Objective Design Standards. Accessory dwelling
units or junior accessory dwelling units shall incorporate the same
architectural features, building materials, and color as the main
dwelling unit on the property. These features shall include, but are
not limited to, roofing material, roof design (i.e., slope, style),
fascia, exterior building finish, color, exterior doors, windows,
garage door, and architectural enhancements.
When an existing garage is converted into a JADU/ADU, the existing
garage door, if visible from public or private right-of-way, shall
be eliminated and replaced with a wall, windows, door, or other exterior
design features which are architecturally consistent with the exterior
design of the structure and the main dwelling.
Second story windows and glass doors shall be located to retain
privacy between properties through such methods as offset or clerestory
placement, use of opaque or view-obscuring glass.
Manufactured homes shall be equipped with skirting to give the
appearance of the manufactured home being located on grade. Synthetic
materials of a similar appearance to the materials of the structure
of the main dwelling and equivalent durability shall be permitted.
Exterior siding shall be installed from the exterior finished grade
to a point at or near the roof. However, if an approved solid wood,
metal, concrete, or masonry perimeter foundation is used, the siding
need not extend below the top of the foundation.