"Outdoor gathering"
means any music festival, dance, festival, public dance, or similar gathering, to which music or entertainment is provided by professional or amateur performers, or by prerecorded means, which is held at any place other than in a public building or permanent installation, which permanent installation has been constructed for the purpose of, or so constructed that it can be used for the conducting of such activities, as determined by the director of building and safety, to which members of the public are invited or admitted for a charge or free of charge and which is attended by more than twenty-five hundred persons. Parades, art festivals, outdoor athletic contests and sponsored street dances which are otherwise licensed or approved by proper governmental authorities are not included within this definition of outdoor gathering.
as used in this chapter means and includes all of the persons and entities as set forth in Section 1.04.140 of this code.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971)
No person shall conduct, maintain, organize, advertise or permit the use of his premises for any outdoor gathering without first obtaining a license and paying the fee therefor. No outdoor gathering shall be held, conducted or maintained in any public park or on any public beach or street unless and until a license therefor is first obtained and the fees for such license paid. The license fee which must be paid by the applicant at the time of filing the application shall be established and may from time to time be amended by resolution of the city council. Such license fee shall be in addition to all other charges and deposits as required in this chapter. In addition to the fees provided hereby, the applicant shall also pay a fee to the Orange County health officer according to the rate schedules of the county of Orange then in effect.
(Ord. 665 § 22, 1971; Ord. 880 § 2, 1976)
The following information shall be contained in applications for outdoor gatherings:
The exact location by street address and legal description of the premises at which it is planned to conduct the outdoor gathering, including therein all land to be used for parking or other uses necessary or incidental to the outdoor gathering, together with such leases, licenses, contracts or other written permission from the owner or owners of such property authorizing or permitting such use.
The names and residence and business addresses of all persons acting as promoters, proprietors, presenters or financial backers of the outdoor gathering, together with financial statements of such persons sufficient to give assurance of the ability of such persons to meet the conditions of the permit and respond in damages which may arise out of the outdoor gathering.
The date or dates and hours during which the outdoor gathering is to be conducted, and during which the premises will be under the control of the applicant, together with an estimate or schedule of the dates and hours of performances, entertainments, or other events.
The type and nature of performance, entertainment, or floor show, together with the names and addresses of the expected performers and their agents, if any.
An estimate of the minimum and maximum number of customers, spectators, participants and other persons expected to attend the outdoor gathering for each day it is conducted, together with detailed information supporting such estimate. The applicant's estimate shall not be binding upon the city council, who may independently estimate such numbers.
A plot plan of the premises to be used, together with a detailed written explanation, showing the location and plan to supply or maintain the following systems or services:
Police and security protection and facilities;
Water supply and facilities;
Food supplies and facilities;
Sanitation facilities;
Medical and first-aid facilities and services:
Vehicle ingress, egress and parking facilities;
The areas for performances, grandstands or seats, showing the location of all aisles for pedestrian travel and other crowd control measures;
The location, capacity and nature of all temporary lighting, sound, and public address facilities;
The nature, source, and location of fire-fighting equipment;
The location and means of access for emergency vehicles;
The system of marking and signs used to designate or delineate various areas on the premises;
All physical facilities existing or to be constructed or placed on the premises, including, but not limited to, fences, ticket booths, grandstands, and stages;
If it is proposed or expected that spectators or participants will remain on the premises overnight, the arrangements for illuminating the premises and for camping or similar facilities, including, but not limited to, cooking, bathing, washing, and the placement of tents. The provisions of this chapter are not intended to supersede, overrule, or repeal any of the provisions of Chapter 7.28 pertaining to campgrounds, but are intended to be in addition to such regulation;
Drainage facilities and proposed disposition of drainage.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971)
An application for a license for an outdoor gathering shall be filed not less than sixty days prior to the beginning of such outdoor gathering.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971)
At the time of filing of an application for an outdoor gathering, the applicant shall also file:
If the applicant is not the owner of the premises where the outdoor gathering is proposed to be held, then applicant shall file with the city a written permission and authorization signed by the owner of the premises authorizing and permitting the holding of the outdoor gathering on the owner's premises specifying the dates for which the outdoor gathering is permitted and authorized and releasing and relieving and holding the city harmless from any loss, cost, claim or damage to the premises resulting from such outdoor gathering. The agreement shall set forth the name, address, and telephone number of the owner and shall be acknowledged by a notary public;
A written agreement specifically for the benefit of the city and all persons to whom the licensee or owner may become liable because of the agreement or arising out of the conduct of the licensee of the outdoor gathering signed and acknowledged by the applicant that within seventy-two hours after the conclusion of the outdoor gathering, he will clean up the premises and remove all trash and debris therefrom. Such agreement shall, at the option of the city manager, be secured by a cash deposit or an undertaking or an assignment of savings and loan shares or certificates or by all of them, in an amount not less than five thousand dollars, plus one hundred dollars for each additional one thousand persons estimated to attend the outdoor gathering over five thousand persons;
An agreement signed by the applicant and by the owners of the subject premises that they will reimburse all owners and occupants of property adjoining the subject premises for all damages of any kind to such owner or occupant or their property caused by the applicant, owner of the subject premises, or by any person attending the outdoor gathering, which damage would not have occurred, had the outdoor gathering not been held, and an undertaking, policy of insurance, or agreement accompanied by the assignment of savings and loan shares or certificates, or a combination of any two or all of the above.
The undertaking required by this section shall be for the benefit of the city and all persons to whom the licensee or owner may become liable because of the agreement required hereby or arising out of the conduct of the licensee at the outdoor gathering. Any cash deposit, undertaking, bond, insurance policy, or agreement assigning savings and loan shares shall be subject to approval by the city as to form, content, and financial ability of the insurer or surety. If a cash deposit is made, such portions thereof as are not required to be used to perform the obligations of applicant or owners of the subject premises or both as required by the agreements shall be subject to reimbursement to applicant.
The insurance policy, undertaking or agreement as provided by subsection (c) of this section shall insure the licensee and owner of the subject property against all liability incurred by them to the city or to any person, which liability arises pursuant to the agreement required by this section or arising from the conduct of the licensee of the outdoor gathering, and shall be in an amount not less than one million dollars.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971)
If an application is filed prior to February 24, 1971, for a license to conduct an outdoor gathering, it shall be valid and treated as if it were filed after February 24, 1971, if, in all other respects, it complies with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971)
Upon receipt of a complete application and application fee, the city manager shall set a time for a public hearing not less than fourteen nor more than forty-five days thereafter, and shall give not less than ten days' written notice thereof to the applicant. The city clerk shall give notice of the hearing and copies of the application to the chief of police, fire chief, director of public health, planning director and director of building and safety, who shall investigate the matter and report in writing to the city manager not later than the time set for hearing, with appropriate recommendations concerning the application.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971; Ord. 850 § 12, 1975)
The city manager shall consider the documentary and testimonial evidence of witnesses presented at the hearing, including all reports of investigation, and thereafter the city manager, in accordance with the standards set forth in this chapter, shall grant the license in accordance with the application and program and plans approved by the council, deny the license, or set conditions which must be met, or security shall be given that they will be met, before a license may be granted.
If conditions are imposed by the city manager, the applicant shall furnish or cause to be furnished to the city clerk proof that all conditions have been met or that security has been given that they will be met, before the license may be issued by the clerk.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971; Ord. 850 § 12, 1975)
The city manager shall grant a license for an outdoor gathering if he find that:
The outdoor gathering will be held at a location which complies with and meets all of the health, zoning, fire and safety requirements and standards of the laws of the state of California and ordinances of this city and this code applicable thereto;
All information required by this chapter in the application and all documents required by this chapter have been filed, and all license fees and other required fees paid;
The proposed outdoor gathering will not in any way substantially jeopardize, adversely affect, endanger or otherwise constitute a menace to the public health, safety or general welfare, or be materially detrimental to the property of other persons located in the vicinity of such use. The city council may find that the location is unsuitable even if in the proper zone;
The applicant, his employees, agent or any other person connected or associated with the applicant as manager in the operation of the outdoor gathering:
Has not been convicted within the last five years in any court of competent jurisdiction of:
Any crime requiring registration under Section 290 of the Penal Code, or
Any violation of Chapter 7.5 (beginning with Section 311) of Title 9, Part 1 of the Penal Code, or
Any violation of Chapter 7.6 (beginning with Section 313) of Title 9, Part 1 of the Penal Code, or
Any violation of paragraphs (a), (b) or (d) of Section 647 of the Penal Code, or
Any violation of Sections 315, 316 or 318 of the Penal Code, or
Any offense involving the use of force or violence on the person of another, or
Any offense involving the maintenance of a nuisance in connection with the same or similar type of business operation;
Has not committed within the last five years any offense described in paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) or (vii) of subdivision (1);
Has not allowed or permitted any illegal possession, use, sale or delivery of narcotics or any act of sexual misconduct within prior business operations.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971; Ord. 850 § 12, 1975)
The license for an outdoor gathering shall state the maximum number of persons permitted as the audience thereof. In deciding this maximum number, the council may be guided by, but it not bound by, the estimate stated in the application for a license. No license granted under the provisions of this chapter shall be transferable or movable to another location or another licensee.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971)
A license for an outdoor gathering shall state the dates and hours during which the outdoor gathering may be conducted. The dates and hours during which performances, entertainment or floor shows may take place, and during which sound amplification equipment may be used for other than necessary public announcements, shall also be specified.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971)
The licensee shall comply with the following minimum standards in preparing for and conducting the outdoor gathering:
Water supply. Every licensee shall provide an ample supply of potable running water for drinking and sanitation purposes on the premises of the gathering. Location of water facilities on the premises, and method of dispensing water, must be approved by the health officer prior to issuance of a license,
The minimum supply of water to an outdoor gathering shall be fifteen gallons of water for each person in attendance per day. All water shall meet U. S. Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards, 1962, and shall be obtained from a purveyor holding a permit to supply domestic water in accordance with Section 4011 of the California Health and Safety Code. Water shall be delivered to the point of use in an enclosed sanitary piping system or by other sanitary methods meeting the requirements of the health officer. The licensee shall provide ten sanitary angle-jet type drinking fountains for the first five thousand persons plus one additional drinking fountain for each additional five hundred persons or fraction thereof attending. Drainage from drinking fountains shall be disposed in a sanitary, nuisance-free manner;
Sanitary facilities. Every licensee shall provide at least one enclosed flush-type water closet facility marked "Men" and one such facility marked "Women" on the premises of an outdoor gathering on the basis of one flush-type water closet for each two hundred and fifty males and one for each one hundred seventy-five females expected to be in attendance. If urinals are provided, one water closet less than the number specified may be provided for each urinal installed, except the number of water closets in such cases shall not be reduced to less than two-thirds of the minimum specified,
Lavatories shall be provided with cold water under pressure on the basis of one lavatory for each two hundred persons expected to be in attendance; soap and paper towers shall be provided,
Where flush-type water closets cannot be made available for the persons in attendance, the city council may allow the use of portable chemical toilets. Such chemical toilets must meet the approval of the county health officer before any license may be issued. Chemical toilets shall be emptied and recharged at the licensee's expense as necessary pursuant to procedures established by the county health officer. The requirement for flush-type water closets for food concessions, food operations, and for the use of employees may not be waived. Every licensee shall be required to furnish at least one trash can with a thirty-six gallon capacity for each one hundred persons expected to be in attendance, an adequate supply of plastic bag liners to fit the trash receptacle shall be provided, and each container shall at all times have a plastic bag liner inserted, and when full it shall be tied, removed, and a new plastic bag liner inserted. When removed from trash containers, full liners shall be promptly taken from the premises to a sanitary landfill site operated by the county of Orange in a vehicle approved by the health officer. If full liners are held temporarily before removal from the premises, they shall be stored in a rodent-proof metal refuse bin. The pickup and removal of refuse, trash, garbage and rubbish and the servicing of portable chemical toilets shall be at least once a day and more often if required by the health officer. Removal of all trash and refuse shall be at the licensee's expense. The licensee shall employ measures approved by the health officer for the control of insects and rodents if, in the opinion of the health officer, such measures are necessary for the health and comfort of persons attending the gathering;
Drainage facilities. Every licensee shall provide at his own expense adequate drainage facilities as deemed by the department of public works;
Medical facilities. Where a proposed outdoor gathering is expected to attract a large number of persons to a site located a substantial distance from existing medical treatment facilities, the city council may require the applicant to provide emergency medical treatment facilities on the premises of the gathering,
Where the proposed gathering is located close to adequate existing medical facilities, the applicant shall provide, as required by the health officer, emergency treatment facilities on the premises of the gathering,
The location of medical treatment facilities and emergency treatment facilities, the number of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and other aides needed to staff the facilities and the quality of medical supplies, drugs, ambulances, and other equipment that must be on the site shall be approved by the county health officer prior to the issuance of any license under this chapter. The county health officer shall calculate the need for medical services based upon the number of persons expected to attend the gathering, their expected age group, the duration of events planned, and the possibility of exposure to inclement weather and the elements,
Traffic lanes and other adequate parking space shall be designated and kept open for access and travel by ambulance, helicopter, and other emergency vehicles to transport patients or staff to appropriate on and off-site treatment facilities;
Fire protection. Every licensee shall provide at his own expense adequate fire protection as determined by the fire protection agency or agencies having jurisdiction where the event is to be conducted. If the proposed site of the event is located at or in a hazardous fire area, the license and permit may be denied or at the option of the city granted only during those periods of the year which are not determined by the city to be high fire hazard seasons. If a permit or license is granted for such an event in an area which the city council deems to be a hazardous fire area, a suitable number of fire guards shall be employed by the licensee who shall be approved by the chief of the responsible fire protection agency or agencies. Flammable vegetation and other fire hazards shall be removed in a manner and in such quantity as determined by the fire chief. First aid fire extinguishment equipment shall be provided as directed by the fire chief, including, but not limited to, four-wheel drive firefighting vehicles, if required;
Vehicular access control. Every licensee shall provide adequate vehicular ingress and egress to the outdoor gathering premises, and parking areas thereat. No license shall be granted where necessary roads, driveways and entrance ways sufficient to insure orderly flow of traffic into and away from the premises from a city, county or state highway do not exist. A licensee may be required to show that traffic guards under his control will be employed to insure orderly traffic movement and relieve traffic congestion in the vicinity of the outdoor gathering area;
Parking areas. Every licensee shall provide adequate parking space for persons attending the gathering by motor vehicle. A separate parking space shall be provided for every three persons expected to attend the gathering. Such parking spaces shall be clearly marked and shall not be less than ten feet wide and twenty feet long. The directors of building and safety and planning must approve an applicant's parking plan before a license may be issued;
Security guards. At every outdoor gathering, there shall be one male security guard, either approved by the chief of police or supplied by licensed private security system, for each two hundred persons permitted by the license to attend, whether actually present or not. Such guards shall be constantly in attendance during the entire time the outdoor gathering is in progress, and each shall devote his entire time and attention to keeping order and observing and enforcing all applicable statutes and ordinances, including this chapter,
The employment of off-duty police officers shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this section. These peace officers shall be under the complete direction and control of the chief of police;
Food service and concessions. If the city council determines that the proposed outdoor gathering is to be held a substantial distance from public eating places, food handling places, or like establishments, licensee shall be required to demonstrate that food will be available at the premises for each day of operation to adequately feed the number of persons expected to be in attendance. Concessionaires must hold valid permits as required by Chapter 7.04 and shall meet all pertinent requirements of this chapter. Every licensee shall provide at least one flush-type water closet and lavatory for each sex in each area set aside for food concessions or operations on the premises unless otherwise approved by the health officer,
Such flush-type water closets and lavatories shall not be located further than fifty feet from a food concession or operation. All lavatories required in connection with food concessions and food operations shall be provided with hot and cold water under pressure, which shall be dispensed by an approved type mixing faucet. All sewage, sink waste, and waste water from water closets, lavatories, sinks operated in connection with food concessions or food operations shall be disposed of to a public sewer or sewage disposal system approved by the county health officer and director of building and safety of the city;
Hours of operation. No entertainment, floor show, or other event shall take place between eleven p.m. and seven a.m. unless the city council determines that other hours of operation will not constitute a serious disturbance to the residents neighboring the site of the outdoor gathering;
Illumination. Every licensee planning to conduct a portion of the gathering after dark, or planning to allow persons attending the outdoor gathering to remain on the premises after dark, shall provide electrical illumination to insure that those areas which are occupied are lighted at all times. The director of building and safety must examine and approve the applicant's proposed lighting plan prior to the issuance of the license hereunder. A licensee may be required to illuminate the specific areas on the premises in accordance with the following scale of lighting intensity:
Watts per Square Foot
Open areas reserved for spectators
Stage areas
Parking and overnight areas
Restroom and concession areas
Overnight camping facilities. Every licensee authorized to allow persons who attend the outdoor gathering to remain on the premises overnight shall provide camping facilities and overnight areas that meet the requirements of the California Administrative Code Title 25 for mobile home parks, special occupancy trailer parks, and campgrounds, including travel trailer parks, recreational trailer parks, temporary trailer parks, incidental camping areas, and test camps, and that also meet the requirements of Chapter 7.28 of this code pertaining to campgrounds. The provisions of this chapter are not intended to supersede, overrule, or repeal any of the prohibitions against sleeping or camping as set forth in Section 18.04.020. Such areas and facilities shall be approved by the county health officer and the director of building and safety prior to the issuance of any license;
Communications facilities. The licensee shall install and, at all times during which the outdoor gathering is in progress, shall maintain an emergency communications system which both the chief of police and fire chief find adequate for police and fire protection. Licensee may also be required to establish a communications system for public use where ordinary communications are not available;
Dust control. The licensee shall use such methods of dust control as approved by the health officer and director of building and safety;
Alcohol or drugs. A person shall not enter, be, or remain on any part of the premises on which an outdoor gathering is conducted while in the possession of, consuming, using, or under the influence of, any alcoholic beverage or drug. The licensee shall not permit any such person to enter or remain upon the licensed premises;
Noise control. Sound levels to which the audience is exposed shall not exceed the levels permitted for industrial workers as specified in the California Administrative Code, Title 8, Group 6.1, Article 55, Standards for Noise Control. In occupied areas adjacent to an outdoor gathering, noise levels resulting from the gathering shall not exceed the normal ambient noise level of the area between eleven p.m. and seven a.m. At all other times, the noise level produced by the outdoor gathering shall not exceed normal ambient sound levels in adjacent occupied areas by more than five decibels, nor shall such noise levels annoy or injure the health and safety of the occupants of the adjacent areas as determined by the health officer using appropriate methods of sound level measurement. The provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to supersede or repeal the provisions of Chapter 7.25 of this code pertaining to noise, but shall be in addition to the requirements and provisions of Chapter 7.25;
Miscellaneous. Any applicant may be required to meet any other conditions prior to receiving a license to conduct an outdoor gathering which are reasonably calculated as necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the persons attending such gathering, local residents, or the public in general.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971)
No person shall advertise, or announce by any means or medium, including but not confined to pamphlets, handbills, newspapers, radio or television, the holding of an outdoor gathering prior to the granting of a license permitting such outdoor gathering. The licensee or other persons shall not print, distribute, broadcast or use any such advertising or announcement, or any other advertising of the outdoor gathering, which has not first been approved by the city council. The city council shall approve such advertising if it states that the admission is by ticket only, if all statements contained in the advertisement are true, and if there is no statement which might imply any conclusion contrary to fact.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971)
No person may advertise or sell, within the incorporated territory of the city, any ticket to any outdoor gathering, festival, rock festival, or similar function, regardless of where situated, whether in this state or otherwise, in any manner contrary to any statute, ordinance or regulation of the jurisdiction in which the function is to be held.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971)
The licensee shall not admit, and shall prevent the entrance of, to the premises on which the outdoor gathering is held, any person who does not possess a ticket, except a police officer or other public officer in the performance of his duties. Admission shall be by ticket only. The licensee shall not sell, give or distribute a greater number of tickets than the number which the license permits to attend. The licensee shall not admit any persons to an outdoor gathering if such admission would result in a greater number of persons present than permitted by the license. If the city manager finds that the number of persons who may seek to attend the outdoor gathering is larger than authorized by the permit and that the congregation of such excessive numbers of persons at the site seeking admittance may cause traffic or crowd control problems, he may immediately prohibit sale of tickets at the site and require that tickets be sold at some other specified location or locations or in such other manner as may be approved by the city manager. The city council may require that all advertising for the outdoor gathering specify that tickets will not be sold at the location of the outdoor gathering. In such event, the licensee shall take steps to insure that ticket scalpers and persons other than the licensee will not sell tickets at the site of the outdoor gathering.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971)
The city manager may revoke any license issued pursuant to this chapter at a public hearing pursuant to twenty-four hours' written notice to the licensee for any of the following causes:
The licensee fails, neglects or refuses to fulfill any of the conditions imposed upon the granting of the license;
The licensee fails, neglects or refuses to fulfill any of the provisions of the program or plans approved by the city manager;
The licensee knowingly permits the outdoor gathering to be conducted in a disorderly manner or knowingly allows any person to remain on the premises while under the influence of alcohol or any narcotic or dangerous drug;
The licensee has previously made a false, misleading or fraudulent statement of material fact in the application for the license or any other document required pursuant to this chapter.
Such revocation shall become effective immediately after ordered by the city manager.
(Ord. 665 § 2, 1971; Ord. 850 § 12, 1975)
Any person aggrieved by any administrative decision made under this chapter may, upon the payment of a fee to be established by resolution or minute order, appeal the decision to the city council. The city council may also review any such decision on its own motion. The procedures for filing and hearing such appeals and reviews are set forth in Chapter 2.02 of this code, incorporated herein by reference.
(Ord. 850 § 12, 1975)