the Chief of the Fire Department, which positions shall not be in the classified service or considered to have civil service status.
The City Manager shall consult with boards and commissions as appropriate concerning the appointment of a department director.
(Amended by Res. No. 675CCS, adopted 4/17/51; General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS; amended at General Municipal Election, November 7, 2006, certified by Res. No. 10187CCS)
The City Council may provide by ordinance for the creation, continuation, reorganization or abolishment of any City departments under the control of the City Manager, regardless of whether the department is referred to in the City Charter, upon recommendation of the City Manager. Each department so created, reorganized or continued shall be headed by an officer, as department director, who shall be appointed by the City Manager. The positions of such department directors shall not be included in the Classified Service.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 7, 2006, certified by Res. No. 10187CCS)
The City Manager shall be chosen on the basis of his or her executive and administrative qualifications. The City Manager shall be paid a salary commensurate with the City Manager’s responsibilities as chief administrative officer of the City. No City Councilmember shall receive such appointment during the term for which the Councilmember shall have been elected, nor within two years after the expiration of the Councilmember’s term.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
The City Manager shall be the chief executive officer and the head of the administrative branch of the City government. The City Manager shall be responsible to the City Council for the proper administration of all affairs of the City, and shall have power and be required to:
Appoint and remove, subject to the Civil Service provisions of this Charter, all department heads of the City except as otherwise provided by this Charter, and pass upon and approve all proposed appointments and removals of subordinate employes by department heads;
Prepare the budget annually and submit it to the City Council and be responsible for its administration after adoption;
Prepare and submit to the City Council as of the end of the fiscal year a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the City for the preceding year;
Keep the City Council advised of the financial condition and future needs of the City and make such recommendations as may seem desirable; and
Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter or required of the City Manager by the City Council, not inconsistent with this Charter.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
The City Manager shall be accorded a seat at the City Council table and shall be entitled to participate in the deliberations of the City Council, but shall not have a vote.
The City Manager shall appoint, subject to the approval of the City Council, one of the other officers of the City to serve as Manager Pro Tempore during any temporary absence or disability of the City Manager.
Assistant City Manager. In the event that the City Council provides for the appointment of an Assistant City Manager, the Assistant City Manager shall be appointed by, and be under the supervision and direction of, the City Manager. The position of Assistant City Manager shall not be in the Classified Service.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
The City Clerk shall have power and be required to:
Attend all meetings of the City Council and record and maintain a full and true record of all of the proceedings of the City Council in books that shall bear appropriate titles and be devoted to such purposes. Such books shall have a general index sufficiently comprehensive to enable a person readily to ascertain matters contained therein;
Maintain ordinance and resolution books into which shall be recorded all City ordinances and resolutions with the certificate of the Clerk annexed to each thereof stating the same to be a correct copy, giving the number of said ordinance or resolution and, as to an ordinance requiring publication, stating that the same has been published or posted in accordance with this Charter.
Be the custodian of the seal of the City;
Administer oaths or affirmations, take affidavits and depositions pertaining to the affairs and business of the City and certify copies of its official records;
Appoint and remove all assistants and other persons as are authorized to be employed in the office by the City Council, with the position of the Assistant City Clerk not being in the Classified Service of the City, unless the City Council by resolution determines otherwise. All other positions in the City Clerk's office shall not be in the Classified Service of the City unless the City Council by resolution determines otherwise; and
Perform such other tasks as the City Council shall direct by ordinance or resolution.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 7, 2006, certified by Res. No. 10187CCS)
The position of City Attorney shall be a full time position and the appointee shall not be entitled to engage in private practice. To become eligible for appointment as City Attorney, the appointee shall have been admitted to practice as an attorney at law in all of the state courts of California and shall have been engaged in the practice of law for at least five years immediately prior to his or her appointment. The City Attorney shall have power and be required to:
Represent and advise the City Council and all City officers in all matters of law pertaining to their offices;
Represent and appear for the City and any City officer or employee or former City officer or employee, in any or all actions and proceedings in which the City or any such officer or employee, in or by reason of his or her official capacity, is concerned or is a party, but the City Council shall have control of all legal business and proceedings and may employ other attorneys to take charge of any litigation or matter or to assist the City Attorney therein;
Attend all meetings of the City Council and give advice or opinions in writing whenever requested to do so by the City Council, or by any of the boards or officers of the City;
Approve the form of all bonds given to and all contracts made by the City, endorsing approval thereon in writing;
Prepare any and all proposed ordinances or resolutions for the City, and amendments thereof;
Appoint and remove such assistants and clerical and stenographic help as are authorized to be employed in the City Attorney’s Office by the City Council, such persons not to be in the Classified Service of the City;
Prosecute on behalf of the people all criminal cases for violation of this Charter and of City ordinances, and all misdemeanor offenses arising upon violation of the laws of the State; and
On vacating the office, surrender to his or her successor all books, papers, files and documents pertaining to the City’s affairs.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
The City Controller shall have charge of the administration of the financial affairs of the City and shall have the power and be required to:
Compile the budget expense and capital estimates for the City Manager;
Supervise and be responsible for the disbursement of all monies and have control over all expenditures to insure that budget appropriations are not exceeded;
Maintain a general accounting system for the City government and each of its offices, departments and agencies; keep books for and prescribe the financial forms to be used by each office, department and agency;
Require and supervise the keeping of, current inventories of all property, real and personal, by the respective officers in charge thereof and periodically to audit the same;
Submit to the City Council, through the City Manager, a monthly statement of all receipts and disbursements in sufficient detail to show the exact financial condition of the City; and, as of the end of each fiscal year, submit a complete financial statement and report; and
Audit and approve before payment all bills, invoices, payrolls, demands or charges against the City government and, with the advice of the City Attorney, determine the regularity, legality and correctness of such claims, demands or charges.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
The Personnel Director shall have power and be required to:
Give wide publicity, through appropriate channels in each case, to all announcements of competitive examinations to the end of encouraging qualified persons to take such examinations;
Hold competitive examinations for all appointments in the Classified Service, restricting such examinations to persons reasonably qualified to perform the duties of the position;
Prepare and recommend to the Personnel Board and the City Council, Civil Service rules and regulations;
Make periodic studies of the classification plan based on the duties, authority, and responsibility of positions in the City service and make recommendations as to improvements therein;
Prepare and maintain a pay plan for the City service;
Develop and establish training and educational programs for persons in the City service; and
Investigate periodically the operation and effect of the personnel provisions of this Charter and the rules promulgated thereunder and report findings and recommendations to the City Manager and the Personnel Board.
(Added by Ord. No. 1051CCS, adopted 4/12/77)
The City Treasurer shall be the custodian of all public funds belonging to or under control of the City, or of any office, department or agency thereof, and shall have power and be required to:
Receive and have custody of all moneys receivable by the City from any source;
Deposit all moneys received in such depositories as may be designated by resolution of the City Council or, if no resolution be adopted, by the City Manager, and in compliance with all of the provisions of the State Constitution and laws of the State governing the handling, depositing and securing of public funds.
Disburse moneys on demands properly audited in the manner provided for in this Charter; and
Prepare and submit to the City Controller monthly written reports of all receipts, disbursements and fund balances, copies of which reports shall be filed with the City Manager.
To be eligible for appointment as City Engineer, the appointee shall have had at least five years’ practice as a Registered Civil Engineer in the State of California, or shall be a Registered Civil Engineer with at least five years’ previous experience in municipal engineering.
The City Engineer shall have power and be required to:
Supervise and be responsible for all City engineering work;
Supervise and be responsible for the maintenance, properly indexed, of all maps, plans, profiles, thorough and correct field notes of all surveys, and other records and memoranda belonging to the City and pertaining to the office of City Engineer and the work thereof; and
On vacating the office, surrender to his or her successor all maps, plans, field notes and other records and memoranda pertaining to the City’s affairs.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
The Street Superintendent shall have the general care and supervision of all City streets, sewers and drains and shall have power to and be required to:
Make frequent inspection of all streets, sewers and drains of the City;
Receive and investigate all complaints as to their condition and have charge of the enforcement of all laws and ordinances pertaining thereto; and
Inspect all streets, sewers and drains while the same are in the course of construction; inspect, approve or reject all materials used in such construction, whether done by contract or otherwise and, pending investigations when necessary, stop all work thereon.
The Building Officer shall have charge of the supervision and inspection of all building construction within the City and shall have power and be required to:
Examine building plans in order to determine conformity with State laws and ordinances and issue building permits in connection therewith; and
Enforce the laws and ordinances regulating the construction and maintenance of buildings and other structures.
The Chief of Police shall have power and be required to:
Preserve the public peace;
Execute and return all process issued to him or her by legal authority; and
Exercise all the powers that are now or may hereafter be conferred upon sheriffs and other police officers by the laws of the State.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
The Chief of the Fire Department shall have power and be required to:
Supervise all matters relating to the prevention and extinguishing of fires and the protection of all property impaired thereby; and
Make frequent inspection of all property within the City to enforce fire prevention regulations.
The Director of Cultural and Recreation Services shall have power and be required to:
Supervise and be responsible for the planning and preparation of a comprehensive City recreation program, with the aid, assistance, and subject to the approval, of the Recreation and Parks Commission; promote and stimulate public interest therein, and to these ends solicit to the fullest extent possible the cooperation of school authorities and other public and private agencies interested therein; and
Actively supervise and be responsible for all City playgrounds and recreation facilities.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
No person holding the position of City Controller, City Treasurer, City Engineer, Street Superintendent, Building Officer or Airport Director shall be considered a departmental director unless the City Manager designates the position in this manner and the position is so described in the City's organizational structure as approved by the City Council from time to time. In the discretion of the City Manager any person may simultaneously hold more than one position within City government.
(Added by General Municipal Election, November 7, 2006, certified by Res. No. 10187CCS)