Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 601, 756 and 94-884.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish a procedure which will enable the planning commission and/or community development department to review certain property development proposals within the city in order to ensure the best and most appropriate site development of property in certain zoning districts. It is intended that such uses and site design shall not be detrimental to the neighborhood or city in general, and shall not be detrimental or injurious to the value of property or improvements of the neighborhood or city in general.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
The community development department shall prescribe the form and scope of applications and necessary accompanying data.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
Applications for site plan review shall be filed in the community development department. Such application shall be made by the owner of the property or the property owner's authorized agent. If the applicant is not the property owner, a letter from the property owner authorizing the agent to act on his behalf shall accompany the application.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
The following public notice and hearing shall be provided:
When a site plan review requires planning commission action, a public hearing and notice shall be provided in accordance with Section 19.87.090.
When a site plan review of two to four units requires community development department action, public notice shall be provided in accordance with Section 19.87.090.
When site plan review is required by the community development director or department as an administrative approval, public notice shall be provided in accordance with Section 19.87.100.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
In acting upon any site plan application, the planning commission and/or Community development department shall consider factors including, but not limited to, the following:
That the proposed use does not have any detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing or working in the neighborhood, or is not detrimental or injurious to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood;
That the proposed use does not adversely affect the general plan or local coastal program;
That the proposed use is compatible with other existing and proposed uses in the neighborhood;
That the location, site layout and design of the proposed use properly orients the proposed structures to streets, driveways, sunlight, wind and other adjacent structures and uses in a harmonious manner;
That the combination and relationship of one proposed use to another on the site is properly integrated;
That access to and parking for the proposed use does not create any undue traffic problem;
That all other applicable provisions of this title are complied with;
Any other considerations, as the planning commission and/or community development department deem necessary, to preserve the health, welfare, safety and convenience of the city in general.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
Plot Plan. The plot plan shall indicate:
Location of buildings and structures, both existing and proposed;
Location of off-street parking and loading facilities;
Location and dimensions of present and proposed street and highway dedications required to handle the traffic generated by the proposed uses. Where denoted in the circulation element of the general plan, street ending design shall be provided in accordance with the city's adopted street-ending improvement policy;
Location of walls, fences and hedges, and the indication of their height and the materials of their construction; and
Location of refuse and recycling collection/enclosures and an indication of the height and the materials of their construction.
Lighting Plan. The lighting plan shall indicate exterior lighting standards and devices. The lighting plan shall be adequate to review possible hazards and disturbances to the public and adjacent properties.
Sign Program. The sign program shall indicate:
Location and size of exterior signs and outdoor advertising; and
The nature of temporary or seasonal on-site advertising.
Landscaping and Irrigation Plan. The landscaping and irrigation plan shall indicate:
Plant material type, size and location;
Irrigation specification; and
Grading and slopes where they affect the relationship of the buildings.
Elevations. Elevations shall indicate:
Building materials and colors; and
The height of buildings and structures.
Architectural and Engineering Data. The site plan application shall include such other architectural and engineering data as may be required to permit necessary findings that the provisions of this code are being complied with.
Waiver of Requirements. Any of the above requirements may be waived by the community development department if the information is deemed not essential.
Proposed Attachment or Addition to Existing Building. Where an attachment or minor addition to an existing building or structure is proposed, the plan shall indicate the relationship of such proposal to the existing development.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
The Community Development Department or Planning Commission as the case may be may approve a Site Plan if it finds that all conditions for Site Plan Review, the General Plan, the Local Coastal Program and the development standards for such use will be complied with.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
The Community Development Department or Planning Commission as the case may be may deny a Site Plan if it finds that any of the conditions for Site Plan Review, the General Plan, the Local Coastal Program or the development standards for use will not be complied with.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
The Community Development Department or Planning Commission as the case may be, may conditionally approve a Site Plan when it finds that the conditions will bring the Site Plan into conformance with the General Plan, the Local Coastal Program and the development standards for such use.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
The Community Development Department may refer, at the director's discretion, the Site Plan Review application to the Planning Commission for review and action.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
In approving, conditionally approving or denying a Site Plan, the Planning Commission shall specify the facts relied upon in rendering a decision.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
Site plans shall not become effective for ten days after being granted, and in the event an appeal is filed or a challenge is issued by the City Council, such Site Plan shall not become effective until a decision is made by the City Council on such appeal.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
Any person may appeal a decision or requirement of the Planning Commission or the Community Development Department to the City Council, and the City Council or any member thereof may request in writing a hearing before the City Council to consider any decision, determination or requirement of the Planning Commission or Community Development Department.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
All appeals or challenges shall be filed with the City Clerk within ten days after the decision of the Community Development Department or Planning Commission, as the case may be.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
Any appeal or challenge shall be in writing and shall specify, in detail, any grievance, error of decision, or requirement of the Planning Commission or Community Development Department.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
All appeals to the City Council shall be filed with the City Clerk.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
Any decision or requirement of the Planning Commission or Community Development Department that is appealed to or challenged by the City Council or any member thereof, shall be set for public hearing before the City Council. Such hearing shall be held at the earliest possible regular City Council meeting, with public notification as required.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
The City Council may continue the public hearing to another date without giving further notice thereof, if such date is announced at the public hearing.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
The City Council may, after public hearing, affirm, reverse or modify the Planning Commission's or the Community Development Department's decision. Furthermore, the City Council may make any additional determination or requirement it considers appropriate.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
Any approval of a Site Plan review shall expire within one year of such approval except where substantial construction or use of the property in reliance on such Site Plan review approval has commenced prior to its expiration. If substantial construction and use of the property in reliance on a Site Plan Review approval has not commenced within the one-year period, such period may be extended by the Community Development Department, Planning Commission or City Council as appropriate, for a period not exceeding six months for each application, up to a maximum of two years from the date of original approval.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)
An application for an extension shall be made no sooner than sixty days and no later than thirty days prior to the expiration date of the original approval. If the Community Development Department, Planning Commission or City Council as appropriate has not acted on an extension application prior to the project expiration date, the applicant shall not be deemed to have an approved extension application, but the original project approval shall be deemed not to have expired until the time when the extension application has been acted upon. Application for an extension of a Site Plan review shall be in accordance with the requirements established by the Community Development Department.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997; Ord. 2002-981 § 7, 2002)
The Community Development Department shall review and evaluate the requested extension of Site Plan Review. Within thirty days of receipt of the application, the application shall be scheduled for action by the Community Development Department, Planning Commission or City Council, depending on which body most recently acted upon the project being considered for extension.
The Community Development Department, Planning Commission or City Council may approve, conditionally approve, or deny the extension if all of the following are true:
All applicable provisions of this title originally placed on the project as a condition of approval for development are still in force at the time of the requested extension, or that changes in or additions to the resolution of approval have enabled the previously approved project to be in conformance with the code;
That no change in circumstances has occurred which would cause the originally approved Site Plan review to be in substantial conflict with the current development regulations; and
That all of the facts outlined in Section 19.81.060 A through H exist.
The applicant or any aggrieved party may appeal a decision or requirement of the Community Development Department or Planning Commission to the City Council in accordance with Sections 19.81.130 through 19.81.170, inclusive, of this Chapter.
(Ord. 97-917 § 2, 1997)