Parking in and upon any and all parking lots leased, owned, maintained and operated by the City for public use shall be in designated areas only, and in the manner provided as posted in each such parking lot.
No person shall park any vehicle in the City parking lot directly adjacent to Sharkey Begovich Park, on the north side of Main Street, for more than two consecutive hours within a 24 hour period. This section shall also apply to any additional City parking lots acquired or developed after the passage of the ordinance codified in this section.
No person shall park any vehicle in the City's Main Street parking lot, located directly east of the Sharkey Begovich Park parking lot, on the north side of Main Street, for more than 12 consecutive hours within a 24 hour period.
(Ord. 2015-05 § 2)
Any regularly employed and salaried police officer of the City is authorized to remove to the nearest garage any vehicle which has been parked or left standing upon a public parking lot within the City limits of the City for more than 24 consecutive hours.
In the event any officer removes a vehicle from a public parking lot within the City limits of the City, as authorized by Section 10.30.020 of this chapter, the officer shall give the notices as provided in Chapter 10, Division 11 of the Vehicle Code of the State. The keeper of any garage in which any such vehicle is stored may have a lien upon the vehicle for his or her compensation for towage and for caring for and keeping the vehicle and may satisfy the lien upon compliance with and under the conditions stated in Chapter 10, Division 11, of the Vehicle Code of the State.
The City shall post notice of this chapter upon any and all parking lots within the City limits of the City to be regulated under this chapter.