The City Council shall establish by ordinance the amounts, terms and conditions of any official bonds required of officials or employees. Premiums on official bonds shall be paid by the City.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
Each member of the City Council, of every board and commission and each officer provided for in this Charter before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his or her office, shall take, subscribe to and file with the City Clerk the following oath or affirmation:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of (here inserting name of office) according to the best of my ability.”
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
No member of the City Council shall be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract, sale or transaction to which the City is a party and neither shall any City official or employee be interested in any contract, sale or transaction to which the City is a party and which comes before said official or employee, or the department of the City with which said official or employee is connected, for official action. Any such contract or transaction in which there shall be such an interest shall become void at the election of the City, when so declared by resolution of the City Council.
No member of the City Council, City official or employee shall be deemed to be financially interested, within the meaning of the foregoing provisions, in any contract made with a corporation by reason of the ownership of stock in such corporation unless said stock owned by said person shall amount to at least three (3%) per cent of all the stock of such corporation issued and outstanding. No City Councilmember or member of any board or commission shall vote on or participate in any contract or transaction in which the Councilmember is directly or indirectly financially interested whether as a stockholder of the corporation or otherwise. If any officer of the City, during the term for which the officer was elected or appointed, shall so vote or participate, or shall be financially interested as aforesaid, upon conviction thereof, the official shall forfeit his or her office.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
The City Council by ordinance may assign additional functions or duties to offices, departments or agencies established by this Charter, but may not discontinue or assign to any other office, department or agency any function or duty assigned by this Charter to a particular office, department or agency.
Each department head and the department head’s deputies shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations in connection with any official business pertaining to his or her department.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
Each department head shall have the power to appoint and remove such deputies, assistants, subordinates and employees as are provided for by the City Council for that department, upon the following conditions:
Subject to the civil service provisions of this Charter and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder; and
Subject to approval of the City Manager being first had and received.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)