Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Title, all uses, structures, and activities permitted in the AR Zone by Section 19.708.010 shall not be subject to any other regulations or restrictions set forth in this Division, except as follows:
Lot Area and Site Requirements. No requirements.
Building, Structural Height, and Development Standards. No requirements.
Signs. No requirements.
Street Dedication and Improvement. No building permit shall be issued until the following requirements are met:
All streets, alleys, and other public rights-of-way shown on plans approved by the City Council and which abut the subject property shall be dedicated to the planned right-of-way line or a deed of dedication deposited in escrow with an escrow agent acceptable to the City Attorney, the delivery of which is conditioned upon the required permit being granted.
All improvements of streets, alleys, and other public rights-of-way which abut the subject property and are required in order to conform to improvement standards approved by the City Council shall be installed, or a performance bond, in a reasonable amount to be determined by the City Engineer, with sureties to be approved by the City Attorney, shall be filed with the City Clerk, or cash in a like amount shall be deposited with the Finance Director to be placed in a trust fund.
Times and Uses. No requirements.
Building Permits. There shall be compliance with the building law regulations as set forth in this code and the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act.