The purpose of this title is to establish a procedure for the adoption and regulation of vehicular and traffic control applying to the particular streets, highways, intersections or areas within the City limits.
These regulations are adopted pursuant to the authority set forth in the applicable section of the California Vehicle Code and the California Streets and Highways Code.
This title and any chapter or sections herein may be amended or added to by ordinance or resolution.
Unless otherwise specifically provided, any person violating any provision of, or failing to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this title is guilty of an infraction and shall be punished as provided in Section 42001 of the California Vehicle Code. Every person is guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during which any portion of which any violation of this title is committed, continued, or permitted by the person and each person shall be punished accordingly.
Unless the provision or context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in the California Vehicle Code shall govern the construction of this title.