The office of city manager of the city of Laguna Beach is created and established. The city manager shall be appointed for an indefinite term by motion or resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of at least three members of the city council. The city manager shall be appointed wholly on the basis of his executive and administrative qualifications and ability and shall hold office for and during the pleasure of the city council.
(1953 Code § 1230; Ord. 375 § 1, 1954)
No person elected or appointed to membership on the city council shall be eligible for appointment as city manager until one year has elapsed after he has ceased to be a member of the city council.
(1953 Code § 1230.1; Ord. 375 § 1, 1954; Ord. 759 § 1, 1973; Ord. 834 § 1, 1975)
The city manager shall furnish a corporate surety bond to be approved as to form by the city attorney and to be approved and accepted by the city council in such sum as may be determined by the city council and shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties imposed on the city manager as herein prescribed.
(1953 Code § 1230.2; Ord. 375 § 1, 1954)
In the absence or disability of the city manager, the city council may designate some duly qualified person to perform the duties of the city manager during the period of absence or disability of the city manager; subject, however, to such person furnishing a corporate surety bond conditioned on faithful performance of the duties required to be performed, as set forth in Section 2.08.030 of this chapter.
(1953 Code § 1230.3; Ord. 375 § 1, 1954)
The city manager shall receive such compensation as the city council shall from time to time determine and fix by motion or resolution, and said compensation shall be a proper charge against such funds of the city as the city council shall designate. Provided, further, that the city manager shall be entitled to a minimum compensation equivalent to six months salary dating from his first day of employment, unless the city manager shall resign before the expiration of the six months period, in which event his compensation shall cease at the conclusion of his services.
The city manager shall be reimbursed for all sums necessarily incurred or paid by him in the performance of his duties, or incurred when traveling on business pertaining to the city under direction of the city council; reimbursement shall only be made, however, when a verified, itemized claim, setting forth the sums expended for which reimbursement is requested, has been presented to the city council, and has been by said council duly approved and allowed.
(1953 Code § 1230.4; Ord. 375 § 1, 1954)
The city manager may be removed at any time by motion or resolution of the city council, adopted by the affirmative vote of at least three members of the whole council, meeting in regular session; subject, however, to the provisions of Section 2.08.070 of this chapter. In the event of intended removal of the city manager, the following procedure shall be followed: at least thirty days before such removal shall become effective, the city council shall, by a preliminary resolution adopted by at least three affirmative votes, state the reasons for the intended removal of the city manager. A copy of said resolution shall be forthwith handed to the city manager who may reply in writing, and he or any member of the city council may request a private hearing before the city council sitting as a special personnel board. The reply and request for hearing must be delivered to the city clerk within ten days after a copy of the preliminary resolution above mentioned has been supplied to the city manager. Said private hearing, if requested, shall be held not earlier than fifteen days nor later than thirty days after the filing of such request therefor. After such hearing, if one be requested, and after full consideration, the city council may remove the city manager by final resolution adopted by at least three affirmative votes of the whole council, which resolution shall state the reasons and grounds upon which the removal of the city manager is based. The preliminary resolution of the city council stating the intended removal of the city manager may provide for the immediate suspension of the city manager from duty, but his salary shall continued unabated until either his resignation or until the adoption of the final resolution of removal, whichever event first occurs.
In removing the city manager, the city council shall use its uncontrolled discretion and its action shall be final and shall not depend upon any particular showing or degree of proof.
(1953 Code § 1230.5; Ord. 375 § 1, 1954)
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Section 2.08.060 of this code, the city manager shall not be removed from office during or within a period of ninety days next succeeding any general municipal election held in the city, at which election a member of the city council is elected. The purpose of this provision is to allow any newly elected member of the city council or a newly organized city council to observe the actions and ability of the city manager in the performance of the powers and duties of his office. After the expiration of said ninety day period above mentioned, the provisions of the preceding Section 2.08.060 as to the removal of the city manager shall apply and be effective.
(1953 Code § 1230.6; Ord. 375 § 1, 1954)
The city manager shall be the administrative head of the city government under the direction and control of the city council, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. He shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all of the affairs of the city which are under his control. In addition to his general powers as administrative head, and not as a limitation thereon, it shall be his duty and he shall have the power:
To see that all laws and ordinances of the city are duly enforced and that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by the city are faithfully observed.
To control, order, and give direction to all heads of departments, subordinate officers and employees of the city, except the city clerk, city treasurer and city attorney, and the duly appointed deputies of the city clerk, city treasurer and city attorney; and, subject to the hereinabove exclusion of the city clerk, city treasurer and city attorney, and their deputies, to transfer employees from one department to another and to consolidate or combine offices, positions, departments or units under his direction. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed to supersede, amend or alter the provisions of Chapter 2.24 (Personnel Board) of this code or the provisions of Chapter 2.28 (Salaries) of this code and all of the powers, duties of the city manager and the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to Chapter 2.24 and Chapter 2.28 of this code and to any rules and regulations heretofore and hereafter adopted, pursuant thereto as to classification of employees, the appointment, transfer, promotion, demotion, removal, discipline, suspension, dismissal and reinstatement of such employees and the procedures outlined therein governing the same.
Subject to the provisions of Chapter 2.24 and Chapter 2.28 of this code, to appoint and remove any officers and employees of the city, except the city clerk, city treasurer and city attorney and their duly appointed deputies.
To exercise control over all departments of the city except the departments of the city clerk, city treasurer and city attorney.
To attend all meetings of the city council unless excused therefrom by the city council, except when his removal is under consideration by the council.
To recommend to the city council for adoption such measures and ordinances as he deems necessary or expedient.
To keep the city council at all times fully advised as to the financial conditions and needs of the city.
To prepare and submit to the city council the annual budget.
To purchase all supplies for all of the departments or divisions of the city. No expenditure shall be submitted or recommended to the city council except on report or approval of the city manager.
To make investigations into the affairs of the city and any department or division thereof, and any contract or the proper performance of any obligations running to the city.
To investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the city government and in regard to the service maintained by public utilities in the city, and to see that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by the city are faithfully performed and observed.
To exercise general supervision over all public buildings, public parks, and other public property which are under the control and jurisdiction of the city council and not specifically delegated to a particular board or officer.
To devote his entire time to the duties of his office and the interests of the city of Laguna Beach.
To prepare and present to the city council from time to time and as often as may be necessary or may be requested by the city council, work and achievement reports, programs, plans and recommendations, concerning the various city agencies, offices and departments under his supervision.
To serve in any appointed office or head of department within the city government to which he may be qualified when appointed thereto by the city council, and to hold and perform the duties thereof at the pleasure of the city council.
To perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as may be delegated to him from time to time by ordinance, resolution or motion of the city council.
(1953 Code § 1230.7; Ord. 375 § 1 (part); July 7, 1954)
Each application for employment by the city shall be accompanied by a physical fitness statement signed by a competent physician. The physical fitness statement shall be in such form and require such information as shall be provided by the city manager from time to time. The city manager shall also have the power to provide for physical reexamination at regular intervals in accordance with rules and regulations to be established and from time to time modified by the city manager.
(1953 Code § 1230.71; Ord. 375 § 1, added by Ord., 410 October 3, 1956)
The city manager shall be an ex-officio member of all boards and commissions appointed by the mayor or city council pursuant to law with the right to participate in all deliberations or actions by his voice but without vote, provided however that the city manager may be excluded from any deliberations or actions of the personnel board by the chairman thereof or by a majority vote of the membership of said board.
(1953 Code § 1230.8; Ord. 375 § 1 (part); July 7, 1954)
It shall be the duty of all subordinate officers, including the city clerk, city treasurer and city attorney, and their duly appointed deputies, to cooperate with and assist the city manager in administering the affairs of the city most efficiently, economically and harmoniously so far as may be consistent with their duties as prescribed by law and the ordinances of the city.
(1953 Code § 1230.9; Ord. 375 § 1 (part); July 7, 1953)
The city council and its members shall deal with the administrative services of the city only through the city manager, except for the purpose of inquiry, and neither the city council nor any members thereof shall give orders to any subordinates of the city manager.
(1953 Code § 1231; Ord. 375 § 1 (part); July 7, 1953)
The city manager is hereby excluded from all of the provisions of Chapter 2.24 of this code and from all of the provisions of Chapter 2.28 of this code.
(1953 Code § 1231.1; Ord. 375 § 1 (part); July 7, 1953)