Each year the city manager shall prepare and submit to the city council a proposed annual operating and capital budget by May 1st for the succeeding fiscal year. The city council shall adopt an annual operating and capital budget by July 1st. Each year, the planning commission shall review the capital improvements in the proposed budget and shall advise the city council by June 1st as to its recommendations for capital projects.
(Ord. 814 § 1, 1974; Ord. 984 § 1, 1980)
All additional appropriations or adjustments of estimated revenues subsequent to formal budget adoption shall be approved by the city council. The city manager shall have the right to approve the transfer of appropriations within a department's budget but not for the purpose of increasing the number of authorized city personnel. All transfers of appropriations between departments or regarding capital items or projects shall be approved by the city council.
(Ord. 814 § 2, 1974; Ord. 984 § 1, 1980)
The city council, through the annual budget process, shall appropriate at least four hundred thousand dollars, or ten percent of the general fund budget, whichever is greater, as a reserve for contingencies. A four-to-one or a unanimous vote of the members present shall be required to reduce such reserve below the level established pursuant to this section.
(Ord. 814 § 3, 1974; Ord. 843 § 1, 1975; Ord. 984 § 1, 1980)
The city manager shall be charged with the responsibility for controlling the expenditures for all city departments, the city clerk and the city treasurer in accordance with the approved budget. City council members, municipal commissions, boards, committees, and members thereof must have prior approval by the city council of any expenditure not specifically contained in the city budget. A report on current year revenues, expenditures and fund balances shall be prepared monthly by the director of finance for the city manager and shall be submitted to the city council.
(Ord. 814 § 4, 1974; Ord. 984 § 1, 1980)
From time to time it becomes necessary to refund certain permit fees, taxes, licenses, etc., in the normal course of city business. Upon recommendation from department managers or elected officials, the city manager or designee is authorized to approve such refunds in an amount not to exceed five thousand dollars. All refunds over five thousand dollars require approval by the city council.
(Ord. 814 § 5, 1974; Ord. 984 § 1, 1980; Ord. 1079, 1985)
No special fund shall be created or eliminated except upon authorization of the city council.
(Ord. 814 § 6, 1974; Ord. 984 § 1, 1980)