The city hereby creates and establishes a planning board which shall also serve as a zoning board and which shall be known as the planning and zoning commission (hereinafter “commission”) for the city. The commission shall serve as an advisory board to the city council. The commission shall make recommendations relating to the development and redevelopment of the city and its environs. The commission shall have all duties imposed upon such body by ordinance, state statute or other applicable law. The members of the commission shall be selected by the city council. The commission members shall serve at the pleasure of the city council. The commission members shall be registered voters of the city and have resided within the city for at least six months preceding their appointment, except one member may be a registered voter residing within the district boundary of the Liberty Hill Independent School District.
(Ordinance 09-O-46 adopted 9/14/2009; 2009 Code, sec. 1.07.032)