There is reserved to grantor every right it may have in relation to its power of eminent domain over grantor's franchise and property.
(Ord. 1176 § 4.1, 1989)
Neither the granting of any franchise, nor any provisions hereof, shall constitute a waiver or bar to the exercise of any governmental right or power by grantor.
(Ord. 1176 § 4.2, 1989)
Any right or power in, or duty retained by or imposed upon grantor, or any commission, officer, employee, department, or board of grantor, may be assigned or transferred by grantor to any officer, employee, department or board of grantor.
(Ord. 1176 § 4.3, 1989)
The grantor shall have the right to inspect all construction or installation or other physical work performed by grantee in connection with the franchise, and to make such tests as it shall find necessary to ensure compliance with the terms of the franchise and other pertinent provisions of law, so long as said inspection does not unreasonably interfere with grantee's operations.
(Ord. 1176 § 4.4, 1989)
Consistent with applicable law, at the expiration of the term of which the franchise is granted, or upon its lawful revocation, expiration, or termination, the grantor shall have the right to require the grantee to remove, at grantee's expense, all portions of its system and any other property from all streets and public ways within the franchise area within a reasonable period of time.
(Ord. 1176 § 4.5, 1989)
The grantor shall have the right of intervention in any suit, proceeding or other judicial or administrative proceeding in which the grantor has any material interest, to which the grantee is party, and the grantee shall not oppose such intervention by the grantor.
(Ord. 1176 § 4.6, 1989)
The grantor shall have the right to inspect and receive copies of all relevant information that is reasonably necessary for the exercise of grantor's regulatory authority upon reasonable notice on grantee's local premises at any time during normal business hours, and any grantee records kept at another place shall, within ten days of grantor's request, be made available at grantee's premises within the county of Orange for grantor's inspection and/or copying, so long as said inspection does not unreasonably interfere with grantee's operations.
(Ord. 1176 § 4.7, 1989)