It is unlawful for any official or employee of this city to issue a permit to erect, construct or place any permanent building, structure or edifice upon any public street, alley, way, court or park of this city, as shown, delineated and/or designated as such, upon any official or recorded map, plat or survey of the whole or any part of the area included within the corporate limits of this city unless such permit complies with the regulations, guidelines and procedures of this code, including Title 14 (Buildings and Construction), Title 21 (Plats and Subdivisions), Title 22 (Grading and Excavation) and Title 25 (Zoning).
(Ord. 82 § 1; 1953 Code § 7021; Ord. 1216 § 1, 1991)
It is unlawful for any person, firm or private corporation to erect, construct or place any permanent building, structure or edifice upon any public street, alleyway, court or park of this city, as shown, delineated and/or designated as such, upon any official or recorded map, plat, or survey of the whole or any part of the area included within the corporate limits of this city without first obtaining a valid permit for such construction from the appropriate authority of the city.
(Ord. 82 § 2; 1953 Code § 7022; Ord. 1216 § 1, 1991)
It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the construction of any building, or other public or private improvement, to leave any rock, brick, earth, mortar, lumber or any building material of any kind whatsoever on any street, alley or sidewalk for more than three days after the completion of such improvement.
It shall be unlawful for any person to drop, place or leave any brick, earth, stone, gravel, sand or building material of any kind or nature whatsoever on any public street, alley or sidewalk in the city, or to permit any person in his employ to drop, place or leave any brick, stone, sand, gravel or building material of any kind whatsoever upon any public street, alley or sidewalk, without immediately removing the same except upon permission of the city engineer.
(Ord. 443 §§ 1 and 2; 1953 Code §§ 7023 and 7024)
Permits for the maintenance, repair or alteration of existing facilities, structures and improvements, including but not limited to street surface, pipeline and conduit repairs, lateral connections, and general repair and maintenance that qualify for exemption under Section 25.05.040(B)(2) of this code as an exception from design review requirements are classified as staff-issued ministerial permits.
(Ord. 1216 § 1, 1991)
Projects requiring discretionary review, including but not limited to new street and infrastructure construction, subdivisions, grading projects not otherwise exempt as a minor project as defined in Title 22 of this code, and street extensions that create additional building sites as defined in Title 25 of this code are classified as discretionary projects for which a construction permit may not be issued until the review and public hearing process as established for such projects has been completed.
(Ord. 1216 § 1, 1991)
The maintenance, repair and upkeep of all private structures and improvements, including landscaping, located within a public right-of-way shall be the responsibility of the adjoining property owner. Private structures are defined generally as those that benefit only the abutting property and do not serve the public at large including, but not limited to, driveways, planters, walls, fences, landscape areas, entry walkways, irrigation devices, electrical facilities and other utilities connected to the house meter. If, in the opinion of the city, such improvements interfere with the public interest or use, they shall be removed at the owner's expense upon written notice from the city.
(Ord. 1216 § 1, 1991)