The purpose of a Zoning Amendment is to allow modification to any provisions of this title (including adoption of new regulations or deletion of existing regulations), or to rezone or change the zoning designation on the Zoning Map for any parcel(s). This chapter is consistent with California Government Code Section 65853.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
A Zoning Amendment may be granted for any changes to the zoning districts or the boundaries of districts shown on the Plymouth Zoning Map or for any changes to the provisions of this title whenever a public necessity and convenience and the general welfare require such amendment.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
A Zoning Amendment may be initiated by the Planning Commission or the City Council, by application of property owner(s) of parcel(s) to be affected by the Zoning Amendment, or by recommendation of the Planning Director.
The designated approving authority for a Zoning Amendment is the City Council, which shall hold a public hearing on the Planning Commission recommendation prior to taking action. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing and then shall provide a recommendation, which shall include the reasons for the recommendation and the relationship of the proposal to the General Plan. The City Council approves by ordinance or denies the Zoning Amendment in accordance with the requirements of this title.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
A Zoning Amendment may be approved only when the City Council finds that the Zoning Amendment is consistent with the General Plan goals, policies, and implementation programs.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
Planning Director. Within 30 days of the effective date of a Zoning Amendment, the Planning Director shall record the Zoning Amendment in the following manner.
Amendments or changes shall be reflected on the official City General Plan Land Use and Zoning Map and on all copies of any zoning maps to be subsequently given out or sold by the City.
Notify the Amador Assessor's office of the zoning change.
City Clerk. Within 30 days of the effective date of a Zoning Amendment, the City Clerk shall cause any amendments or additions to the text of this title to be clearly reflected within the official City codes and on all copies of this title to be subsequently given out or sold by the City.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
Purpose. The purpose of prezoning is to establish the designation of land uses for unincorporated property adjoining the City, within the sphere of influence, prior to annexation.
Review Process. The method of accomplishing prezoning shall be the same as for Zoning Amendments as provided in Section 19.26.030 (Procedure). Such zoning shall become effective at the time annexation becomes effective. Upon passage of an ordinance establishing the applicable pre-district designation for property outside the City, the Zoning Map shall be revised to show the potential or "pre-district" classification to become effective upon annexation, and shall identify each district or districts applicable to such property with the label of "PRE-DISTRICT" in addition to such other map designation as may be applicable.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)