The police power to promote the public peace, morals, health, safety and general welfare authorizes the city of Laguna Beach to regulate the use of public property consisting of the beach and parks and to impose reasonable restrictions on the time, place and manner of beach and park use. In accordance with this authority, the city intends to impose reasonable requirements on the use of the beach and parks to maintain and maximize: (1) the natural beauty and aesthetic attractiveness of beach and park areas; (2) the guarantees of freedom of speech and association contained in the Constitutions of the United States and the state of California; (3) the availability of limited beach and park areas for diverse uses; and (4) public safety, including, without limitation, the free flow of pedestrian and vehicle traffic in and around beach and park areas.
In accordance with its legal authority and intent to protect the public peace, morals, health, safety and general welfare and public property, the city requires permits for certain activities. The city requires such permits for the purposes of: (1) accommodating and coordinating activities planned by different individuals and groups so that as many people as possible can use and enjoy the natural and existing beach and park environment at the same time; (2) learning about the proposed activity to minimize or prevent inconvenience or harm to the public and public property or visual blight and degradation of beach and park areas; (3) requiring appropriate insurance or other measures to relieve the city of liability and reduce unnecessary exposure of the city to personal injury or property damage claims or suits from harm that can occur from the use of, including the use of private structures on, public property; and (4) ensuring that facilities most suited for the proposed activity are used without unnecessarily restricting the rights of free expression or assembly guaranteed by the Constitutions of the United States and the state of California. This title is not intended to in any way discriminate against, regulate or interfere with the rights or content of constitutionally protected freedom of expression or association.
(Ord. 1467 § 1, 2007)
For the purpose of this chapter, certain words and terms are defined as follows:
"Garbage" is all animal and vegetable refuse, all vegetable and fruit trimmings, all other refuse that shall have been prepared for, or intended to be used as food, or shall have resulted from the preparation of food, and shall also include coffee grounds, eggshells, and all other food refuse.
"Trash" means and includes rubbish, newspapers, magazines, all discarded paper and wrappings, tin cans, glass containers, broken glass, boxes, discarded clothing, dead animals or fish, ashes, waste wood, or any other waste material.
(Ord. 266 § 5; 1953 Code §§ 7000—7002)
Except as expressly provided by this code, no person shall sell, offer to sell, or display for sale, or rent, offer to rent, or display for rent, goods, wares, merchandise, foodstuffs, refreshments or other kinds of property or services in any beach or park.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to the sale, display for sale, or offer in exchange for a donation, conducted without the use of stands or other temporary or permanent structures, of: (1) newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets, or other written materials; or (2) constitutionally protected expressive merchandise bearing political, religious, philosophical, social, or ideological messages and seeking support for particular causes or support for particular views on economic, political, religious, philosophical, social or ideological issues, without regard to the viewpoint, subject matter, or content contained on or expressed by such newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets, other written materials, or expressive merchandise, or the identity or associational affiliation of any individual or organization offering such materials or merchandise.
(Ord. 1467 § 2, 2007)
No person shall in any manner while on city property, including beaches and parks, sell any product or service or engage in any other business or commercial activity without obtaining a business license and the prior written approval of the city manager, or duly authorized representative; provided, however, that this section does not apply to any concession operated under authority granted by the city council, nor to any other activity specifically authorized, regulated, or exempted by order or resolution of the city council.
For purposes of this section, the word "business" means and includes "business," "profession," "trade," "calling," "occupation," "show," "exhibition" or "game," and all and every kind of calling carried on for profit or livelihood whether or not a profit or livelihood is actually earned thereby and whether or not said business has a fixed place of business in the city.
(Ord. 1676 § 1, 2022)
No person shall install, erect or maintain any canopy, awning, umbrella, tent or cover over six feet in height or wider than six feet square on or in any public beach, park, street, alley or passageway. Any canopy, awning, umbrella, tent or cover installed, erected or maintained on or in any public beach, park, street, alley or passageway shall have no more than one side closed to public view.
The shade covering or group of shade coverings shall not interfere with a lifeguard's ability to see the water or adjacent lifeguard towers and any shade covering or group of shade coverings shall be relocated at the request of a lifeguard, law enforcement officer, or other authorized personnel.
The shade covering or group of shade coverings shall not obstruct any emergency or public access or be located within twenty feet of any emergency or public access.
To allow for reasonable ingress and egress on any beach, shade coverings or groups of shade coverings, configured to comply with the maximum size restriction, shall maintain a separation of at least five feet from other shade coverings or groups of shade coverings.
(Ord. 266 § 1; 1953 Code § 7001; Ord. 605 § 1; Ord. 1369 § 3, 2000; Ord. 1495 § 1, 2009; Ord. 1660 § 3, 2021)
Purpose and Intent. The public bluffs and vegetation constitute aesthetically pleasing and sensitive features and resources, provide stability to land formations, and mitigate erosion, among other public benefits. They are not intended or designed to be traversed by the public, used for the disposal of refuse, used for the storage of personal property, or used for other activities that can result in damage to or destruction of such areas, with associated adverse visual and/or functional impacts as well as substantial public expense to maintain, repair or replace. Stairs, designated trails, sidewalks, and marked pathways exist to allow the public to move through public areas.
Protection of Bluffs and Vegetation in Public Areas. No person shall remove, destroy, damage, traverse over or through, lie on or within, or affix or attach any ropes, wires, cords, stakes, poles, hooks or similar objects to, or store, place or discard personal property or refuse on or within any public bluff or any vegetation planted in any public parks or beaches, including, but not limited to, open space areas and planters. For purposes of this section, "vegetation" means any and all types of trees, plants, bushes, hedges and shrubs, but not including grass. No person shall be cited under this section unless he or she has first been notified by a police officer or public officer that he or she is in violation of the prohibition in this section and thereafter continues the violation.
(Ord. 1512 § 1, 2009)
No person shall park an automobile upon any beach, park, public street, alley or passageway unless full view of the interior thereof can be had at all times.
(Ord. 266 § 2; 1953 Code § 7002)
No person shall affix or attach any ropes, wires, cords, stakes, poles, hooks or similar objects to any public buildings or structures in any public parks or beaches, including, but not limited to, lifeguard towers, restrooms, administrative offices, boardwalks, flag poles, public artwork, drinking fountains, barbeques, picnic stoves, fences, walls, railings, benches, tables and trash receptacles, without the advance written consent of the city manager or designee. No person shall be cited under this section unless he or she has first been notified by a police officer or public officer that he or she is in violation of the prohibition in this section and thereafter continues the violation.
No person shall store personal property in or on any public parks and beaches as follows: (1) on or upon any stairs, designated trails, sidewalks, marked pathways or boardwalks; (2) within twenty feet of any restroom; (3) within fifteen feet of any lifeguard towers or administrative offices; (4) within fifteen feet of the oceanward side of the Main Beach boardwalk, beneath or under such boardwalk, or any place where such boardwalk abuts the sand; or (5) during the period from one-half hour after sunset to six a.m. of the following day. No person shall be cited under this section unless he or she has first been notified by a police officer or public officer that he or she is in violation of the prohibition in this section and thereafter continues the violation.
No person shall place or store any of the following items of personal property in or on any public parks and beaches: hammocks, cots, beds, sleeping bags, mattresses, luggage or portable cooking devices. No person shall be cited under this section unless he or she has first been notified by a police officer or public officer that he or she is in violation of the prohibition in this section and thereafter continues the violation.
For purposes of this section, "store" means to put aside or accumulate for use when needed, to put for safekeeping, to place or to leave in a location.
(Ord. 1512 § 2, 2009)
No person shall undress or dress in any automobile upon any beach, park, street, alley, or passageway within the city.
(Ord. 266 § 3; 1953 Code § 7003)
No person shall delay, linger, or idle about in the restroom of any city parks and beaches or in the approaches or walks adjacent to any restroom without lawful purpose for being present related to the use of such restroom, and for the purpose or having the effect of preventing, inhibiting or impairing the intended use of the restroom. No person shall be cited under this section unless he or she has first been notified by a police officer or public officer that he or she is in violation of the prohibition in this section and thereafter continues the violation.
(Ord. 1512 § 3, 2009)
No person shall leave, scatter, throw, or discard any trash or garbage, as the same are hereinafter defined, upon any beach, park, public street, alley, or passageway within the city, except as hereinafter provided.
(Ord. 266 § 4; 1953 Code § 7004)
Any person who willfully delays or obstructs any city employee in the performance of his or her duties in any city parks and beaches, or who by his or her conduct, or by threatening language, unreasonably annoys or unreasonably interferes with the use of any city parks and beaches by any other person, shall leave the park or beach upon request made by any police officer or other public officer authorized by the city, after a warning has not resulted in cessation of the conduct prohibited by this section.
(Ord. 1512 § 4, 2009)
It shall be the duty of every person having in his possession, charge or control, any garbage or trash, as herein in this chapter defined, upon any beach, park, public street, alley, or passageway, either to place said garbage and trash in public garbage and trash containers located on or in said beaches, parks, public streets, alleys or passageways, if such containers are available, or to take said garbage and trash with him or her when he or she leaves said beach, park, public street, alley or passageway within the city.
(Ord. 266 § 6; 1953 Code § 7005)
Barbeques and Picnic Stoves. No person shall build, set, kindle, make, or maintain a fire (using solid fuel) in any public park or beach that is used or intended to be used for cooking or heating-related food purposes except in city-designated barbeques and picnic stoves provided for such purposes.
Fire Pits.
Fire pits within the city's local coastal program jurisdiction are prohibited unless used as permitted herein.
No person shall burn, ignite, or otherwise set on fire any material in a fire pit unless the person is burning natural wood, fire log(s), or charcoal (collectively, "fuel") in a fire pit that has been specifically designated and operated in a manner that has been authorized by resolution of the city council. Except as expressly authorized in this section, open beach fires that burn, ignite, or otherwise set on fire any fuel outside of city-designated fire pits are prohibited at all beaches within the city's local coastal program jurisdiction.
The following terms shall be defined as follows:
"Natural wood" means the hard fibrous substance consisting basically of xylem that makes up the greater part of the stems, branches, and roots of trees and shall not include any material that has been processed or treated including, but not limited to, wooden pallets, books, newspapers, furniture, or construction materials.
"Fire log" means any manufactured log constructed of sawdust; sawdust and paraffin; or waste fiber from the oil palm.
"Charcoal" means a carbon substance obtained as a residue when wood or other organic matter is heated in the absence of air.
Portable solid fuel burning fire pits are strictly prohibited on public property including parks and beaches. Portable propane fire pits are only allowed as specifically authorized in Paragraph 10 of Subsection 307.2 of Section 15.01.030 of this code.
Use of city-designated fire must comply with the following requirements:
A responsible person, at least eighteen years of age, must remain within twenty-five feet of the city-designated fire pit while the fire is burning.
Fire may not exceed a height of more than twelve inches above the upper edge of the city-designated fire pit.
Only fuel may be burned in a fire pit. No fuel may be buried in the sand after burning such fuel in a fire pit.
All used natural wood, fire log(s), and charcoal shall remain in the fire pit; only designated city officials shall remove any natural wood, fire log(s), or charcoal and shall deposit them in hot coal receptacles on the beach or transport them off the beach to be deposited in hot coal receptacles.
No person shall burn trash or debris in a fire pit.
City-designated fire pits are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Location and use of fire pits must comply with South Coast Air Quality Management District Rules 444 and 445.
Access to fire pits must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
No fire shall be built, set, kindled, made, or maintained during the period of one hour before the closing time of the beach to six a.m. of the following day. Fires must be extinguished with water. Covering the fire with sand is prohibited.
Outdoor fires are not allowed on public property during hazardous conditions as set forth in Subsection 305.6 of Section 15.01.030 of this code.
(Ord. 1512 § 5, 2009; Ord. 1699, 5/28/2024)
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to place, dump, deposit, or otherwise cause to be deposited, any foreign substance or material, including, but not limited to, dirt, wood, trees, roots, shrubs, plants, sand, brick, rock, gravel, masonry or plaster, in or on public beaches or tidelands within the city limits, or to place, dump, deposit, or otherwise cause to be deposited, any such foreign substance or material anywhere within the city limits in such a way that it is reasonable to expect that the normal action of the elements or tides or winds will cause such materials to become deposited in or on said tidelands.
(Ord. 493 § 1, 1962)
No person shall have, possess or use any article made of glass as a container upon any city beach.
(Ord. 995 § 1, 1981)
The prohibitions, regulations and restrictions in this chapter contained, relative to the disposal of garbage and trash, shall not apply to the disposal of garbage and trash as defined, regulated and provided by Chapter 7.16 of this code.
(Ord. 266 § 7; 1953 Code § 7006)
No person shall dig or cause the digging of any hole in the sand exceeding a depth of two feet. Any person who digs, or causes to be dug, any hole upon the beach shall fill the hole before leaving the hole unattended.
(Ord. 1369 § 2, 2000)
No person shall remove or cause to be removed from any beach any sand without written permission from the marine safety chief or municipal services director.
(Ord. 1369 § 2, 2000)
No person shall engage in any activities or conduct or participate in any sports or games that constitute a hazard to any person, including, but not limited to, sand throwing, or the use of a hard ball, softball, bat, football, paddleball, Frisbee, boomerang or other athletic apparatus or game equipment or object.
(Ord. 1369 § 2, 2000)
Each person fishing from the public beach shall at all times have due regard for the safety of persons on the beach or in the water, to include overhead casting or fishing line too close to swimmers, when bathers, swimmers or beach patrons are present. The supervising lifeguard on duty has the authority to prohibit, restrict or otherwise regulate fishing in the interest of public health, safety and welfare.
(Ord. 1369 § 2, 2000)
No person shall willfully resist, delay, interfere or disobey any lifeguard in the discharge or attempt to discharge any duty of his or her position.
(Ord. 1369 § 2, 2000)
No person shall place or store any bicycles, whether motorized or not, on any portion of Main Beach, the Main Beach Boardwalk, or Heisler Park, except in city-designated storage locations.
For purposes of this section, "store" means to put aside or accumulate for use when needed, to put for safekeeping, to place or to leave in a location.
(Ord. 1660 § 4, 2021)
No person shall dive or jump into any body of water in park, beach or any recreational area from any rock or precipice other than at those places designated and posted for diving or jumping by the city manager, marine safety chief or police chief or their authorized designees, or any other officer or employee designated by the city council.
(Ord. 1684 § 3, 2023)
No person shall play or practice the game of golf, including chipping, putting, driving or any other type of play or practice, which includes the hitting of a golf ball or similar type ball with a golf or similar type club in any city park, beach, or city-owned open space area.
(Ord. 1676 § 2, 2022)
To the maximum extent permitted by law, no person shall land, release, take off in, or launch any ultralight vehicle or balloon, as defined by 14 CFR Sections 101.1 and 103.1, including ultralight vehicles commonly known as a hang glider, paragliding device, or parasail, from any city-owned land.
(Ord. 1676 § 3, 2022)