Any subdivision proposal, including proposals for manufactured home parks and subdivisions, or other proposed new development in a flood hazard area, shall be reviewed to assure that:
All such proposals are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage.
All public utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electric and water systems are located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage.
Adequate drainage is provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards; in Zones AH and AO, adequate drainage paths shall be provided to guide floodwater around and away from structures.
Where any portion of proposed subdivisions, including manufactured home parks and subdivisions, lies within a flood hazard area, the following shall be required:
The flood hazard area, including floodways, coastal high hazard areas, and Coastal A Zones, and base flood elevations, as appropriate, shall be delineated on tentative subdivision plats.
Residential building lots shall be provided with adequate buildable area outside the floodway.
The design criteria for utilities and facilities set forth in this Part 6 and appropriate codes shall be met.
Development, land-disturbing activities, and encroachments in floodways shall not be authorized unless it has been demonstrated through hydrologic and hydraulic analyses required in accordance with § 200-307A of this Part 6 that the proposed encroachment will not result in any increase in the base flood level during occurrence of the base flood discharge. If § 200-307A is satisfied, proposed elevation, addition, or reconstruction of a lawfully existing structure within a floodway shall also be in accordance with § 200-338 of this Part 6 and the floodway requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:13.
Prohibited activities in floodways. The following are prohibited activities:
The storage of unsecured materials is prohibited within a floodway pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:13.
Fill and new structures are prohibited in floodways per N.J.A.C. 7:13.
All new and replaced sanitary sewer facilities, private sewage treatment plants (including all pumping stations and collector systems) and on-site waste disposal systems shall be designed in accordance with the New Jersey septic system regulations contained in N.J.A.C. 14A and N.J.A.C. 7:9A, the UCC Plumbing Subcode (N.J.A.C. 5:23) and Chapter 7, ASCE 24, to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwater into the facilities and discharge from the facilities into floodwaters, or impairment of the facilities and systems.
All new and replacement water facilities shall be designed in accordance with the New Jersey Safe Drinking Water Act (N.J.A.C. 7:10) and the provisions of Chapter 7, ASCE 24, to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwater into the systems.
Stormwater collection systems shall be designed to convey the flow of surface waters to minimize or eliminate damage to persons or property.
For any railroad, roadway, or parking area proposed in a flood hazard area, the travel surface shall be constructed at least one foot above the flood hazard area design elevation in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:13.
Roadway and other watercourse crossings that encroach into regulated floodways or riverine waterways with base flood elevations where floodways have not been designated, including roads, bridges, culverts, low-water crossings and similar means for vehicles or pedestrians to travel from one side of a watercourse to the other side, shall meet the requirements of § 200-307A of this Part 6.
Subject to the limitations of this Part 6, fill shall be designed to be stable under conditions of flooding, including rapid rise and rapid drawdown of floodwater, prolonged inundation, and protection against flood-related erosion and scour. In addition to these requirements, when intended to support buildings and structures (Zone A only), fill shall comply with the requirements of the UCC (N.J.A.C. 5:23). Proposed fill and encroachments in flood hazard areas shall comply with the flood storage displacement limitations of N.J.A.C. 7:13.
The placement or storage of any containers holding hazardous substances in a flood hazard area is prohibited unless the provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:13, which cover the placement of hazardous substances and solid waste, are met.
Placement of recreational vehicles in a flood hazard area shall be subject to the following restrictions:
Placement prohibited. The placement of recreational vehicles shall not be authorized in floodways.
Temporary placement. Recreational vehicles in flood hazard areas shall be fully licensed, operable and ready for highway use and shall be placed on a site for less than 180 consecutive days.
Permanent placement. Recreational vehicles that are not fully licensed and ready for highway use or that are to be placed on a site for more than 180 consecutive days shall meet the requirements of § 200-338 for habitable buildings and § 200-340B.
Underground and aboveground tanks shall be designed, constructed, installed, and anchored in accordance with ASCE 24 and N.J.A.C. 7:13.
Retaining walls, sidewalks and driveways that involve placement of fill in floodways shall meet the requirements of § 200-307A of this Part 6 and N.J.A.C. 7:13.
Swimming pools shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code. Aboveground swimming pools and below-ground swimming pools that involve placement of fill in floodways shall also meet the requirements of § 200-307A of this Part 6. Aboveground swimming pools are prohibited in floodways by N.J.A.C. 7:13.
Fences in floodways that have the potential to block the passage of floodwater, such as stockade fences and wire mesh fences, shall meet the requirements of § 200-307A of this Part 6. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:13, any fence located in a floodway shall have sufficiently large openings so as not to catch debris during a flood and thereby obstruct floodwaters, such as barbed-wire, split-rail, or strand fence. A fence with little or no open area, such as a chain-link, lattice, or picket fence, does not meet this requirement. Foundations for fences greater than six feet in height must conform with the Uniform Construction Code. Fences for pool enclosures having openings not in conformance with this section but in conformance with the Uniform Construction Code to limit climbing require a variance as described in Article XLII of this Part 6.