General Municipal Elections for the filling of elective office shall be held in said City on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November in each even numbered year commencing with the year 1984.
For those elected officers whose terms are to expire in April 1985, those terms shall expire in November 1984. For those elected officers whose terms are scheduled to expire in April 1987, those terms shall expire in November 1986. The elections to fill said office shall be held on the election days established pursuant to this Article. The terms of the officers elected in November of even numbered years shall begin on the first Tuesday following their elections.
The provisions of this Section shall take effect and control over any other provisions of this Charter in conflict with this Section.
(Amended at Special Municipal Election 6/5/84; Res. No. 6872CCS, adopted 6/26/84)
All other municipal elections that may be held by authority of this Charter, or of any law, shall be known as special municipal elections.
A special municipal election shall be held for the election of the first members of the City Council under this Charter and for five members of the Board of Education, on the tenth Tuesday following the approval of this Charter by the Legislature.
Unless otherwise provided by ordinance, hereafter enacted, all elections shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California, as the same now exist or may hereafter be amended, for the holding of elections in cities of the sixth class insofar as the same are not in conflict with this Charter.
Unless otherwise provided by ordinance, hereafter enacted, the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California as the same now exist or may hereafter be amended, governing the initiative, referendum and the recall of municipal officers, shall apply to use thereof in the City insofar as such provisions of the Elections Code are not in conflict with this Charter.