Fees may be charged for services provided under this title, including, but not limited to, services related to subdivision maps, parcel maps, improvement plans, boundary adjustments, reversions, and certificates of compliance. The City is entitled to fully recover the costs of providing services under this title.
(Ord. 2002-981 § 3, 2002)
A person requesting services under this title must make a deposit with the City Treasurer, toward the fees for the requested services. The amounts of the deposits are established by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. No. 2002-981 § 3, 2002)
If the actual cost of providing a service under this title is less than the amount deposited, the City Treasurer will refund any amount remaining in the deposit.
If the actual cost of providing a service under this title is more than the amount deposited, the person requesting the service must pay to the City Treasurer an amount equal to the deficiency. If the person fails to pay the deficiency upon demand by the City Treasurer, the City may recover the deficiency in a court of competent jurisdiction. Until the deficiency is paid in full, the project for which the service was requested is considered incomplete.
(Ord. 2002-981 § 3, 2002)
At the time of submission of a tentative parcel map, there shall be paid fees in an amount as set forth in the City's Master Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 459 § 16.02.040, 1979; Ord. 546 § 1, 1981; Ord. 2023-1235, 10/18/2023)
At the time of submission of a final parcel map, there shall be paid fees in an amount as set forth in the City's Master Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 459 § 16.02.050, 1979; Ord. 546 § 1, 1981; Ord. 2023-1235, 10/18/2023)
All construction and installation of improvements and plans therefor shall be subject to examination and inspection by the City Engineer and other appropriate departments and the subdivider shall arrange for such inspection prior to starting construction or installation of the improvements.
At the time of submitting plans for improvements, there shall be paid fees in an amount as set forth in the City's Master Fee Schedule.
If the actual cost of examination and inspection is less than the amount deposited, the City Treasurer shall refund to the subdivider any amount remaining in the deposit.
If any deposit is insufficient to pay all the actual costs of the inspections, the subdivider, upon demand of the City Treasurer, shall pay to the City Treasurer an amount equal to the deficiency. If the subdivider fails or refuses to pay such deficiency upon demand, the City may recover the same by action in any court of competent jurisdiction. Until such deficiency is paid in full, the improvement shall be considered incomplete.
(Ord. 459 § 16.02.060, 1979; Ord. 2023-1235, 10/18/2023)
At the time of filing a tentative parcel map for boundary adjustment purposes, there shall be paid fees in an amount as set forth in the City's Master Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 459 § 16.02.070, 1979; Ord. 546 § 1, 1981; Ord. 2023-1235, 10/18/2023)
At the time of filing a petition of request for reversion to acreage pursuant to Article 1 of Chapter 6, Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code, the petitioner, or the person requesting a reversion, shall pay a fee in an amount as set forth in the City's Master Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 459 § 16.02.080, 1979; Ord. 2023-1235, 10/18/2023)
At the time of filing any request pursuant to this title intended to result in the issuance of a certificate of compliance, there shall be paid a fee in an amount as set forth in the City's Master Fee Schedule to cover the cost of making the required determinations pursuant to such request and the recording of any certificate of compliance resulting therefrom. Said fee shall be nonrefundable.
(Ord. 459 § 16.02.090, 1979; Ord. 2023-1235, 10/18/2023)
Streets and lots reserved for future streets shall be disregarded in computing the fees and charges imposed by this chapter.
(Ord. 459 § 16.02.100, 1979)