The purpose of this article is to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the city through regulation of tire storage, tire disposal and burning; to prevent environmental harm and preserve air quality of the city; and to prevent known health risks associated with used and/or scrap tires which may be detrimental to public health and welfare and therefore must be regulated. This article applies to public and private properties within the city.
(Ordinance 14-O-25 adopted 6/9/2014; 2009 Code, sec. 6.05.001)
This article is not intended to interfere with or annul any other ordinance of the city. Where this article conflicts with another ordinance of the city, the stricter or more restrictive ordinance shall control.
(Ordinance 14-O-25 adopted 6/9/2014; 2009 Code, sec. 6.05.002)
Unless defined otherwise, the words or phrases used in this article will be interpreted to give their meaning in common usage and give this article the most reasonable application.
Commercial purpose.
For the purpose of economic gain.
To throw, discard, place, deposit, discharge, burn or dispose of a substance.
Public or private property.
The right-of-way of any road or highway; any body of water; any park, playground, building, refuge, or conservation areas, recreational area or forest; and residential, commercial, industrial or farm properties.
(Ordinance 14-O-25 adopted 6/9/2014; 2009 Code, sec. 6.05.003)
For the purpose of public health and safety the city requires that tires be stored in a manner which does not allow rainwater to collect inside the tires to avoid or eliminate the possibility of a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and that such tires must be stored in a manner which does not allow potential for collection of stagnant water and development of mosquito larvae or potential for transmission of illnesses such as West Nile virus. Scrap tires, used tires and new tires are to be stored in an enclosed building or garage. Outdoor storage is prohibited, as is storage under a tarpaulin or open-sided shelter.
(Ordinance 14-O-25 adopted 6/9/2014; 2009 Code, sec. 6.05.004)
Code enforcement officers/law enforcement personnel are authorized to issue citations and otherwise enforce this article. Citations for violation of this article shall commence by completion, signing and service of a citation, which shall cite that this article has been violated, with an original copy to the violator or his/her representative. It is unlawful to violate the provisions or fail to comply with requirements of this article. Fines for violations shall be assessed according to the following schedule:
First violation.
For the first violation (individual or corporation), the minimum fine will be $100.00.
Second violation.
For the second violation (whether the same or different as the first) by the same violator, the minimum fine will be $150.00.
Third violation and any subsequent violations.
For the third and subsequent violation, whether the same or varied from prior violations, the minimum fine shall be $200.00.
(Ordinance 14-O-25 adopted 6/9/2014; 2009 Code, sec. 6.05.005)