The procedures set forth in Chapters 18.28 through 18.56, inclusive, shall govern the processing, approval, conditional approval or disapproval and filing of tentative parcel, tentative tract, final parcel and final tract maps.
(Prior code § 27-41.01; Amended during 1990 codification)
The time limits specified in this division for reporting and acting on maps may be extended by mutual consent. However, the city may not require a routine waiver of time limits as a condition of accepting the application for any map, unless the routine waiver is obtained for the purpose of permitting concurrent processing or related approvals or an environmental review on the same development project.
No application for a map pursuant to the terms of this division shall be approved unless and until all review and related documents for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act have been completed. The time limits specified in this division for acting on an application for a map shall not commence, and an application for a map shall not be deemed complete to commence such time limits, until such time as there has been sufficient progress towards completing the environmental documentation required by the California Environmental Quality Act to enable the city to finish the related environmental review within the time limits specified in this division.
If the city is unable to meet the specified time limits for acting on maps, the city, by request of the subdivider, can contract to employ private entities to perform such services to meet such time limits. The city may charge the subdivider fees to defray costs attributable to employing such private entities.
(Prior code § 27-41.02)
The city shall establish reasonable fees for the processing of any map, but such fees shall not exceed a reasonable amount to administer the provisions of this division.
(Prior code § 27-41.03)
Unless otherwise provided for in this division, notice shall be given pursuant to Sections 65090 and 65091 of the California Government Code. If the application is a conversion to a condominium project, etc., notice shall be mailed by certified letter to each tenant.
(Prior code § 27-41.04)
The merger of two or more contiguous parcels or units of land which may have been created under the provisions of the Map Act, or any prior law regulating the division of land, or which were not subject to such provisions at the time of their creation, shall be governed by the provisions of Section 66451.10 et seq., of the Map Act.
(Prior code § 27-41.10)