The official City base or plane of reference for elevations in the City is fixed at the mean sea level as established by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.
(Prior code § 7011; Ord. 104 § 1, 1958)
The monument is a square post made of concrete. It is approximately five inches above the ground and is topped with a brass disc stamped Z895-1955. It is located 53.0 feet south of the south curb of Palm Avenue and 34.5 feet east of the centerline of Thirteenth Street and 28.0 feet north of telephone pole No. 605576 about level with Palm Avenue. The elevation of the topmost part of this disc is 28.002 feet above mean sea level as defined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Datum.
(Prior code §§ 7012—7015; Ord. 104 § 2, 1958)
All official elevations established in the City shall be described with reference to their elevations as compared with the official base in feet and decimal parts of a foot.
(Prior code § 7016; Ord. 104 § 3, 1958)