All ordinances and resolutions shall be in writing and shall be introduced by some member of the city council, city staff person, city attorney, or city engineer at an open meeting of the city council when it shall be read and acted upon. It shall only be necessary to provide a brief explanation and read the caption of the ordinance or resolution unless a motion is made by any council member to read the entire ordinance or resolution and a majority of the city council present and eligible to vote agree to reading the entire ordinance or resolution. An ordinance must be adopted by a majority vote of the city council present and voting, unless otherwise required by state or federal law or municipal ordinance.
(Ordinance 10-O-09, sec. 2, adopted 4/26/2010; 2009 Code, sec. 1.03.061)
All ordinances and resolutions upon passage shall be approved by the mayor, numbered, and attested by the city secretary, and shall be recorded by the city secretary in a book of ordinances or in the minutes for resolutions. Such book of ordinances shall by authority touch all questions arising under the laws and ordinances of the city.
(Ordinance 10-O-09, sec. 2, adopted 4/26/2010; 2009 Code, sec. 1.03.062)
Every ordinance imposing any penalty, fine, or forfeiture shall, after passage thereof, be published in every issue of the city’s official newspaper for two days or one issue of the city’s official newspaper if the city’s official newspaper is a weekly newspaper, and such ordinances shall take effect and be in force from and after the publication thereof, unless otherwise expressly provided. Ordinances not required to be published shall take effect from their passage, unless otherwise specified. In lieu of the publication of the entire ordinance, the publication of a descriptive caption or title, stating in summary the purpose of the ordinance and the penalty for violation thereof, shall satisfy the publication required by this section. Upon publication, the city secretary may forward adopted ordinances to be published in the city code.
(Ordinance 10-O-09, sec. 2, adopted 4/26/2010; 2009 Code, sec. 1.03.063)