The purpose of this chapter is to provide review processes for signs to be installed in the City of Plymouth to ensure consistency with the general requirements of this title and the specific requirements of Chapter 19.92 (Signs). There are four different types of sign permits: temporary, permanent, multi-tenant master sign programs, and a creative, non-standard sign program. Each use the same application form, and follow the same general process, although the master and creative sign programs are approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
Purpose. The purpose of a Temporary Sign Permit is to provide a review process for new temporary signs to ensure consistency with the general requirements of this title and the specific requirements of Chapter 19.92 (Signs).
Applicability. A Temporary Sign Permit shall be required prior to the installation, construction, or alteration of any temporary sign in the City, unless expressly exempted in Chapter 19.92 (Signs). Temporary signs requiring a permit shall comply with the provisions of this title and all other applicable laws and ordinances. A Building Permit may also be required. After approval of a Temporary Sign Permit, each temporary sign installed and maintained on the subject site shall comply with the permit and submitted plan.
Review Process.
The Temporary Sign Permit application shall include plans of all proposed temporary signs drawn to scale with all dimensions noted and show the location of each temporary sign on buildings and the site. The application shall also identify the proposed dates and duration of temporary signs.
After receipt of a Temporary Sign Permit application, the Planning Director or a designated representative shall render a decision to approve or deny the Temporary Sign Permit request within 10 working days. Prior to denial of the application, the Planning Director or designated representative shall identify and request any modifications necessary in order to approve the application. Such a review shall ensure that any temporary sign proposal is in conformance with this title and is consistent with its intent and purpose.
Findings. The Planning Director shall issue the Temporary Sign Permit only after determining and finding that the request complies with all requirements of Chapter 19.92 (Signs) applicable to the proposed temporary sign.
Conditions. The Planning Director may impose requirements related to approval of the Temporary Sign Permit in order to ensure compliance with this title and the General Plan.
Approval. The Planning Director approves these sign applications.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
Purpose. The purpose of a Sign Permit is to provide a review process for new signs to ensure consistency with the requirements of this title.
Applicability. A Sign Permit shall be required prior to the placing, erecting, moving, or reconstructing of any sign in the City, unless expressly exempted by this title. Signs requiring a permit shall comply with the provisions of this title and all other applicable laws and ordinances.
Review Process.
The sign application shall include plans of all proposed signs drawn to scale with all dimensions noted and show the location of each sign on buildings and the site. The permit will not be approved until any fees as specified by City Council resolution are rendered.
After receipt of a sign application, the Planning Director or a designated representative shall render a decision to approve or deny the sign request within 10 working days. Prior to denial of the application, the Planning Director or designated representative shall identify and request any modifications necessary in order to approve the application. Such a review shall ensure that any sign proposal is in conformance with this title and is consistent with its intent and purpose.
Findings. The Planning Director shall issue the Sign Permit only after determining and finding that the request complies with all requirements of this title applicable to the proposed sign, including any applicable Master or Creative Sign Permit.
Conditions. The Planning Director may impose requirements related to approval of the Sign Permit in order to ensure compliance with this title and the General Plan.
Permit Issuance. The Planning Director issues Sign Permits.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
Purpose. A Master Sign Program provides a process for the City's review of, and decisions related to, requests for signs for multi-tenant projects. The intent of a Master Sign Program is to allow for the integration of a project's signs with the design of the structures to achieve a unified architectural statement and to approve common sign regulations for multi-tenant projects.
Applicability. A Master Sign Program shall be required for all new multi-tenant shopping centers, office parks, and other multi-tenant, mixed-use, or otherwise integrated developments of three or more separate tenants/uses that share buildings, public spaces, landscape, and/or parking facilities.
Review Process.
The application for a Master Sign Program shall be accompanied by any fees as specified by City Council resolution. The Planning Commission is the approval authority.
The Master Sign Program application shall include architectural elevations and plans of all proposed signs drawn to scale with all dimensions noted, and include illustrations of copy, colors, materials, and samples of the proposed color and materials. The plans submitted shall also show the location of each sign on buildings and the site.
Findings. A Master Sign Program, or revisions thereto, may be approved only when the designated approving authority makes all of the following findings:
The proposed Master Sign Program is consistent with the development standards for signs as provided in Chapter 19.92 (Signs).
The design, location, and scale of proposed signs for the integrated development are in keeping with the architectural character of the development.
Conditions. The Planning Commission may impose requirements when approving a Master Sign Program to ensure compliance with this title and the General Plan.
Permit Issuance. Upon approval or denial of a Master Sign Program, the Planning Director shall provide a copy of the Planning Commission's written decision to approve or deny a Master Sign Program to the applicant, and the appellant if any, within five business days. A Master Sign Program shall only become valid after the designated 10 day appeal period (Section 19.04.160 Appeals) has been completed.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
Purpose. The purpose of a Creative Sign Permit is to allow for flexibility from sign regulations for the installation of unique and creative sign types.
Applicability. A Creative Sign Permit may be applied to any sign types specified in Chapter 19.92 (Signs). Signs shall comply with the provisions of this title and all other applicable laws and ordinances. A Building Permit may also be required. After approval of a Creative Sign Permit, each sign subject to the permit shall be installed and maintained consistent with the approval.
Review Process.
The application for a Creative Sign Permit shall be submitted with the required fee as established by City Council resolution. The Planning Commission is the approving authority for Creative Sign Permits.
The Creative Sign Permit application shall include architectural elevations and plans of all proposed signs drawn to scale, with all dimensions noted, and include illustrations of copy, colors, materials, and samples of the proposed colors and materials. The plans submitted shall also show the location of each sign on buildings and the site.
Findings. The Planning Commission shall approve the Creative Sign Permit after finding that the request complies with Chapter 19.92 (Signs), including any applicable Master Sign Plan. The Planning Commission may grant exceptions to the requirements of the Sign Code if all of the following findings can be met:
The dimensional limits (height, sign area, etc.) specified within Chapter 19.92 (Signs) shall not be exceeded by more than 25%;
The shape, design, placement, color, style, quantity of text, illumination, or reflected light of the proposed sign achieves a greater lasting aesthetic value than a more standard sign;
The sign does not create additional impacts on traffic from a public safety standpoint by distracting attention or obstructing vision;
Any additional sign height or area requested is the minimum necessary to achieve the greater aesthetic value; and
The creative sign serves to promote an economically stable and visually attractive community, contributing to the character and image of the City.
Conditions. In approving a Creative Sign Permit, the Planning Commission may impose any reasonable conditions to ensure that the approval will comply with the findings required, as well as any performance criteria and development standards contained within this Code.
Permit Issuance. Upon approval or denial of a Creative Sign Permit, the Planning Director shall provide a copy of the Planning Commission's written decision to approve or deny to the applicant, and the appellant if any, within five business days. A Creative Sign Permit shall only become valid after the designated 10 day appeal period (Section 19.04.160 Appeals) has been completed.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)