Tampering with posted signs, tags or seals.
Signs, tags, or seals posted or affixed by the building official or code official shall not be mutilated, destroyed, or tampered with, or removed, without authorization from the building official or code official, as applicable.
Duties of owner upon sale or other disposal of building.
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any building, dwelling unit or structure who has received a compliance order or upon whom a notice of violation has been served to sell, transfer, mortgage, lease or otherwise dispose of such building, dwelling unit or structure to another until the provisions of the compliance order or notice of violation have been complied with, or until such owner shall first furnish the grantee, transferee, mortgagee or lessee a true copy of any compliance order or notice of violation issued by the building or code official and shall furnish to the building or code official a signed and notarized statement from the grantee, transferee, mortgagee or lessee, acknowledging the receipt of such compliance order or notice of violation.
Work on homestead; engineer’s or architect’s certification.
A permit shall not be required for work on a homestead, provided the owner provides proof to the building official stating that he/she owns and presently occupies the existing building as his/her homestead and certifies he/she will do the work with his/her own hands; however, in no circumstance shall work create or constitute a danger to life or safety.
Any documents prepared by or required to be prepared by a licensed or registered design professional shall bear the professional’s seal. The seal shall bear the professional’s name and the legend “Licensed Professional Engineer,” “Registered Professional Engineer” or “Registered Architect.” The design professional shall be an architect or engineer legally licensed or registered under the Texas statutes that regulate the practice of architecture or engineering. The design professional shall be an architect or engineer legally licensed or registered under the Texas statutes that regulate the practice of architecture or engineering, as applicable.
Affidavit by architect or engineer.
The building official may accept an affidavit from a registered architect or engineer stating that the plans submitted conform to the technical codes. For buildings and structures, the affidavit shall state that the plans conform to the laws as to egress, type of construction and general arrangement and, if accompanied by drawings, show the structural design and that the plans and design conform to the requirements of the technical codes as to strength, stresses, strains, loads and stability. The building official may without any examination or inspection accept such affidavit, provided the architect or engineer who made such affidavit agrees to submit to the building official copies of inspection reports as inspections are performed, and upon completion of the structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, and plumbing systems, a certification that the structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, and plumbing system has been erected in accordance with the requirements of the city’s adopted codes. Where the building official relies upon such affidavit, the architect or engineer assures and assumes full responsibility for the compliance with all provisions of the technical codes and other pertinent laws or ordinances.
Payment of fees and costs.
No certificate of occupancy will be issued until the city has been fully paid all fees and costs that are related to the building or structure. The fees and costs include those related to the infrastructure of the building, such as impact fees and fees for the installation of water meter and water and wastewater connections.
Certificate of occupancy required.
It is unlawful for a builder, building contractor, or building owner to allow any person to occupy a building until a certificate of occupancy is issued. Occupancy without an active certificate of occupancy will be subject to the penalty provisions of this chapter.
New certificate of occupancy for nonresidential building.
Before utility service to a nonresidential building is initiated for a new owner, occupant or tenant, the owner, occupant, or tenant shall apply for and obtain a new certificate of occupancy from the building inspection division.
Design of foundations.
The city will recognize and enforce the Recommended Practice for the Design of Residential Foundations Version 1 (2002 edition) by the Texas Section, American Society of Civil Engineers. All load-bearing slab-based foundations on grade will be required to be designed by a Texas state certified professional engineer.
Driveways, sidewalks and approaches to street.
Driveways, sidewalks, and approaches must be dowelled together. The approach to the street must be dowelled a minimum of every twenty-four (24) inches to the street curb. The driveway to the home must be dowelled a minimum of every twenty-four (24) inches to the home. Driveway expansion joints must be dowelled every twenty-four (24) [inches]. Sidewalk expansion joints must have a minimum of two (2) dowels at each joint.
Driveway construction requirements.
The contractor is responsible for all repairs to any asphalt that may be removed or damaged in the street while removing the curb and gutter.
The driveway, except the driveway apron, shall be constructed of one of the following improved surfaces:
Four (4) inches of reinforced (elevated welded wire fabric 6-inch x 6-inch) Portland cement concrete;
Five (5) inches of granular rock base with two (2) inches of asphaltic concrete;
Seven (7) inches of granular rock with a double asphaltic prime and seal;
Five (5) inches of full depth asphaltic concrete/engineered blacktop;
Four (4) inches of reinforced (elevated #3 rebar 16 inches x 16 inches) Portland cement concrete.
Concrete reinforcement.
All driveways, sidewalks, and non-load-bearing patios shall have a minimum of 6 x 6 #10 wire mesh reinforcing steel placed before concrete.
Building foundation slabs to be designed by registered engineer.
Any concrete slab in excess of four hundred (400) square feet shall be designed, sealed and stamped by a current State of Texas registered engineer. This refers to building foundation slabs only. Driveways, sidewalks, and patios are not required to be engineered.
(Ordinance 2022-05.25-02, sec. 3.01.001, adopted 5/25/2022)
If the building official determines that any work regulated by this chapter is performed in violation of the provisions of this chapter or in a dangerous or unsafe manner, the building official may issue a stop-work order to the owner of the property involved, to the owner’s agent, or to the person doing the work. Any such stop-work order shall be in writing and shall state the conditions under which work is authorized to resume. Where an emergency exists, the building official may issue a verbal stop-work order. Upon delivery of a stop-work order to the owner of the property subject to the stop-work order, to such owner’s agent or to a person performing work subject to the stop-work order, work covered by the order shall immediately cease. No person shall perform any work subject to a stop-work order, except to cure a violation or to correct an unsafe condition.
(Ordinance 2022-05.25-02, sec. 3.01.002, adopted 5/25/2022)
A licensed contractor performing construction work in the city shall provide the city a copy of his or her State of Texas license, where applicable, along with a certificate of insurance that meets the requirements of this section. The city will not issue the applicable permit(s) until it receives the certificate of insurance.
(Ordinance 2022-05.25-02, sec. 3.01.003, adopted 5/25/2022)
Building accessibility standards and requirements are governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS), and any provisions set forth in the codes as adopted herein. Unless otherwise noted herein, the minimum building accessibility standards shall be as provided in the ADA and/or TAS.
Before a contractor applies for a permit for a building or structure subject to section 469.101 of the state Architectural Barriers Act, the contractor shall provide proof that he has registered the construction documents with the state department of licensing and regulation. Proof of registration consists of the project registration number from the state department of licensing and regulation.
(Ordinance 2022-05.25-02, sec. 3.01.004, adopted 5/25/2022)
A person shall have the right to make an appeal of orders, decisions or determinations made pursuant to this chapter, except as otherwise provided herein. Such appeals shall be made to the board of appeals.
City council to serve as board of appeals.
In order to conduct public hearings and to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the code official or building official relative to the application and interpretation of this chapter, the city council shall serve as the board of appeals to pass upon matters pertaining to building standards. The board of appeals may adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the property owner and lienholders, with a duplicate copy to the code official. Appeals to the board shall be processed in accordance with the provisions established by this chapter.
(Ordinance 2022-05.25-02, sec. 3.01.005, adopted 5/25/2022)
Permit required; issuance.
Permits shall be obtained prior to beginning work on any site or existing building or structure. No building shall be moved within the city limits or into the city limits and no structure removed, partially or wholly, or site work, including clearing, fills or excavations, begun without completion of all requirements for a permit. A permit shall be issued upon meeting the requirements of the application, completion of the relevant requirements and the payment of required fees and deposits.
Hours of work.
The work done under a permit shall be performed between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and notice shall be provided twenty-four (24) hours prior to work commencing. If work cannot be accomplished during this timeframe, special arrangements must be made at an additional cost.
Duration of permit.
The work permit shall be valid for ten (10) working days from the date of issue and may extend for an additional ten (10) days if a written request for extension is received prior to the expiration.
Inspections required.
Any single-family home (excluding modular and/or manufactured homes) being moved into or within the incorporated city limits shall first be inspected by a competent third-party inspector and a report generated and submitted with the permit application.
Contents of report.
The required report shall contain the scope of work required to bring the structure into compliance with the adopted building codes currently being enforced by the city building department.
Competent third-party inspector definition.
For the purpose of this section, a “competent third-party inspector” shall meet the following requirements:
A residential combination inspector as certified by the International Code Council; or
A professional engineer or architect registered and licensed by the state.
Police escort required.
Moving a structure for which a permit is required shall require a police escort by the city police department within the corporate limits of the city. The number of police officers and equipment needed for said escort shall be determined by the chief of police of the city police department. A deposit of 100% of the estimated cost of the police labor and equipment shall be made prior to any police escort, in compliance with department policies. Evidence of a deposit in the appropriate amount shall be required prior to any permit issuance in compliance with subsection (a) above. Costs of labor and equipment shall be set by a separate fee ordinance of the city.
(Ordinance 2022-05.25-02, sec. 3.01.006, adopted 5/25/2022)
Moving shall include the removal, placement, or transit of a structure of any size, except as provided by subsection (2) below, inside the city limits.
If special arrangement for relocation of utility lines is necessary, notice must be provided to the appropriate entity.
No moving permit shall be required for a structure without electricity or plumbing of two hundred (200) square feet or less.
No substandard buildings or structures shall be allowed or permitted to be moved into the city limits.
No unsafe or hazardous buildings, structures or containers shall be allowed to be moved into the city limits.
Permits to move a building or a structure into the city limits shall first meet all the requirements of the city’s zoning ordinances and regulations.
(Ordinance 2022-05.25-02, sec. 3.01.007, adopted 5/25/2022)
For the purpose of this article, clearing of trees and brush, excavation, or placement of soil, spoils or other materials that requires mechanized equipment shall require a permit 24 hours prior to commencement.
A site development permit shall be required if the site is one acre (1) or more in size and requires a stormwater management pollution prevention program (SWPPP) as required by state and local regulations.
A site development permit may be required prior to commencing work if drainage, grading or other issues require.
Proper disposition of all debris shall be documented on the permit, including the locale of dumping of spoils.
A site development permit may be required if spoils are dumped within the city limits.
No burning shall be allowed without notification to and approval by the fire department.
(Ordinance 2022-05.25-02, sec. 3.01.008, adopted 5/25/2022)
No permit shall be issued to move a structure into, out of, or within the incorporated city limits without proof of general liability insurance with a minimum aggregate amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) having been submitted.
(Ordinance 2022-05.25-02, sec. 3.01.009, adopted 5/25/2022)
Minimum standards.
All buildings or structures moved into or within the incorporated city limits shall be considered new construction and, subsequently, shall meet the currently adopted building codes of the city. These requirements shall apply equally to any previously constructed buildings which are moved within or into the city. Granting of a permit to move a building into or within the city does not exempt the moved building from these requirements.
Notice and inspection.
Persons receiving a permit to move or relocate a building into or within the city are required to notify the city building official, in writing, within 72 hours after such move is substantially completed. Failure to give such written notice will invalidate the moving permit. All moved or relocated buildings will be inspected by the building official within ten (10) days from the date of receipt of the written notice of move completion.
Time for compliance.
All buildings or structures moved or relocated into or within the city must be brought into compliance with city minimum building standards within 45 days from the date the move is substantially completed. If compliance cannot be reached within the allotted time period a written request for extension must be submitted. Only one forty-five-day extension shall be granted.
(Ordinance 2022-05.25-02, sec. 3.01.010, adopted 5/25/2022)
Criminal penalty.
A violation of this article shall be considered a class C misdemeanor and shall carry a penalty of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) with each and every day of violation constituting a distinct and separate offense.
Civil remedies.
Nothing in this article shall be construed as a waiver of the city’s right to bring a civil action to enforce the provisions of this article and to seek remedies as allowed by law, including but not limited to the following:
Injunctive relief to prevent specific conduct that violates this article or to require specific conduct that is necessary for compliance with this article;
A civil penalty up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) a day when it is shown that the defendant was actually notified of the provisions of this article and after receiving notice committed acts in violation of the article or failed to take action necessary for compliance with this article; and
Other available relief.
(Ordinance 2022-05.25-02, sec. 3.01.011, adopted 5/25/2022)