Improvements required to be installed or agreed to be installed by a subdivider as a condition precedent to the filing of a tract map or parcel map shall comply with the requirements of this division. Such improvements shall be provided and developed in accordance with the conditions imposed as a condition of approval of the tentative map, in accordance with any agreement or bond made or entered into by the subdivider for that purpose, and in accordance with the standards and specifications set by administrative regulations and ordinances of the city applicable at the time of approval of the tentative map and to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
(Prior code § 27-34.01)
Required improvements on maps shall be limited to the dedication of rights-of-way, easements, and the construction of reasonable off-site and on-site improvements for the parcels being created. Requirements for the construction of such off site and on-site improvements shall be noticed by certificate on the map, on the instrument evidencing the waiver of such map or by separate instrument, and shall be recorded on, concurrently with, or prior to the map or instrument or waiver of a map being filed for record.
Fulfillment of such construction requirements shall not be required until such time as a permit or other grant of approval for development of the parcel is issued by the city or, otherwise pursuant to any agreement between the city and the subdivider.
(Prior code § 27-34.02)
Plans, profiles and specifications for improvements other than street and highway improvements shall be submitted to the city engineer not later than the time a tract map or parcel map is submitted for checking and certification. Such plans shall show all details of the proposed improvements needed for approval of the plans by the city engineer. Such details may include requirements of other governmental bodies whose jurisdiction some portion of the plan may encompass.
Preliminary plans may be approved by the city engineer when sufficient engineering data are furnished by the subdivider to demonstrate that the preliminary design meets the city's standards and specifications, is practicable from a maintenance standpoint, is consistent with sound engineering practices, and that the final plans will conform to the preliminary plans with only minor changes.
(Prior code § 27-34.03)
If the subdivider has not completed any public improvements pursuant to the previous tentative map, the subdivider and the city, shall enter into one of the agreements specified in Section 66462 of the Map Act.
(Prior code § 27-34.04; Amended during 1990 codification)
Plans, profiles and specifications for all street and highway improvements shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. Such plans shall be furnished to the city engineer not later than the time of submitting the tract map or parcel map for checking, and shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer before any such map shall be certified by the city engineer.
Such plans, profiles and specifications shall show full details of the proposed improvements and shall be in accordance with the standards and specifications of the city as approved by the city engineer. Such plans shall also include the design grade for an existing highway or for future streets, provided the city engineer determines that such grade is necessary to properly locate slope and drainage easements, if any.
(Prior code § 27-34.05)
If streets, highways or other public ways are to be dedicated on a tract map or parcel map or by separate instrument prior to filing a parcel map and the subdivider is required to grade, pave or install curbs, gutters or sidewalks within such easements, the subdivider shall provide a copy of the tract map or parcel map, as the case may be, which delineates all structures within such easements, except publicly owned storm drains, water lines, sewers, and other drainage or sanitary facilities. Such maps shall be submitted to the city engineer when highway improvement plans are submitted for approval.
(Prior code § 27-34.06)
Each street or highway, whether public or private, shall be improved by the subdivider with full width grading, Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, Portland cement concrete sidewalk and/or parkway landscaping, full-width roadway paving, streetlights, installation of drainage facilities incidental thereto, street name signs, and such other improvements for traffic control and drainage needs as required for the appropriate development of the division of land.
Traffic-control improvements shall include but not be limited to traffic signals, street warning and safety signs, and street striping and markings.
Drainage improvements shall include but not be limited to parkway drains, catchbasins, drainage pipes and other appurtenances.
(Prior code § 27-34.07)
If a portion of an existing street or highway constitutes any portion of the boundary of the division of land and such street or highway is unimproved, and the planning commission determines that the improvements are for the general use of the lot owners in the division of land and for local neighborhood traffic and drainage needs, the planning commission may require the subdivider to improve or agree to improve said street or highway as specified by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 27-34.08)
Temporary improvements may be required prior to or concurrent with permanent improvements. In such instances, the temporary improvements shall be installed in a manner approved by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 27-34.09)
The advisory agency may require the installation of protective improvements. These improvements shall be installed as are necessary for the proper functioning and maintenance of the improvements required to remove a flood or geological hazard and as are necessary for the protection of property adjacent to the division of land.
(Prior code § 27-34.10)
The subdivider shall provide such drainage facilities as are considered necessary by the advisory agency for the drainage requirements of the division of land and for local neighborhood needs. Such facilities. shall be designed and constructed in accordance with standards and specifications approved by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 27-34.11)
If lots in a division of land abut a highway and the subdivider is required to relinquish complete access rights to such highway, a masonry wall not less than six feet high may be required along the property line of the lots contiguous to the highway. Style and colors shall be as approved by the director.
(Prior code § 27-34.12)
The subdivider shall provide a chainlink fence or equivalent, not less than six feet high, along each side of any portion of a dedicated right-of-way for any watercourse or drainage facility within a proposed division of land if the advisory agency finds that the location, shape, slope, width, velocity of water therein, or other characteristics of the watercourse or drainage facility makes the fencing of the right-of-way necessary for the protection of the general public. Such fencing shall be of a design as approved by the city engineer and shall have an adequate number of gates to facilitate cleaning and maintenance, and shall not contain apertures below the fence in excess of four inches vertical.
(Prior code § 27-34.13)
Utility lines, including but not limited to electrical power, communications, street lighting, cable television, sanitary sewers and storm drains, shall be placed underground. All underground utilities, sanitary sewers and storm drains installed in streets, service roads, alleys or highways shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of such streets, service roads, alleys or highways. Connection for all underground utilities and sanitary sewers shall be laid to such lengths as will obviate the necessity for disturbing the street or alley improvements when service connections are made. The subdivider shall be responsible for complying with the requirements of this section and shall make the necessary arrangements with utility companies for the installation of such facilities. For the purpose of this chapter, appurtenances and associated equipment such as, but not limited to surface-mounted transformers, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets and concealed ducts in an underground system may be placed aboveground.
In the event it is necessary to trench any street, alley, service road or highway after placement of surfacing, the entire street, alley, service goad or highway shall be entirely reconstructed or resurfaced at the subdivider's expense as specified by and to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
(Prior code § 27-34.14)
The advisory agency shall require the subdivider to install sanitary sewers to serve each lot in a division of land. Such sewers shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the city engineer.
(Prior code § 27-34.15)
Concrete sidewalks shall not be less than four feet in width for residential developments nor less than five feet in commercial or industrial areas.
Concrete sidewalks shall be full width walk for major, primary and secondary highways and all industrial and commercial property adjacent to public right-of-way, unless otherwise specified by the advisory agency.
Tree well locations shall be as specified by the city engineer and shall be required when street trees are to be installed in sidewalks adjacent to the curb.
Wheelchair ramps shall be provided at every corner where curb and gutter is to be constructed where the existing improvements are reconstructed or where wheelchair ramps are required as a condition of the subdivision. Type and location will be as required by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 27-34.16)
The construction of sidewalks may be waived where any one or more of the following conditions exist and the advisory agency so finds:
The construction of sidewalks would be impractical because of topographic conditions or other physical obstacles;
Sidewalks will not be in keeping with the nature. extent or pattern of existing improvements in the neighborhood;
The sidewalks will not be used by children in the general neighborhood as a route to or from schools or school bus stops;
Sidewalks are not needed in and will not benefit the area;
In the event that sidewalks are waived by the advisory agency, the property owner shall be required to landscape, install an irrigation system and maintain said parkway to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
(Prior code § 27-34.17)
The subdivider shall provide and install a street lighting system and street name signs in each division of land to the satisfaction of the city engineer. Marbelite street light standards with underground service shall be required for the street lighting system. The requirements of this section may be waived if the advisory agency finds that the required system would not be in keeping with the neighborhood system or if it would be impractical to underground existing overhead utilities and remove existing wood poles.
(Prior code § 27-34.18)
The subdivider of improved or unimproved land shall plant and install trees and/or landscaping and irrigation system along all streets and highways in each division of lands as per the city engineer's requirements. The type of species of such trees or landscaping shall be approved by the city engineer. A soils test may be required and recommendations from the soils testing laboratory may be incorporated into the requirements for the subdivision. The locations of such trees and/or landscaping shall be approved by the city engineer.
The requirements of this section may be waived if the advisory agency finds that topographical, soil or other conditions make the planting of trees or landscaping unreasonable or impractical.
(Prior code § 27-34.19)
The subdivider shall install or agree to install mains, meters, valves, services, appurtenances and fire hydrants in the division of land for the general use of the lot owners and for fire protection. The installation of such water mains and fire hydrants shall comply in all respects with all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to water mains and fire hydrants.
In the absence of such statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, required domestic water flows shall be determined by the subdivider's engineer, subject to the approval of the city engineer and required fire flows, duration of required fire flows, and fire hydrant type and location shall be approved by the city engineer and the fire chief.
Water mains and fire hydrants may be required on existing streets or highways adjacent to or within the division of land, provided the existing improvements are insufficient for the general use and/or fire protection of the lot owners.
(Prior code § 27-34.20)
Improvements required by this division shall be installed and constructed by the subdivider at his or her expense, and shall not be paid for by any special assessment lien, tax, bonded indebtedness, or other charge against the land or real property within the division, unless pursuant to Section 18.24.040 of this chapter or Section 66462 of the Map Act.
(Prior code § 27-34.21)