Note: Prior ordinance history; 1953 Code §§ 8510—8510.2, 8511—8516, 8516.1, 8517 and Ords. 142, 719, 727 and 730.
For the purpose of this chapter, certain words shall be defined as follows:
"Building" means a structure entirely separated from any other structure by a space or by walls by which there are no communicating doors or windows or similar openings.
"Lot" means any piece or parcel of land as bounded, defined or shown upon the latest map, plan or deed recorded in the office of the county recorder of Orange County, California.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make, or to maintain, or to cause to be made or maintained any connection with any public sewer of or in this city until a permit therefor shall have first been obtained from the city engineer, or to make or cause to be made any such connection pursuant to any such permit at any other place than that designated therein.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Before any sewer connection permit or building permit shall be issued, the applicant therefor shall pay to the city a sewer connection fee in accordance with a schedule of fees adopted by resolution of the city council. No connection to the public sewer shall be made until after the fees have been paid.
There is an exemption from the sewer connection fees, imposed by this section, for the construction of any residential, commercial or industrial building or facility which is a replacement for a building or facility being removed from the same lot or parcel or land which had an existing sewer connection. The exemption shall be equal to the fee which would have been payable under this section if the prior building or facility were being newly constructed. The difference between the fee required for the new construction and the above exemption shall be paid prior to the issuance of a sewer connection permit or a building permit.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Every building or other structure situated within the city shall be separately and independently connected with a private sewer lateral with the following exceptions:
Where more than one building or other structure is situated upon the same lot, in which case all such buildings and structures may, by special permit authorized by the city engineer be joined in the use of one house and connecting sewer; provided, however, that all such buildings and structures are owned by the same person;
Where, in the opinion of the city engineer, it is impossible or impractical to connect a building on a single lot to the public sewer except in conjunction with the connection of a building or buildings on other lots, a joint connection may be allowed, providing that the connection conforms in all other respects to the provisions of this title and a drawn plan of the joint connection be first submitted to and approved by the city engineer. A permit for each individual lot shall be required.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
No connection from any building or other structure shall be made to any public sewer, if such connection or any portion thereof be in, under, across or upon any lot other than the lot on which said building or structure is located.
If a lot or parcel of land requiring a sewer connection is so situated that access to the public sewer is not possible except across some other lot or parcel of land, a sewer connection may be placed in a recorded easement which includes the right-of-way and maintains such connection and is appurtenant to the lot or parcel of land to be served by such sewer connection.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
No person shall connect or cause to be connected any sewer which has been or may hereafter be, constructed in any street, highway, alley, right-of-way or other place prior to the dedication and acceptance of such street, highway, alley, right-of-way or other public place by the city on behalf of the public, with any public sewer of the city, unless such sewer first mentioned shall have been laid under the supervision and/or to the satisfaction of the city engineer and in accordance with all provisions of this title.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
When it is found necessary to replace any portion of an existing private sewer lateral between the public sewer and lot line, all that portion of the private sewer lateral between these limits shall be replaced to meet the requirements for new private sewer laterals.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
All private sewer laterals which are to be connected to a trunk sewer shall include a running trap, the type and location of which shall meet the approval of the city engineer. Connection of any private sewer lateral to a trunk sewer shall be made only at the discretion of the city engineer.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
All backflow prevention devices shall comply with city standards and shall be consistently maintained and repaired by the property owner.
In every case where a plumbing outlet or plumbing fixture is installed or located below the elevation of the rim of the nearest upstream manhole, an approved type of backflow prevention device shall be installed between the outlet and the public sewer in such a manner as to prevent sewage from flowing back or backing up into any such outlet or plumbing fixture. Every such trap or valve shall be installed in a box or manhole of concrete or cast iron, or other material approved by the city engineer so that it will be readily accessible at all times. The trap or valve shall be placed only in the drain line serving the fixtures that are located below the elevation of the above-mentioned elevation and no drainage from fixtures located above this elevation shall pass through such trap or valve.
A backflow prevention device shall be required in all of the following circumstances:
Upon the installation of new private sewer laterals;
Upon the installation of plumbing fixtures for property remodels where more than fifty percent of the structure area is being remodeled;
When a private property has been damaged by the blockage of the private sewer lateral or the city's public sewer, and the cost of repair and/or cleanup to the city is in excess of five hundred dollars;
Whenever the city engineer determines, in the engineer's discretion, and based upon specific site conditions, that, unless the backflow prevention device is installed, there is an imminent threat of a sewer discharge.
The installation of any such backflow prevention device shall be at the sole cost and expense of the property owner. The maintenance of the backflow prevention device shall also be the sole obligation of the owner or the owner's successor in interest.
All backflow protection devices shall fully comply with all city requirements and shall be maintained by the property owner to provide for their continuing function as designed. All backflow prevention devices shall be accessible at all times for inspection, maintenance and repair, and shall be free from any obstructions, including, but not limited to, rocks, soil, vegetation, debris, grass, trees, bushes, plants, landscaping, concrete, asphalt, or other ground coverings or any other materials or substances that may impair the proper function of or unobstructed accessibility to the devices.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Whenever a sewer is constructed in any street, lane, alley or other public place in this city, all private sewer laterals from property abutting on such street, lane, alley or other public place shall be made and completed for all dwellings, business or other buildings used for living or business purposes situated thereon within ninety days after the completion and acceptance of any such sewer by this city, and all buildings and structures thereafter erected upon any lot or parcel of land abutting any street, lane, alley or other public place shall be connected with such sewer as herein provided at the time such building or structure is being erected and constructed. The city council may grant time extensions to the time for connection.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct or use any cesspool, vault or tank on any lot or parcel of land abutting any street, lane, alley or other public place in which a sewer for public use is constructed and used in this city.
All cesspools, vaults or tanks located on property abutting any street, lane, alley or other public place in which a sewer for public use is constructed in this city, shall be abandoned and filled up with earth, rock or sand at the time the private sewer laterals with such sewer from such premises are made.
This section shall be subject to the time provisions specified in Section 17.20.100.
No person shall connect or cause to be connected any cesspool or septic tank to any public sewer or to any private sewer lateral leading thereto.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
It is declared to be a nuisance and it is unlawful for any person to keep or maintain, or suffer or permit to be kept or maintained, at or upon any premises in the city, owned, occupied or controlled by him, her or it, any privy or dry closet for the reception of human excrement or fecal matter. Approved type chemical portable toilets for use during construction are excepted. Location of chemical toilets must be approved by the city.
(Ord. 1029 § 5, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)