This zone is intended for medium-density single-family residential development within the South Laguna Village community. This area is characterized by moderately sloping and variable-sized lots serviced by narrow, private streets, small-scale buildings and diversified, mature vegetational growth. The purpose of this zone is to preserve the characteristics and development patterns inherent to the Village in accordance with the community design and landscape guidelines.
(Ord. 1187 § 2(5), 1989)
The enactment of the zoning ordinance codified in this chapter shall only regulate that portion of the city commonly referred to as the "Village." The specific area is included within Recorded Tract 849 (examined and approved by the county surveyor on June 23, 1927), as depicted on the map labeled Exhibit A, set out at the end of this chapter.
(Ord. 1187 § 2(5), 1989)
Uses permitted in the Village area include all uses permitted in the R-1 Zone, subject to the standards of the R-1 Zone, except as modified in this Chapter.
(Ord. 1187 § 2(5), 1989; Ord. 1353 § 9, 1999; Ord. 1651 § 6, 2020)
Uses permitted in the Village area include all uses permitted in the R-1 zone, in accordance with Section 25.05.035.
(Ord. 1187 § 2(5), 1989)
Uses permitted in the Village area include all uses permitted in the R-1 zone, subject to the standards of the R-1 zone, except as modified in this chapter. In addition, the following uses may be permitted subject to a conditional use permit:
Family day care home, large, subject to the standards identified in Section 25.10.005(A)(1) through (7);
Single-family attached dwellings (one unit per building site), provided that at least one ten-foot side setback is maintained on each building site;
Other uses the planning commission deems, after conducting a public hearing, to be similar to and no more obnoxious or detrimental to the welfare of the neighborhood than the permitted uses.
(Ord. 1187 § 2(5), 1989)
The subdivision of land within the Village area shall be defined per the provisions of the county of Orange planning commission policy statement of May 28, 1936 on further subdivision activity in Tract No. 849.
(Ord. 1187 § 2(5), 1989)
In the Village area, the development standards as set forth in the R-1 zone and general provisions of Chapter 25.50 shall apply with the exception of the following:
Lot Area. Each lot shall have a minimum area of four thousand three hundred seventy-five square feet.
Lot Width. Each lot shall have a minimum width of thirty-five feet.
Building Site Coverage. The maximum building site coverage and floor area, as specified under Section 25.43.070(D) and (H), includes the square footage of all enclosed space of the main building and accessory structures such as garages, guesthouses, storage facilities and all other similar types of accessory structures, whether attached or detached, and required off-street parking.
Variable Development Standards.
The following standards apply to building sites existing as of December 18, 1989 which have less than one thousand six hundred square feet in area:
The maximum building site coverage shall not exceed fifty-three percent;
The front, rear and side yards shall be a minimum of five feet each.
The following standards apply to building sites existing as of December 18, 1989 which vary between one thousand six hundred and three thousand one hundred ninety-nine square feet in area:
The maximum building site coverage shall not exceed forty-five percent;
The required front, side and rear yards may be allocated in any manner, provided that a minimum setback of twenty feet is maintained in at least one yard area; each of the remaining yards shall be a minimum of five feet.
The following standards apply to building sites existing as of December 18, 1989 which vary between three thousand two hundred and four thousand nine hundred ninety-nine square feet in area:
The maximum building site coverage shall not exceed forty-five percent;
The front yard shall be twenty feet minimum;
The side yard shall be five feet minimum on each side except for existing twenty-five foot width lots, the minimum shall be three feet on each side;
The rear yard shall be twenty-five feet minimum except for lots less than one hundred feet in length, the minimum shall be twenty-five percent of lot depth.
The following standards apply to building sites existing as of December 18, 1989 which vary between five thousand and six thousand five hundred square feet in area:
The maximum building site coverage is between thirty-five and forty-four percent. The actual site coverage percentage permissible on any residential lot shall be calculated using the following formula:
Building Site Coverage (%)
=  35  +
(6,499-A) x 9
Where A = area square footage;
The front yard shall be twenty feet minimum;
The side yard shall be five feet minimum on each side;
The rear yard shall be twenty-five feet minimum, except for lots less than one hundred feet in length, the minimum shall be twenty-five percent of lot depth.
The following standards apply to building sites that exceed six thousand five hundred square feet in area:
The maximum building site coverage shall not exceed thirty-five percent;
The front yard shall be twenty feet minimum;
The side yard shall be five feet minimum on each side;
The rear yard shall be twenty-five feet minimum, except for lots less than a hundred feet in length, the minimum shall be twenty-five percent of lot depth.
Coast Highway Setback. New buildings, additions to existing buildings, or structures on lots that have frontage along Coast Highway shall maintain a setback of not less than twenty-five feet from Coast Highway.
Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings and detached structures shall maintain the same setback as required for the main building.
Private Streets. Private street areas shall not be included in lot calculations. Regardless of ownership of private street areas, thirty-five feet total (seventeen and one-half feet on each side of the centerline of the street) shall be considered as street width and shall be excluded from lot area calculations and required setbacks.
Dedicated road easements that either bisect or extend across any portion of a lot shall be excluded from building site coverage calculations.
Private street areas shall not be used for the storage of trailers, boats, campers or the storage of any materials, nor the long-term parking of automobiles or other vehicles.
Floor Area. The maximum floor area allowed on a residential lot shall not exceed one and one-half times the maximum building site coverage (BSC) percentage established for the lot, except that for lots with less than one thousand six hundred square feet the floor area factor shall not exceed one and seven-tenths. The maximum floor area may be modified by the design review board upon making a finding that the requirement is inappropriate due to existing development patterns in the surrounding area.
Building Height Standards.
No new building, additions to existing buildings or structures in this zone shall have a height greater than permitted under the following table when measured from the finished or natural grade, whichever is more restrictive.
Slope in Percent
Height Permitted
(in feet)
0 to 15
20 and over
Through Lots. On a through lot, height shall be measured from the higher curb or street centerline.
In addition to subsection (I)(1) above, building height shall be limited to the following:
Rear Lot Line above Street
(slope in percent)
Height Permitted above Rear Lot Line
(in feet)
0 to 5
5+ to 10
over 10
Through Lot
(slope in percent)
Height Permitted above Curb Elevation
(in feet)
0 to 5
5+ to 10
10+ to 15
15+ to 20
over 20
Rear Lot Line below Street
(slope in percent)
Height Permitted above Curb Elevation
(in feet)
0 to 5
5+ to 10
10+ to 15
15+ to 20
over 20
Patio Covers and Trellis Projections. Patio covers and trellis structures shall not encroach closer than five feet to any property line. Such structures shall not cover more than thirty percent of the applicable yard area.
Setback Modification. The additional building setback, as required in Section 25.50.004(D), may be modified by the design review board when such modification is determined to be appropriate due to existing and historical patterns of residential development in the area.
Parking Standards. The provisions of Chapter 25.52 shall apply.
Access and Improvement Standards. The provisions of Chapter 25.53 shall apply.
Landscaping. Landscaping, as required, shall be in accordance with the community design and landscape guidelines as adopted by Resolution No. 89-104 or as amended thereafter.
Signs. The provisions of Chapter 25.54 shall apply.
Design Review. All buildings, structures and improvements are subject to design review as provided in Section 25.50.040.
Residential Compatibility. All new development shall be compatible with the immediate residential neighborhood with respect to scale, mass and height.
All other applicable sections of Title 25 shall apply, except as modified in this chapter.
Exhibit A
Village Community Zone
(Ord. 1187 § 2(5), 1989; Ord. 1249 §§ 1, 2, 1992; Ord. 1416 § 12, 2002; Ord. 1588 § 1, 2014)