Public improvements shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 16.24 and the City improvement standards. The Planning Commission may require any public improvements required for the orderly development of all public facilities. Off-site improvements to existing City streets may be required where a traffic study or other determinations of City justify this requirement.
Streets shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City improvement standards and be dedicated in fee to City. The City may reject such offers of dedication pending completion of the required public improvements. The City is not obligated by this title to accept dedications which do not conform to State, Federal, or local law, including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
When the rear or side lines of any lot border a State highway, City arterial, or collector street, the subdivider may be required to dedicate a "no access" strip across the appropriate line(s) of such lots, or dedicate a planting strip adjacent thereto, or both.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
All street names shall be approved by the Planning Commission and no duplication of street names shall be permitted.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The design of lots shall be in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance, this title, all City standards and the City General Plan.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The subdivider may be required to dedicate and improve walkways on site or off site to provide access to schools, parks, and other public areas.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
Unless the proposed subdivision is part of a planned development (PD) project, blocks shall be not more than 800 feet nor less than 200 feet in length and shall be of a width to contain two tiers of lots of approved dimensions, except that the Planning Commission may approve variations justified by existing improvements or physical or natural features.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
In all respects, the subdivision will be considered in relation to the General Plan of the City.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
Two copies of any proposed covenants, conditions and restrictions shall be filed with the tentative map, and two copies of any revisions thereof shall be filed with the Planning Director prior to recording of the final map.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
All lands within the subdivision subject to inundation or flooding by storm or overflow or other causes shall be identified on the final map. The limits of inundated area shall be clearly identified by distance or elevation and shall be certified by a professional engineer or surveyor.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The subdivider may be required to dedicate sites for schools, parks, and other public areas as set forth in the General Plan or as required by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The subdivider shall provide private easements for storm drainage purposes conforming substantially to the lines of any natural water course, channel, stream, swale or creek that traverses the subdivision. Such easements shall be shown on the final or parcel map. All storm drain improvements shall be in accordance with City improvement standards, the General Plan, any CEQA mitigation measures and State or Federal laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the regulations of the California Department of Fish and Game. The Planning Commission may require covenants, conditions and restrictions for the subdivision which provide for maintenance of these easements.
Where public drainage facilities are necessary on an area-wide basis to permit safe, healthful and convenient development of the area, the subdivider may be required to pay a pro rata share of such facilities' cost, as determined by the City Council.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
All grading and erosion control shall be in accordance with applicable provisions of the California Building Code and an approved Erosion Control Plan. Erosion Control Plan shall implement "best management practices" that will prevent construction pollutants from contacting storm water. All products of erosion shall be prevented from moving off site into receiving waters.
Construction practices shall be in accordance with an approved erosion control plan and methods contained in "Volume 3 of California Storm Water Best Management Practice Handbook" (which is available at or other accepted erosion guidelines approved in advance by the City Engineer.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The Planning Commission may find that secondary access to a project is necessary, and require such access as a condition of approval. The Planning Commission may consider, among other things, the size of the project, its design, traffic volume, and location in determining secondary access requirements.
All subdivisions requiring secondary access shall be designed to provide more than one access route from existing streets or future streets to the subdivision. Secondary access road(s) shall be constructed to the boundary of the subdivision on a vertical and horizontal alignment consistent with City improvement standards. Temporary cul-de-sac or other approved turnaround shall be constructed in lieu of secondary access(es) when approved by the Planning Commission.
When secondary access is part of phased development of a subdivision, the Planning Commission may require security sufficient to guarantee construction of the secondary access within the time specified by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
Standards for design and construction of City or private streets shall conform to City improvement standards and be consistent with the following:
Street stubs shall be required adjacent to unsubdivided property where, in the opinion of the Planning Commission they are necessary. A cul-de-sac turn around will be required where no street intersection exists within 100 feet of the property boundary.
Reserve strips, where required to control access over certain lot lines or over the ends of street stubs or subdivision limits shall be dedicated to the City.
Alleys with a minimum width of 20 feet shall be required in industrial, commercial and in multiple family areas where necessary to control access to thoroughfares and major streets.
Streets in any proposed subdivision shall connect to a State highway, to a maintained City or County road, or to a road or right-of-way which meets the standards of this title and the City improvement standards.
Streets intended for the exclusive use of lot owners in the subdivision, their licensees, visitors, tenants and servants, may be private streets, provided:
Streets are designed and improved according to the City improvement standards.
Private use shall be shown by provisions or by a "private street" posting approved by City Engineer.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)