All activities and facilities, where permitted by other provisions of this Division, shall be enclosed within permanently constructed buildings.
Outdoor activities, storage, and display may be permitted in accordance with Sections 19.312.010 and 19.324.020, and the regulations and limitations of Division 10, Title 19.
Where a use is permitted by conditional use permit, temporary use permit, or special permit (see Division 10, Title 19), outdoor activities and temporary facilities may be authorized by the terms of such permit notwithstanding the provisions of this section.
Every building shall be designed or remodeled to accommodate its use in accordance with applicable building codes and other laws. A residential building shall not be occupied by a nonresidential primary use.
No building shall have a metallic exterior surface such as, but not limited to, galvanized, corrugated or interlocking metal sheets, unless the use of such metallic surface material is approved under the site plan review procedure (Section 19.128.040) for the purpose of enhancing the architectural quality of the building while preserving architectural harmony and compatibility with the surrounding area.
The following structures shall be exempt from the provisions of this section:
Storage sheds as an accessory structure to a single-family dwelling which do not require building permits;
Storage containers as a permitted temporary use which do not require building permits.
The maximum building coverage of net lot area for all single-family residential zones shall be 40 percent.
The following shall be calculated as building coverage of a lot;
All roofed structures over 6 foot in height, with dimensions measured around the outside bearing walls and/or support columns of the structures, including covered breezeways and recessed entryways, as well as patio structures whether open-sided or enclosed, trellised, or solid-roofed.
Decks, platforms, porches, or stoops, 18 inches or higher from the finished floor to the finished grade of the lot.
Uncovered balconies and eaves, awnings, and other shading devices cantilevered from a structure shall not be considered as building coverage under this section.
The minimum floor area of each dwelling unit shall be as indicted in the table below. Attic and basement space, where the headroom is less than six and one-half feet, and garages and accessory buildings shall not be included as part of the required dwelling unit floor area.
Minimum Floor Area
2200 sq. ft.
2200 sq. ft.
1800 sq. ft.
1100 sq. ft.
For required single-family residential garages, the minimum floor area and vehicular openings shall be as shown in Table 19.316.060. Carports may be permitted only in addition to the required garage and shall not be used in place of the required garage.
Table 19.316.060
Minimum Gross Floor Area
Minimum Clear Width of Vehicular Doors or Openings
One Opening
Two or More Openings
RS-16 Zone
600 sq. ft.
16 ft.
8 ft. each
RS-10 Zone
600 sq. ft.
16 ft.
8 ft. each
Other zones(1)
440 sq. ft.
16 ft.
8 ft. each
Any new home constructed with five bedrooms or including at least 3,000 sq. ft. of living space shall maintain a minimum 600 sq. ft. garage. "New" construction is defined to include any existing home with a minimum of 80% removal of the existing home.
(Ord. 1481 § 3, 2006)
For the purpose of this section, accessory structures shall include those detached structures designed and intended for permitted accessory uses within the single family residential zones. For all single-family dwellings, accessory structures shall be non-habitable with the exception of an accessory dwelling unit as a permitted use pursuant to Section 19.312.010. Furthermore, notwithstanding other provisions of this Division, the floor area of all non-habitable accessory structures on a lot for a single family dwelling shall not exceed 50 percent of the residential floor area of the primary dwelling or 600 square feet, whichever is less, unless authorized by a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 19.128.020.
A canopy or tarp, including support structure, may be installed within the Single Family Residential zones providing it is not located within the front yard. A canopy or tarp is permitted in all other yards providing it complies with the following standards:
The canopy or tarp may be located within a side yard abutting a street provided it is located behind a solid block wall or fence maintaining a minimum height of 5 feet.
The canopy or tarp shall be firmly attached to the ground.
The canopy or tarp shall be maintained in good condition and structurally sound, and shall be removed, cleaned, or replaced if faded, torn, tattered, dirty, or missing.
(Ord. 1443 § 5, 2003; Ord. 1450 § 4, 2004; Ord. 1642 § 4, 2018)
In the residential zones, the minimum distance between buildings located on the same lot shall be 6 feet, or the buildings shall be attached as one structure with a minimum 10 foot common wall or roofline.
Permitted Building Projections. The following building features may project a maximum 2.5 feet into the minimum required space between buildings;
Cantilevered eaves, awnings, and shading devices.
Architectural features—sills, cornices, buttresses, etc.
Chimneys and fireplaces, with a maximum 8 foot length.
Mechanical equipment cantilevered from building.
The maximum height of any building or structure shall be as shown in Table 19.316.090.
Table 19.316.090
Type of Building
Maximum Height
Main building
2 stories
not to exceed 30 feet.
Accessory building or structure
1 story
not to exceed 15 feet at peak of roof or 12 feet for a flat roofed structure.
Antennae. Notwithstanding the restrictions of subsection A of this section, radio, television, microwave antennae, and similar equipment shall be subject to the following regulations:
Ground-mounted antennae which are incidental or accessory uses are permitted to a height of sixty feet, unless permitted higher by a conditional use permit.
Roof-mounted antennae, which shall include dishes to a maximum of twenty-four inches in diameter, may be used but may not be more than twenty-five feet higher than the highest point of the building to which they are attached, excluding chimneys and like projections, unless permitted higher by the issuance of a conditional use permit.
Any antenna that is primary to the use shall be subject to the height limit established under a conditional use permit.