All regular meetings of the city council shall be held in the council chambers of the Laguna Beach City Hall, situated at 505 Forest Avenue, at such times as shall be specified by resolution; provided, however, such meetings may, with the consent and approval of the majority of the councilmembers present, be adjourned to another location within the city if unusually large crowds or other circumstances warrant. Further, by resolution, the city council may identify such additional meeting locations for regular meetings, as may be desired by the city council.
(Ord. 343 § 1; 1953 Code § 1111; Ord. 649 § 1, 1970; Ord. 767 § 1, 1973; Ord. 1695, 4/9/2024)
The format of the regular meetings shall be established by the city manager under direction of the city council, which may be set forth by ordinance, resolution, or other formal action of the city council.
(Ord. 204 § 4; 1953 Code § 1104; Ord. 649 § 2, 1970; Ord. 750 § 1, 1973; Ord. 878 § 1, 1976; Ord. 1695, 4/9/2024)
The regular order of business may be suspended at any time by majority vote of the council.
(Ord. 204 § 4; 1953 Code § 1104.1)
The city council shall meet at its first regular meeting in December after the General Municipal Election, provided that the elections official has certified the election, and shall pass a resolution reciting the fact of the election, shall install the newly-elected officers, and shall choose one of its members as Mayor and one of its members as Mayor Pro Tem.
The mayor and the mayor pro tem shall each serve a term of one year, or until a successor for each position is chosen. Successive appointment of the mayor and mayor pro tem in non-election years shall generally occur at the first regular meeting in December, or as such other time as the city council determines.
Three affirmative votes shall be required to choose or change the mayor or mayor pro tem.
In addition to the powers and duties of a councilmember, the mayor, or in the mayor's absence, the mayor pro tem, shall be the presiding officer of the city council.
(Ord. 1695, 4/9/2024)
The city council will not consider or act upon matters of a nonmunicipal nature, such as political endorsements or matters of national or international concern, unless such nonmunicipal matters have a measurable and direct impact on the city, its residents, or the region. The prohibition on consideration of nonmunicipal matters, however, may be overridden by a 4/5 vote of the council; provided, however, the matter must be within the city's subject matter jurisdiction. While individual members of the council may take public positions concerning such nonmunicipal matters, they shall not do so during or as part of any city meeting or official function.
(Ord. 1695, 4/9/2024)
Any person who disrupts a city council meeting by engaging in disorderly conduct, including, but not limited to, by refusing to be seated from the podium or keep quiet when it is not their opportunity to speak and ordered to do so by the mayor, other presiding officer, or their designee, or by otherwise impeding the orderly conduct of the meeting, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject to removal from the meeting. Prior to removing an individual, the mayor, other presiding officer, or their designee, shall warn the person of their improper behavior and that their failure to cease such behavior may result in their removal; the person may thereafter be removed if their disruptive conduct does not cease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no warning is required in the event the behavior constitutes use of force or is a threat of force that sufficiently indicates intent and seriousness for which a reasonable observer would perceive it to be an actual threat to use force by the person making the threat.
(Ord. 1695, 4/9/2024)
The proceedings of the council shall be governed under Roberts Rules of Order on all matters pertaining to parliamentary law; but no ordinance, resolution, proceeding or any act of the council shall be invalidated, or the legality thereof affected, by the failure or omission to observe or follow such rules of procedure.
(Ord. 204 § 7; 1953 Code § 1107)